Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 684 The Great Divine Power Talisman is completed!

Great magical talisman, condense it for me now!

Ye Jue sat cross-legged in the Gods' Sutra Pavilion and offered up this divine power talisman.

The magical talisman composed of forty-eight small magical powers suddenly spun in the void, continuously emitting purple rays, which was extremely dazzling.

The composition principle of the magical talisman is not that complicated. As many magical powers as you practice, you can incorporate as many magical powers into it.

Ye Jue doesn't know a single great magical power now. To develop a great magical power is definitely not something that happens overnight!

Perhaps in the path of mythology, given his qualifications, it would take him a hundred years, or even a thousand years, to comprehend before he could succeed.

Therefore, he wanted to get something for nothing now and directly use the system to extract all these great magical powers. First, he tested a hundred great magical powers in series and formed a magical talisman called Sun and Moon Kill!

This Sun and Moon Kill magical power is very mysterious. It can smash high-level magic weapons and receive the blessing of mysterious power. When used, it can easily defeat the Tyrannosaurus-level powerhouse.

Take a high-level magic weapon as an example. If it self-destructs, it may kill a tyrannosaurus-level master.

But if you want to use Sun-Moon Kill to sacrifice, it will definitely kill a Tyrannosaurus-level master of external technology. Using the same magic weapon, Sun-Moon Kill will be much more powerful.

Sacrifice of magic weapons is definitely an extremely extravagant act for those on the mythical path, because even in the last era, only the masters, some powerful masters, could possess high-level magic weapons.

But what Ye is definitely lacking now is treasures. With so many high-level magic weapons integrated into them, he can use them however he wants.

The experiment is over, let's get down to business!

At this time, Ye Jue suddenly stood up, his spine straight and his eyes like torches. Around him, hundreds more magical powers were spinning, all of them colorful, some were golden and dazzling, some were as red as blood, and some were as bright as blood. The darkness is as dark as an abyss!

These great magical powers have a majestic aura and inherent power. Looking deeply at them makes people suffocate and tremble!

And it keeps increasing, from one thousand to two thousand. This is Ye Jue trying to condense a magical talisman with the power of two thousand great magical powers.

Great supernatural power, condense it for me again!

He shouted low, and the two thousand great supernatural powers surrounding him suddenly rotated faster. There is no doubt that such a stunning picture!

If outsiders saw so many magical powers surrounding them, they would probably be frightened!

Supernatural powers unite!

Ye Jue clasped his hands together. At this moment, his power surged, and every drop of blood in his body seemed like a violent ocean!

He opened his mouth and exhaled, and the essence sprayed onto the two thousand great supernatural powers. With the help of the power of Qi Zhuan Hongjun, he grabbed it with force, Wow, and immediately tens of thousands of flames rose from the void, but it was completely unable to harm the gods. The various collections in the Sutra Pavilion are blessed by the gods.

Miso miso miso! !

The miraculous magical powers began to be rubbed together, constantly sputtering out bizarre beams of light, all of which burned in front of him.


When Ye Jue spurted out another breath of essence, these burning magical powers immediately became violent and condensed again.

Immediately, a ball was formed, like a chicken egg, layer upon layer.

Upon closer inspection, the ball transformed by this great magical power actually created a crack in the void in the kingdom of the gods, which was quickly repaired by the divine particles.

If this were in the outside world, wouldn't it be directly shaken out of the inner space and sink into the darkest place in the universe?

The vast power transmitted from it produced a feeling of destruction and brought strong oppression to Ye Jue.

The momentum of this scene really feels like the coming of gods.

I didn't expect that the fusion of two thousand great magical powers would be so powerful.

A smile appeared on Ye Jue's face. The stronger the oppression, the more terrifying the power.

Boom boom boom! !

He slapped it with one palm, transforming into thousands of palm shadows, carrying the power of rules that condensed the talisman, and made the great magical ball begin to turn into a talisman.

puff! !

Unexpectedly, Ye Jue stepped back continuously, retreated to the wall of the Gods' Sutra Pavilion, opened his mouth and vomited out a ball of blood, and was actually injured.

The force of the counterattack is so terrifying.

When Ye Jue was injured, his spirit body turned into a huge crow, swallowing up all the power of the shock, consuming it first.

The power of the Great Divine Power Ball can only last for a period of time. After that period of time, the power will disappear and return to normal.

Therefore, he must seize the time and condense it into a magical talisman before then.

Gather it for me!

Under the power of Ye Jue's continuous display of condensed power, his body was close to collapse and he was unable to resist.

Because one great magical power is unparalleled. There are two thousand powers superimposed together. Needless to say, how terrifying it is.

If the Great Divine Power Ball had the consciousness to attack on its own, Ye Jue would have made a decisive decision and escaped immediately.

Boom boom boom! !

The Great Divine Power Ball is constantly being condensed. This is a process, a competition of endurance, like a tug-of-war, to see who can't hold on first.

I don't believe I can't get this magical talisman.

Ye Jue was frantically concentrating the red particles in his body. These mysterious red particles were his greatest support. When pushed to the extreme, burning red holy flames erupted from his pores, growing bigger and bigger.

Sizzle! ! !

Under his control, it can actually assist him in refining the Great Divine Power Ball.

The great magical powers, attack, defense, self-protection, escape, etc., all immediately began to melt within the sphere and became something like veins.

Keep concentrating!

Ye Jue's whole body seemed to be breathing fire, and there was a long river of divine particles flowing towards his back and entering his body.

In an instant, the red particles became even brighter, and the speed of melting the magical power ball became faster!

But using the red particles to the extreme, Ye Jue felt dizzy.

He felt that a force from outside the universe was approaching him. When this force passed by, it squeezed the space and exploded everywhere. It was heavier than any planet.

However, he couldn't be found no matter what.

Because at this time, the kingdom of gods is rotating at a regular and high speed. Every moment, it rotates a trillion times. This is a law that creates a repulsive force with the real world. Even if the boundary monument is right in front of you, No one can find it, can't see it, can't touch it, and can't feel it.

However, the Kingdom of Gods is here, and Ye Jue is hiding in the Kingdom of Gods, completely isolated from the real world.

This is……

Ye Jue even felt that if the red particles broke through this extreme, they would have an inseparable connection with that power!

I don’t know what that power is. It may be some kind of creature in the dark, or it may not be a life form!

However, he vaguely felt that as long as he was not completely stimulated by the outside world, the power would not find him and would not pose a threat to him.

Now it's better to concentrate on refining the great magical talisman.

Ye Jue's body stood in the Gods' Scripture Pavilion and turned into a huge crow. The vision was fully activated. The blazing sacred flames burned fiercely. The red particle wings on his back extended to all sides, constantly refining the great supernatural power. ball.


The Great Divine Power Ball was now compressed to the size of a millstone and kept rotating in the opposite direction from the beginning.

At the same time.

In a distant unknown star field, the land of a planet is in the snow. The planet is filled with densely packed little monsters that look ugly.

However, this is a pet that someone kept when he was bored.


In the unknown center of the planet, a naked man opened his eyes. His eyes were cross stars. Moreover, this was not a real flesh and blood body, but a powerful spiritual body, transformed by the will of the planet.

I just felt the power that I seemed to have to devour. This power seemed to belong to me, but other beings got there first...

This man's voice also became a little weird, and he was obviously very curious as to what attracted him.

However, if I am willing, I will get there eventually, although I don't know how long it will take.

The body transformed into this person has golden hair and a perfect figure. He holds an apple in his hand and weighs it a few times.

This is Adam. He was sucked into a space rift in Antarctica and fell into the deep dark universe. However, he did not die and accidentally became a planet.

Why is it so hard to die?!

He sighed.

Transformed into this planet, he is basically invincible. No matter what he encounters, the planet will start to replicate itself. Life, technology, ruins, etc., everything in the universe will be perfectly replicated.

If he continued to copy like this, the entire planet would become unimaginably powerful, and he wouldn't even know how to die.

Buzz buzz...

In this way, he drifted towards his dark destination in the cold, dark and lonely universe.


At this time, bang bang bang...a hundred explosions! !

Ye Jue was immediately pleasantly surprised.

Great, two thousand great magical power talismans are completely condensed. I have the strongest power now. Who can stop me?

He growled.

boom! !

This magical talisman flickered and was drawn into his body.

Subsequently, countless magical powers evolved in him and began to expand crazily!

Since it was born in the kingdom of the gods, let's call it the Fist of the Gods!

Ye Jue flew directly out of the Gods' Sutra Pavilion.


The fist of the gods containing two thousand magical talismans was violently swung out. It was really burning the self, igniting the life and blood, and using all the strength to compose this punch!

This was the fist of the gods. The moment it was launched, Ye Jue could no longer hold on. He fell onto the pure land of the gods, covered in blood, with dense wounds, and was on the verge of disintegration.


Immediately afterwards, a muffled sound came from the sky above the kingdom of gods.

Unfortunately, he could no longer see it at this time.

Because the blood has dried up, the body has become inoperable, and the mind has completely fallen into darkness.

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