Xiao Hei, do you still have time to tease me?

The Spear of Heaven suddenly became huge, because this was already an extremely dangerous moment!

You must know that what they are facing at this moment is the great powers from other star regions. It is obvious that the other party has discovered them.

Huh?! This is the pure-blood who controls the kingdom of the gods, the giant cauldron, take it from me!

First, a powerful force discovered Ye Jue's figure. The leader on the supercarrier laughed, and there was something ferocious in the laughter.

Buzz! !

A huge spaceship flew towards Ye Jue, the buzzing sound was deafening, and a hole suddenly opened, spewing out extremely strong magnetic force, and enveloped it.


Ye Jue was actually eaten and was blocked as soon as he flew out of the atmosphere.

What kind of pure blood race is this? It's too weak.

The great power couldn't help but shook his head.

The legend has gone too far, and the Mythical Road has indeed declined and is no match for their war voyages.

But suddenly, there was a shock in the void, and the spacecraft was shattered in an instant. Among the fragments, a huge flame was born. In the flame, a human figure appeared. This person's shape and appearance were exactly the same. It's Ye Jue.

What power is this?

This great power was stunned for a moment, and his whole body tensed up. This was a natural reaction when encountering danger.

How dare you suck me into the spaceship? It's really your fault.

Ye Jue's wings vibrated, flames flickered in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face.

One super carrier, ten carriers, and one hundred super battleships are worthy of being a great power. They are much more powerful than the star field of the stars.

He nodded, and a huge fist condensed into shape.

I don't know if you have heard of the principle that the first bird will be shot.

Ye Jue took a deep breath, even though what he breathed in were all cold and biting microscopic particles, they were moving violently, and the temperature was as cold as absolute zero.

However, his body is very crystal clear and has different colors, all releasing brilliance, brilliant and sacred.

These are two thousand great magical talismans in operation, preparing to deliver a shocking punch, the most powerful reincarnation punch. It is likely to be the first time that humans have used their physical bodies to fight in the universe, and he is the first person.

Didi!! Indescribable energy is detected, the destruction rate is 99.99%, the system urgently activates emergency measures, and the wormhole opens...

All of a sudden, the battle fleets of this great power received this alarm.


They didn't even react, they were still immersed in the joy of catching a pure-blooded person, and they were stunned for a moment.

boom! !

I saw that countless meteorites exploded, as if all the space and time disappeared at the moment before the world was destroyed.

Blood splattered in the starry sky, the wormhole was shattered, and half of the supercarrier's remains fell to the other end of the wormhole.

A powerful clan has fallen and was crushed by Ye Shen's punch!

People on the earth have all seen this scene. They saw the energy surging and forming a stormy wave, and they actually selectively attacked in one direction.

In an instant, one of the great powers was swept away, and all of them died violently.

This... is unrealistic. How can humans master such terrifying power? This is equivalent to the power of ten Tsar bombs exploding at the same time.

The top brass at the base were in disbelief.

This picture is so amazing, I can’t believe that this is the energy that the human body can use.

Your ideas are too outdated. Which of the true mythological masters can move mountains and seas with one punch?

The Peak Mythical Base made a sound, strongly declaring the power of Mythology Road.

Could it be that by using such terrifying power, Ye Shen won't suffer backlash?

Some people quickly expressed doubts.

Because it’s incredible, think about it, the great powers have begun to colonize the Milky Way, and an interstellar fleet with a super carrier can easily crush the earth.

However, the one from the Eastern World actually smashed such an interstellar fleet into pieces with one punch. How terrifying is this strength?

The most important thing is that it was done with bare hands. A single soldier broke into the universe and blew up the interstellar fleet with his bare hands. If there was no backlash, would he still be a human being?

Not only humans, but also aliens and immortal souls were all completely dumbfounded.

It was detected that Ye Shen's life signal was interrupted just now, but he recovered quickly. It only took a second. However, it cannot be ruled out that he just died.

Some of the base bosses looked at each other from afar and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Sure enough, using such heaven-defying power, even Ye Shen died once just now.

It may have been resurrected by using the secret method of the Mythical Path, but there must be a limit to the number of times the power can defy the heavens.

Ye Shen actually vomited blood!

Soon the scene was transferred, and everyone saw the one from the East spurting out a mouthful of hot blood after his resurrection, but it immediately condensed into a ball of blood ice in the universe.

he got hurt!

In an instant, people all reacted.


Ye Jue spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body seemed to have been severely chopped with a knife, and all his senses disappeared.

But his consciousness quickly regrouped, and he once again saw the brilliant scene in the dark universe.

The Samsara Fist condensed from two thousand great magical power talismans is too strong. Ye Jue, even if you rely on your special physique, you can't do this nonsense. Just use one thousand. Why do you need to run two thousand? What if something bad happens? ,what to do?

The weapon spirit girl was really frightened by Ye Jue and screamed.

She's right. You just died again. All your life breath was extinguished. It's so scary. I'm afraid you won't be able to wake up.

The God-Zhanping Sword is also very scary.

There are too many great powers, thousands of them. The Samsara Fist can destroy an interstellar fleet. Even I didn't expect it. I saw that I was on the right path. I no longer have to be timid. For me, the extracorporeal technology has given me a punch. Just fuck!

Ye Jue's body was recovering, and within three feet, a curtain of light formed, in which the divine particles were crystal clear.

Until the end, his body shone brightly again and turned into a huge crow, writhing and surging violently.

Within this light curtain, he could breathe freely, and the divine particles brought him the purest air.

The great powers will not let you go. Just follow the plan and don't work too hard.

The weapon spirit girl's heart was trembling, and her soul was throbbing.

Here comes one of the new powers. This one is even more powerful than before. Two super carriers!

The African young man looked around and saw a fleet of ships approaching in the distant starry sky.


Before they even got close, a beam of light shot out. This beam of light shrank to the extreme. It was full of alien runes, condensed into a line, and blasted towards their position.

It seems that even the great powers cannot escape using destructive substances as weapons. I didn't expect them to be that powerful.

Ye Jue shook his head, flapped his wings, stirred the divine particles, and the crow expanded again, turning into a cosmic ferocious beast, sweeping away with flames all over the sky.


He collided with the weapons of the great powers, directly producing a terrifying explosive force, which was extremely dazzling.

What, not hurt?!

The fleet of this great power was shocked. It must not follow in the footsteps of the great powers. In an instant, the super carrier cabin opened and tens of thousands of behemoth-type mechas rushed out.

Almost every machine has head wings appearing, suspended in a divine ring representing the pinnacle of technology, like a tiger leaving its nest, like a phoenix coming out of its nest, like a dragon flying in the sky, or like a black basalt approaching the water.

In short, it is so bright and the scene is very shocking. It is really an interstellar war. As a member of the human race, I am lucky enough to be participating.

Reincarnation Fist!

Ye Jue once again used the Great Divine Power Talisman. This time, all four thousand terrifying ways were activated. He did not listen to the advice at all, but intensified his efforts.

Boom boom boom...

In an instant, he centered on himself, and all his energy concentrated in the middle. Many large and small cracks appeared in the air, one after another, twisting and rotating various forces, creating a strange force field.

In this strange force field, Ye Jue's body was severely twisted, and his body felt like it was being torn apart.

No, it's the same power just now. Damn it, isn't there a limit to the number of times he can use this kind of energy?

In an instant, these tens of thousands of giant beast-type mechas felt the terrifying aura of impending disaster. Their hair stood on end, their scalps were numb, and their backs were cold. They all jumped up and fled away.

Just like the tide, it comes in a turbulent way, but the way you look like you are running away like crazy, are you sure you are not serious?

Unfortunately, it was already too late. When they felt something, the powerful powers were extremely frightened. The impact force of the Samsara Fist condensed by four thousand magical talismans had already reached the front and rushed into their range.


The length and width reached immeasurable explosive power and were directly ignited. This scene shook the starry sky, and the burst of light was so dazzling that the whole world was shocked.

The order symbols of the great powers' science and technology all turned into fire, flooding the place in an instant, and big explosions occurred one after another.

The space is being annihilated, and countless fragments are flying out from the cracks in the darkness.


A shrill scream came.

This scene shocked the universe and the sea of ​​stars.

At this time, the mini Sky Eye satellites of many organizations such as the Galaxy Network Platform are monitoring the dynamics and capturing this scene truly and clearly.

The base hidden on the back of the planet was also reflected at this time, and the people inside stood up one after another, looking at everything in disbelief.

In an instant, countless people were shocked and felt numb from head to toe. This scene was too terrifying.

You know, those are great powers. Super carriers are far superior to ordinary battleships, and their defense power is amazing. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be broken at all.

Unless it was an interstellar war, the two fleets continued to bombard each other for a year and a half, or a fatal blow at the level of the Demon Saint was launched.

But now, in front of everyone, this fleet of one of the great powers was completely destroyed, like a huge firework blooming outside the earth, gorgeous and terrifying.


A shrill scream echoed across any platform.

But it was not from this great power, because it had been destroyed, and everyone could not help but scream out in surprise.

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