A terrifying explosive aura emanated from Ye Jue's body.

Congratulations to the host, you successfully extracted the god's corpse and obtained the god's crow particles!

The system's voice rang again.

However, Ye Jue, who seemed to know part of the truth, was not too happy.


He pulled hard and found that it was extremely flexible and could recover from any attack.

In fact, in mythology, this is a power called soul transformation, also called Jingzhe transformation.

It's just that Ye Jue doesn't know it now, which means that his body has an extra layer of combat power, as if it has been covered with a layer of spiritual body armor.


He waved his arm vigorously, and his claws immediately grabbed the airflow in front of him and exploded, blowing dozens of feet of ground in the Pure Land of the Gods into powder. However, it was instantly repaired by the floating divine particles.

Is this the power of the gods? If I activate it with all my strength, how terrifying would the power be?

He just waved lightly. If he used Qi to turn Hongjun, wouldn't he be able to penetrate the pure land of the gods?

However, it was obvious that Ye Jue was overthinking.

Because the blast left only a white mark on the toad's crystal coffin, the best result was just a thumb-long gap.

It seems that the remaining three hundred ice crystal coffins can only be opened one after another until I advance in strength.

Ye Jue sighed.

After thinking about it, after all, this is a mysterious material left by the gods. It would be unreasonable if it was destroyed easily.

Let's look at the others first.

Ye Jue raised his steps, as if the whole scene was switched, and he 'leap' from the pure land of the gods on the Spiritual Road, and instantly arrived at the battlefield of the gods.

This is... making a fortune.

He was pleasantly surprised.

Because there are countless magic weapons on the battlefield of the gods, but all of them are incomplete and some are rusty.

However, this does not prevent him from collecting garbage. These magic weapons were once made of excellent quality materials and can be fused into new magic weapons.

The chance of fusing low-level magic weapons is 7%!

(Formula substitution: 1+1+1=?)

The chance of merging into a high-level magic weapon is 1%!

(The formula can be substituted: 1+1+1+1=?)

The chance of merging into a top-level magic weapon is 0.001%!


The chance of fusion into a top-quality magic weapon is 0.000001%!


The chance of merging into a prehistoric fourth-level weapon is 0.00000001!

The probability of subsequent fusion is almost negligible.

For thirty days in a row, Ye Jue sat on the battlefield of the gods, with piles of 'scrap copper and iron' in front of him, and he was frantically merging.

He also fused the more than 3,000 mythical weapons he had obtained through previous fusions. Now he has obtained a total of more than 49,000 low-level magic weapons!

Because there are so many leftovers from the battlefield of the gods, they are almost like the particles of gods and cannot be completely melted.

Even for high-level magic weapons with a fusion probability of only 1%, he has obtained more than 10,000!

High-level magic weapons are the treasures of the immortal souls in the Eight Wastes. If one of them is destroyed, it will make everyone feel heartbroken.

When the Three Mountain Lion King fought against him, he used high-level magic weapons.

Now, more than 10,000 high-level magic weapons are lying quietly in the kingdom of the gods, emitting dazzling light.

In future battles, if I want to surpass my current strength, let these high-level magic weapons explode for me and charge me. Who can block my blow? Or, you can just throw it over and explode yourself.

Ye Jue smiled sinisterly.

A high-level magic weapon is a sacred weapon to the alien race. Think about it, just after the war started, the sacred weapon was thrown away and exploded, which shocked them to death!

After all, these are not fake products, they are all genuine.

The Divine Fire Sky-Breaking Sword, the Underworld White Bone Whip, the Shura Sword, etc. all have valuable origins and origins. Each one contains a strong power, and they are all genuine products from the last era.

However, the top magic weapon cannot be melted, and the chance is too small, so we can only give up. After all, it is of the same level as the God-Slaying Sword, and it belongs to the level of foreign artifacts.

As for the best magic weapon, there is no need to think about it. The probability is simply ignored. It would be damned if something of the same level as the Infinite Umbrella can be fused.

A prehistoric fourth-level weapon? Never seen it before!

Previously, Jialuo used only innate spiritual treasures, which were mistaken for prehistoric fourth-level weapons.

The biggest gain in the battlefield of the gods is these innate spiritual treasures!

Ye Jue's eyes turned to these three innate spiritual treasures.

Surprisingly, he is also a product of the Shura world of the last era, the Eight Treasures of Shura.

The ninety-nine red clouds disperse the soul's gourd. After being released, it covers the sky and the earth. It can be attacked or received.

Shura Hell Scythe specializes in killing souls, and is damaged along with the physical body when attacking.

And the last sword, the second sword of Yuantu Abi!

These three innate spiritual treasures are different from the top magic weapons, because the power contained in them far exceeds the latter.

Otherwise, it would not be called an innate spiritual treasure.

Jialuo once used the power of the Blood Eye Sword, one of the Eight Treasures of Shura, in the starry sky. Fortunately, the attack that destroyed the world was blocked by Yuan.

Now, Ye Jue has mastered three items in total, double artifacts, turning into five artifacts!

The dragon girl said that if the eight Shura treasures were combined into one, they could deliver the most stunning blow, even the fourth level weapons of the ancient world would have to be avoided.

This made Ye Jue's eyes flicker, and he had already made up his mind to collect the Eight Treasures of Shura.

The Asura Netherworld Flag and the Blood Eye Sword are on Jialuo's body, the Nine-Nine Red Cloud Soul Dispersing Gourd, the Asura Underworld Scythe, and the Yuantu Abi Sword are on him.

There are still three pieces left that are missing. However, if the five treasures are combined into one, a mysterious linkage can be formed, and the location of the remaining innate spiritual treasures can be found.

Therefore, Ye Jue has already paid attention to Jialuo.

I'm afraid that when Jialuo hears this, he will laugh to death.

A little kid at the junior dragon level actually dared to challenge him and hit his precious attention. He was really insecure about life and death.

But, that's not necessarily the case. I'm building up my skills. It's not impossible to challenge him.

Ye Jue walked, looking like a huge world-destroying crow patrolling the battlefield of the gods.

However, this was only transformed by the divine crow particles and did not really change his body.

Then next is the Gods' Sutra Pavilion!

As soon as the scene changed, Ye Jue directly entered the Gods' Sutra Pavilion, and instantly there was a smell of time and history.

The Gods' Scripture Pavilion, as if no one has ever been there, houses books of gods, countless golden papers, strange secrets, and rows of ancient shelves with too many books on them.

No matter how fast Ye Jue reads, it would be absolutely impossible to read the entire Gods' Scripture Pavilion without a thousand years.

Didi!! Found a low-level magical power!

Didi!! Found a high-level supernatural power!


As he picked it up and blew off the light on it, the system continued to give prompts.

Get rich again.

Ye Jue was full of smiles.

I have just integrated the magic weapon and gained so much knowledge. Now that I have magical powers, I am simply overjoyed.

Come on, start merging!

He rubbed his hands together and frantically fused the magical books in the Gods' Scripture Pavilion.

The chance of magical power fusion is different from that of magic weapon, the chance is slightly higher.

Classification: low-level magical powers, high-level magical powers (also called great magical powers), and top-level magical powers.

The top magical power has already reached its peak.

Because next Ye Jue saw a page of golden paper, which recorded that after the top magical power was the prehistoric level magical power.

Ye Jue felt that this was like a matryoshka doll, and that the era had been put together over time.

I don't know if there is any power beyond the ancient supernatural powers.

Ye Jue read more golden paper.

It records many things that happened in history, including disputes between sects, the rise of various forces, the fall of dynasties, records of emperors and Taoist sects fighting against heaven for their fate, and ultimately failing.

In short, it is too much and too complicated to be sorted out. It would take hundreds of years to finish reading it.

Yes, prehistoric level magical powers were born in the ancient era. After experiencing the ancient and middle ages, they gradually declined, so that in the new era, only a little bit of inheritance is left. In the new era, most of them are top-level magical powers...

Ye Jue finally found a page of gold paper about supernatural powers and started reading it.

It seems there is no chance.

He shook his head. He must have thought that the god recorded on the gold paper was also a person from the New Era. Otherwise, the entire Gods Scripture Pavilion would not be based on records of historical events from the New Era.

After all, the Kingdom of the Gods is where the corpses of some gods from the New Era are buried.

Is there any record of how the New Era was destroyed?

Ye Jue wanted to know this most.

However, no matter how he looked through it, he could not find any clues. On impulse, he even wanted to spend a hundred years in seclusion here to check it out.

It should be easy to find traces of such a huge event like how the era was destroyed, but there are no traces. Why is this?

In the end, what Ye Jue could conclude was that someone definitely erased it deliberately.

At that time, he traveled through the time hole and saw that hell was empty and extinguished together with the era. It was so mysterious.

Since we can't find it now, we should focus on improving our strength.

After Ye Jue finished these things, he began to integrate magical powers.

The magical talisman he now masters is composed of forty-eight small magical powers, all of which came from the cave of the shape-shifting demon.

After using it in battle many times, he found that the effect was amazing. In future battles, he must integrate more powerful magical talismans.

Swish, swish, swish...


Unfortunately, this fusion failed and you lost...

Ye Jue's days were like years under the system's prompts over and over again.

Boring yet a little fun, this is a craft job.

More than twenty days passed before he stopped and looked at the results with satisfaction.

There are 64,000 minor supernatural powers, all kinds of things, including wall-penetrating skills, invisibility skills, first-aid skills, life-saving skills...

In short, there are too many. Although many of them are repetitive, there are too many tricks to count.

There are a total of 98.51 million copies of advanced supernatural powers!

Ye Jue was filled with excitement, so excited.

You know, he didn't even master a single advanced magical power, but now he has obtained more than 9,000 copies. What is the concept of this? !

He heard that in the past, there was a poor man who suddenly won the lottery. This was how it felt.

Ye Jue has seen the great magical power used by shapeshifting demons and demon saints. Its power is really ten times stronger than low-level magical powers, and it is surprisingly mysterious.

Sixty-four thousand minor magical powers, plus nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-one major magical powers, combined into a magical talisman, how powerful...should it be? !

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