What a terrifying punch. I was broken into pieces just now. My body was withered and I was completely dead?!

Ye Jue suddenly woke up.

He just died.

It's not that it's on the verge of extinction, it's that it's really dead, and all its body functions have stopped.

This made Ye Jue completely understand how powerful the Fist of the Gods is!

Let yourself die first with just one punch, that's so heartless!


Ye Jue stood up swayingly, half awake and half drowsy. His body was a little cold, his spirit had just disappeared, and there was darkness.

Only then did he finally recover.

If it weren't for an immortal force deep in his body that suddenly revived him.

He felt that his consciousness was about to reincarnate.

If the body dies, the mind is destroyed, reincarnation is running, and the darkness of death is broken. The fist of the gods should be renamed. It is called the reincarnation fist.

Ye Jue was still in the state of 'dead corpse', his body was cold, and finally his temperature gradually returned, as if he had really reincarnated.


Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something and almost screamed in shock.

Because the sky in the kingdom of gods actually split open!

What, I cracked the sky in the kingdom of gods with one punch?

He was shocked.

The top of the head is really cracked, yin and yang, black and white, light and dark, I don't know what is inside.

Wait, that looks like a human face?

Ye Jue's angle was tricky, and he actually saw a giant face under the crack in the sky of the Kingdom of Gods!

This giant face was extremely pale, and the features were tightly closed. It turned out to be a man, with hair hanging down, which was very scary.

What existence is sealed outside the sky of the kingdom of gods?

Is there any unknown secret in the kingdom of the gods?

Ye Jue was horrified. What he saw was simply unexpected and horrified!

Swish, swish, swish! !

The divine particles were frantically repairing the crack there, and soon the face was blocked from the space.

The sky in the kingdom of gods has regained its sanctity and holiness.

There is indeed a secret...but I have to wait until I completely master this place and sit on the throne of the King of Gods.

After a long time, Ye Jue recovered, and his spirit body began to stir again, spraying out the crow's divine particles from his pores, and turned into a huge monster again.

He started walking on the pure land of the gods, and an unusual bright red rippled, returning to the tombs of the gods.

It seems that the only thing that can be opened is the coffin of the god Crow. However, what if I use the Reincarnation Fist again? I can't die anyway, so what if I die again?

Ye Jue's eyes suddenly lit up. This was a good idea.

Breaking an ice crystal coffin requires extreme strength. The Samsara Fist can even break the sky in the kingdom of gods. Breaking an ice crystal coffin is nothing.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Great Divine Power Talisman suddenly flew out of his body and wrapped around his fist, forming the same power as before.

Ye Jue's target this time was the coffin of the toad in front of him.


Suddenly, a bell seemed to ring in his ears.

In just an instant, an incomparable force of rules blew down from the stairs of the gods. It blew away the crow transformed by Ye Jue, causing the great magical talisman to be disrupted and unable to provide any energy.


Ye Jue exclaimed, is there any god on the ladder of gods who actually consciously stopped his behavior and prevented him from cheating using the Samsara Fist?

Driven by this power, he flew far away, leaving the pure land of the gods, flying towards the road of gods, approaching the gate of the gods.

That is?!

When Ye Jue was about to leave, his eyes suddenly shrank.

Because through the layers of white mist, he actually saw a person standing on the stair platform of the gods high up, with his hands behind his back, and his eyes were like two golden lamps, shining directly into people's hearts.


Ye Jue was invited out, and the door of the gods suddenly closed with a dull closing sound.

This voice also sounded on the earth and in the solar system.

Everyone saw a scene. The phantom of the Gate of the Gods suddenly closed. Before closing, a figure flew out from it. It seemed that he had been beaten out. It was very tragic.

No way. Could it be that Ye Shen didn't gain the approval of the gods, so he was kicked out?

It's very possible. Otherwise, how could it fly out upside down?

What is the result?

For everyone, it only took a few minutes for Ye Jue to enter the kingdom of gods.

Hahaha, he must have angered the real god, and he even named himself Ye God. Who gave him the courage, Liang Jingru?

Some aliens from outer space learned the language of the earth and immediately began to ridicule.

After a week of heated discussions, Ye Jue's interest in entering the Kingdom of the Gods has dropped.

Now the earth is at peace, and the legacy of mythology completely overlaps with the present world. There are no previous howling ghosts and gods, or the screams of demons in the purgatory space.

How's it going, Ye Jue, what did you do after entering, why were you kicked out, and did you really anger the gods?

The tool spirit girl was the first to ask.

Now she can leave the Heavenly Gun, her lower body has been restructured by divine particles, and she can now leave the artifact and stand on the earth.

The same goes for Zhan Shen Dao, who transformed into a young man with dark skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, as if he came from Africa.

Behind them, there was a dragon girl holding an infinite umbrella. She came over and wanted to hear what was going on.

After all, she still needs Ye Jue to open the kingdom of gods and enter it to repair her body.

However, she is made of thoughts, and the repair process is very complicated and the progress is very slow, so it will take a long time to retrieve some memories.

If Ye Jue really can't enter the Kingdom of the Gods, then she will be the one who suffers the most.

After all, she worked for Ye Jue and did so much hard work. If she couldn't get any benefits, it wouldn't be worth it.

That was just an accident. I have received a lot of benefits in the Kingdom of the Gods, don't worry!

Ye Jue briefly talked about what happened.

I didn't expect so many spiritual stones. They just opened the Pure Land of the Gods, the Battlefield of the Gods, and the Scripture Pavilion of the Gods. You are not the King of the Gods yet. It would be great if you could mobilize more pure divine particles. I will soon You can get your memory back, and maybe you can find your hometown, the mythological site of the Tianlong Clan.

The dragon girl said with regret, she asked Ye Jue to open the door of the gods, and then walked in carrying the Wuliang umbrella.

What, you also collected the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul-Removing Gourd, Shura Hell Scythe, and Yuantu Abi Swords?

The God-Slaying Sword and the Weapon Spirit Girl were both extremely shocked. This was a weapon of the same level as them.

Moreover, it is also an innate spiritual treasure.

Yes, but it's not as powerful as you. The Eight Treasures must be united into one to have infinite power.

Ye Jue nodded and took out the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul-Removing Gourd, Shura Hell Scythe, and Yuantu Abi Sword.

Is this the innate spiritual treasure?

Chen Ya, Yang Wenchao, Xu Ziyue and others all stared straight at him.

Anyone can feel it, a pure mythical power rolling around.

However, they cannot activate it because just using it requires extremely strong physique and energy.

Especially for the Jiujiu Hongyun Soul-Removing Gourd, the spiritual strength must reach a certain level, otherwise it will be backlashed.

Shura Hell Scythe and Yuantu Abi Sword also have no weapon spirit, they are just dead objects, so they are not as good as the God-Slaying Sword and the Spear of Heaven.

But I heard that when the eight treasures of Shura are united, the weapon spirit will appear.

I have only heard of the God of War Sword.

After all, the Eight Treasures of Shura have passed through the previous era and are still inherited from the previous era.

But they have all been lost and it is difficult to find them all.

It doesn't matter. If the five treasures are combined into one, we can find the other three treasures. There are two treasures in Jialuo. We have to find a way to get them back.

The weapon spirit girl nodded and said.

Steal Jialuo's magic weapon?

Everyone in the Peak Mythical Base was shocked by these words.

This is a bit unrealistic. After all, everyone has seen the terror of Jialuo, and there is simply no one on earth who can defeat him.

Once it lands on land, it can kill all humans!

I have a countermeasure. Just don't get involved in the battle between me and Jialuo.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

This level of battle is no longer something that Peak Myth Base can participate in.

Therefore, the Peak Mythical Base must improve its strength and reach a certain level.

There are too many of these magic weapons and supernatural powers in the kingdom of gods. They are inexhaustible. You can use them to practice. Remember, a person can only practice one kind. Being greedy will be counterproductive.

Ye Jue took out various magic weapons and magical powers from the boundary monument.

In this way, the overall combat effectiveness of the Peak Mythical Base will be sublimated again, and no base on the earth will be their opponent.

Like Chen Ya and others, they can only practice one magical power at a time. Even with the bonus of divine particles, the progress is very slow.

Unlike him, it can be extracted directly and used at will.

If you study too much and learn too much, you don’t know what to cultivate and you can’t find the direction.

Brother Leg... No, President, we are too touched.

Fatty Qian burst into tears.

The president had done so much for them, but they couldn't repay him, and they felt really aggrieved.

It's like a top strong man is followed by a group of burdens. It would be easier to kick them away.

Don't think too much, just practice hard, because the battle ahead is not my battle alone.

Ye Jue shook his head.

The fifth and sixth levels of purgatory are all corpses of ancient demon gods, and they will all crawl out of the flaming coffins and sweep across the entire earth.

By then, not only one Demon God Arena will be opened, but hundreds of them will be open at the same time!

The entire Eastern world and all the powerful Westerners will fight to the death with the devil!

Moreover, winning or losing is calculated based on the number of wins in the Demon Arena.

As long as humans surpass the Demon God in the number of victories, they will be eligible to see the Seventh Purgatory!

In the last life...he was not able to see...

Legend has it that the City of Hell is the lair of the strongest demons, just like the human base city.

When the time comes, it will definitely be a collision between races, and the starry sky will be split and extremely bright.

That world, a world that has never been reached, will he finally see it?

Ah, we actually win based on the number of times? Then we must rush to the hero list!

Yang Wenchao looked excited. After all his hard work, he was finally recognized.

He originally thought that he would never be able to ascend the sacred Demon God Arena in his life, but he didn't expect that he would still have a chance? !

Because, who doesn’t want to be a hero, perform in the death fighting ring, and attract the attention of all mankind.

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