Is this the place to seize creation?

The depths of the solar system are hazy and extraordinary. Super carriers open super wormholes one after another. As tower-shaped buildings emerge one after another, there is an ancient atmosphere everywhere.

These tower-shaped buildings are actually built on supercarriers, which is very strange.

Legend has it that this banking system used to be a very dangerous place. To get here, the journey is extremely difficult and dangerous. You need to pass through the chaotic zone at the edge of the universe.

The aliens above all started discussing.

Yes, even if a carrier aircraft wants to come over, it will have a narrow escape. It must be a super carrier aircraft. Although this galaxy is small, the scale of space folding has many layers. I am afraid it has surpassed our galaxy. , so vast, so big that it may not be able to be explored to the end.”

These people were shocked when they looked at the data fed back from the mother aircraft system.

I didn't expect that there are still ancient ethnic groups living in the Land of Creation. They are the rarest pure-blooded ethnic groups. In a certain era, their strength was so powerful that it is incalculable and unmatched...

What they said like this evoked many associations, and the hearts of the foreigners present could not calm down.

According to the news from the stars, the Kingdom of Gods has now appeared in the Land of Seizing Creation and was acquired by a pure-blooded person. This is not something they can control now and must be controlled by our Fan clan.

This voice came and resounded through the starry sky, driving away some weak alien races and squeezing their warships out of this place, otherwise they would be sanctioned by the α War Agreement.

Turn off the camouflage mirror device!


A kind of spherical light film gradually disappeared, and this alien race with a super carrier descended and appeared in people's sight.

Launch the small drone weapon and activate the internal device Brynhildr's navigation system!

With a low cry, countless unmanned weapons flew out of the super carrier and landed on the earth.

After collecting the data, start the Valkyrie system. All functions are driven by the star core. Keep the host deuterium reactor nuclear fusion furnace running. All members are ready to log in!

Swish, swish, swish! !

People on the ground saw countless single bodies breaking through the atmosphere, like burning meteorites, falling to the ground.

Warning! Behemoth type, red witch type, gnosis type, giant type alien in vitro technology appears!!

In an instant, all the base's systems responded, and a lot of text and images appeared on the screen.

Because of the emergence of cosmic coins, the base system has been upgraded with data, and cosmic merchants have continued to bring intelligence, and a lot of information about the races in outer space, including their combat power composition, has been written into the system.

This Fan tribe makes good use of super mechas. Their bodies are very weak. They only need to sit in the dragon root system to coordinate the code and fuse with the powerful external technology mechas. They can easily compete with the strong men of the mythical path. , the star rating has exceeded thirty stars, it seems that they have successfully analyzed it, there are head wings on the mecha, and a virtual god ring!

The leaders of the bases in various countries were shocked. According to the pictures and texts, these were mass-produced models.

The more advanced mecha is called the Excalibur type. Driving it only requires mental connection with the brain, and the body has been completely converted into the body code.

In other words, the mecha is them, they are the mecha, and they have been integrated with the external technology.

This is a super technology, can we analyze it and use it?

Someone's eyes sparkled.

Because against giant demons, human beings' tiny bodies are really not enough.

It would also be a good choice if these super mechas could be turned into battle armors.

This won't work, because the Fan gene is very special. Only beings with the Fan factor can use their technology.

Soon, information was delivered to all parts of the world.

The Holy Son and Holy Girl of the Fan tribe have arrived and want to talk to us.

Chen Ya closed the virtual display screen and turned to face everyone.

She had just finished talking to the leaders of the world and conveyed some news, saying that the people coming from the Fan tribe were evil and requested to talk to the Peak Mythical Base.

Dialogue? Let them go away. They are just bigger toys. If they dare to make any demands, just 'invite' them to go home.

Ye Jue said coldly.

These alien races want to seize the fleeting opportunity to rush into the earth and seize creation!

The most important goal is his kingdom of gods.

Of course, he can't deal with the entire group with one person's strength, unless they get together, but the other party is not a fool.

When the Fan clan arrived, he wanted to fly out of the atmosphere and destroy their mother aircraft directly.

However, the opponent activated a self-defense device called the Valkyrie System. Once the enemy is detected, it will disappear into the super wormhole and cannot be captured at all.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry.

Because in addition to the Fan tribe, it is reported that more ethnic groups will come in a matter of days or months.

By the time the attack is done in one net, they will definitely not know how powerful Samsara Fist is.

President, you are right, another tribe has arrived, called the Secret Tribe,

Soon, the Peak Mythical Base discovered a situation again.

Now the base also has its own satellite, and it can take tens of thousands of photos and videos of more than ten seconds in one fell swoop.

The Secret Tribe is also a powerful tribe with a glorious civilization. Compared with the alien races and humanoids that came before on earth, they are simply dwarfed.


The next moment, the satellite exploded and was hit by an alien spacecraft. The base could only launch the latest mini-satellite.

Stand still.

Ye Jue said.

The dynasties, evolutionary holy places, and underwater caves in the ancient glorious period of the earth have not been fully explored yet.

These alien races are definitely not here for this. Their target must be themselves.

However, this does not mean that he will surrender.

Because at this time, he integrated another magical talisman composed of a thousand magical powers, and it took a lot of effort to integrate it into the previous talisman.

Now that he has a talisman composed of three thousand great supernatural powers, the power of the Samsara Fist has increased again, and no one is afraid. If the aliens dare to come to seize the fortune, I am afraid they will have to kneel back.

Alert! The system has detected space fluctuations and discovered that Star Clan is coming!

Immediately, the Peak Mythical Base received another message.

StarClan? Are we finally here? Humanity's allies.

Ye Jue's expression changed slightly.

He believes that the butterfly effect changes the future, which means it reverses the future. Star Clan will never appear again.

Unexpectedly, with the arrival of many powerful races from the star field, they also came over.

Remember, the civilizations that our Peak Mythical Base can contact are limited to the Star Clan.

Ye Jue warned everyone.

Now that the outside world has come into contact with these powerful alien races, huge mechas have entered the base and are being watched by humans.

He didn't want the mecha to enter the Peak Mythical Base, otherwise it would be too inconsistent.

Moreover, this Fan tribe has extremely strong analytical power and is very likely to gain many benefits from his mythical base.

StarClan, that's no problem.

Chen Ya is a talker who can represent the Peak Mythical Base and convey the leadership's thoughts to all the people in the base.

Generally speaking, Ye would never do such a thing, because he is generally a god-like existence in people's hearts. Just by staying in the base, people will be greatly encouraged and prosperous.


There are still teams in the Milky Way, groups are coming, there are interstellar hunters, there are vicious cosmic villains, and thieves wandering in the starry sky, etc.

There are too many of these people, and they can pass through the shady curtain and enter the earth smoothly.

Three months later, the space outside the earth gradually became quiet.

One after another, each ethnic group occupied an area and reached some kind of agreement.

I got a tip. At least eight powerful tribes have joined forces to declare war on us, saying that they must hand over the divine particles, at least tens of millions of tons.

A 3D virtual galaxy map appeared in Chen Ya's hand. There were marks on the map which powerful clans joined forces, which ones were waiting and watching, which ones started to take action, etc.

At the same time, they also put pressure on the human bases on the earth to force them to stand in their camp. The ultimate target is you.

She preached like this.

Really, you finally couldn't bear it anymore and showed your fangs?

Ye Jue smiled brightly.

I know you are very strong, but a person's strength has its limit. Now the banking system has opened a wormhole to the sky. If this continues, the densely packed races will crowd the banking system. Stars, star clusters, nebulae, and all kinds of All types of interstellar gas and interstellar dust have been cleaned up by them, and it seems that they are here to stay.

Chen Ya said helplessly.

This sky-reaching wormhole was opened by a strong man named Chu He with the power of myth. This man physically traveled across the starry sky, and his power rivaled that of the Demon Saint and Jialuo.

Fortunately, he can't enter Earth either.

At the same time, there are many such powerful individuals who are peeking at the Peak Mythical Base.

To be precise, their target is Ye Jue.

After all, when the Gates of the Gods open and close, the entire galaxy can see it. The movement is too great, and it is impossible not to attract attention.

This star has even been made into a 'Diamond Circle'. This method is too troublesome. When the time comes to attack them, it will be a violent storm.

she continued.

I knew something was wrong.

Ye Jue nodded. The eyes that were as bright as the sun were breathtaking. Anyone who saw this firm and unparalleled look would feel at ease and calm.

then I will not bother you.

Chen Ya took the computer and walked out and left the room.

Are you really not afraid? There are so many powerful tribes that have surpassed the stars. If the earth had not been illuminated by a dark curtain and a super weapon came, the entire land of seizing creation would have been destroyed long ago.

The dark African young man spoke.

It is precisely because of the shady story that we can wait and see. Ye Jue, you must have seen something in your heart, right?

A pretty girl surrounded him.

Although the situation is terrible, I am very happy, because these alien races are going to use their strength, and the demons of the Fourth Purgatory are going to crawl out. This time it will not be easy.

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