
On the tombstone of the gods closest to him, there were endless shadows, numerous ghosts and gods, and the howling of evil spirits, all coming from it.

What... dare to disturb my deep sleep...

These black airflows condensed into a ferocious face, and the gloomy wind gusted, sending chills to the bone marrow.

People can't help but wonder: Is this really a god from the Pure Land of the Gods?

I am the new master of the kingdom of the gods.

Ye Jue shouted low, and a sacred power rose up from this pure land of gods, turning into a white shirt and flying to him.

If you look closely, you will see that there are stars rising and falling on this shirt, which is extremely mysterious. They gather together but never disperse. There is no sound, only a slight crackling and flashing like fireworks.

Suddenly, he could feel that he could easily erase the resentment of the Monument of the Gods.

Quack, quack...

This resentment was still making a strange laughing sound like a duck, and its huge claws were about to attack Ye Jue.

However, it was blasted away by Ye Jue's punch, and the blood immediately burst and disappeared without a trace.

This is the robe of the gods. It is so sacred that it can restrain all evil spirits...

Ye Jue's eyes changed, and he knew the origin of this shirt.

As the resentment disappeared, the bodies of the gods appeared under the tombstones of the gods.

He was extremely excited. After all, it was his first time to see a god, so he had to respect the elder.

Uh...what is this?

Ye Jue was stunned for a moment.

Because there is an ice crystal coffin underneath, and what is sealed inside turns out to be a huge black crow, not a human.

The black crow's eyes were tightly closed, and endless flames emerged from its body. It had extremely strong magnetism and was so surging that it burned and distorted the space.

The most amazing thing is that this scene is actually frozen. The entire vision and corpse are frozen in the coffin made of ice crystals.

The monument of an unknown crow is placed together with other gods. What is so special about it?

Ye Jue hurriedly walked all the way and found that the tombstones of the gods were all engraved with names, but he didn't recognize them. When his war robes of the gods were rolled up, ice crystal coffins were revealed one after another.

In the Pure Land of the Gods, there are a total of three hundred and one ice crystal coffins, and the gods inside seem to be 'asleep', frozen in their own visions.

Is this a toad?

He stopped curiously in front of an ice crystal coffin. There was also a font engraved on the tablet, saying that it was a pet of the owner of the Moon Palace, and later became a god through cultivation.

The vision was also frozen. The toad was holding a medicine mortar and a medicine pestle, and was pounding medicine.

Ye Jue's heart moved and he punched him hard.

Bang! !

What's even more amazing is that the ice crystal coffin was actually unscathed. It was completely intact despite his full blow and explosive power.

Bang bang bang!!

He hammered more than a dozen coffins of the gods in a row, and his breath was like a rainbow in the pure land of the gods, but he still did not break through these mysterious ice crystals.

Am I not strong enough to break the seal?

Ye Jue was very sorry. There were so many corpses of gods, all kinds of monsters, humans, aliens, etc. that he had never seen before. The visions were amazing wealth.

He believed that more valuable treasures must be buried beneath the bodies of these ‘gods’.


Ye was never willing to give in, and punched the nameless crow's ice crystal coffin again.


Suddenly, the ice crystal coffin exploded, and a breath was like the cosmic sea bursting its banks. The most powerful energy surged out, and a strange phenomenon occurred. You can see that the entire earth is shrinking infinitely, and one planet after another is shrinking.

At the end, a shadow with spread wings appeared, covering the entire star field. Its scarlet eyes compared with many stars. Not only the light, but also the size and energy were far beyond the stars.

This figure turned out to be this nameless crow. Its boundless body roared with the thunder of the universe, and its black feathers were shiny, giving it a strong metallic feel, cold and intimidating.

Ye Jue could even see that there were many scars on the body of the nameless crow. Some parts had rotted and had not healed. There was a shocking knife wound on the chest. It was an irreversible trend. It seemed that someone had cut it with force. Unable to survive into this world.


The entire vision suddenly disappeared, and the nameless crow's body appeared completely.

It just lay there quietly, the ice crystals had disappeared, there was no odor, but a faint fragrance.

There is no treasure.

Ye Jue took a look and found that there was nothing at all except the corpse, and couldn't help but feel disappointed.

Perhaps the greatest treasure is this body.

He touched it.

Beep~ The corpse of the god was detected...

Didi! Didi! The system begins its third evolution...

Congratulations to the host, the buff extraction system has been upgraded again, and the function and extraction power are even more powerful!

You can now extract the corpse of the god, but the premise is that the soul of the god must be completely dead, otherwise it will fail.

Start extraction?

The system's thin voice was conveyed into Ye Jue's head.

The third system upgrade made him aware of an indescribable feeling.

Because the system is too much like technology, other words, isn't it analysis?

Ye Jue suddenly thought about it and was very frightened. He had never thought that this might be the power from deep space.

Could it be that his time travel and reincarnation were all planned?

Could it all be a hoax?

The more Ye Jue thought about it, the more frightened he became.

The fall of an era is quite normal, but why can't it leave a legacy?

Now, the present world is also about to wither. He and Qin Fake Immortal have seen a lot on the transmission path of the divine seal. Civilizations everywhere in the universe are dying and becoming wastelands.

It's as if there is an invisible hand controlling everything to destruction.

If this world dies like the last era or the new era, then what will the next era be like?

Is it a new reincarnation?

Ye Jue's surprise was extraordinary. He felt as if he had noticed the strange truth of the universe.

No wonder the goddesses in the stars and the ancient demon Leviathan in Antarctica left the edge of the universe and took refuge in the legendary black realm as if they were running for their lives.

Are they just trying to avoid reincarnation after reincarnation?

The conclusion is that someone is designing me, but I don't know it at all, and I have lived leisurely until now.

Ye Jue took a deep breath.

His time travel, his reincarnation, and his system may all be fake now.

What if, what if, there is a terrifying existence that can capture him from a node in the future world and place him at this time node?

If there is such a terrifying existence, he can easily reshape my particles and make my body smaller, mistakenly thinking that I am reincarnated into a person with the same name, body and face.

Ye Jue suddenly felt that the situation was very dangerous. Even if he entered the kingdom of the gods, he felt that he could not escape it.

So I'm not dead?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

The time hourglass, as well as Jia Luo, a strong person at the level of Demon Saint, can affect some power of time and use time crystals.

What if it were someone stronger?

Is it possible to use great magic power to transfer time without a person being aware of it?

It's very possible.

Ye Jue was shocked.

Maybe he wasn't dead. When the Sixth Demon God of Purgatory stepped onto the wasteland, he wasn't dead at all? !

I have a horrible feeling. This matter must be thought about in the Kingdom of Gods. It must not be brought into the present world to think about. I must kill this idea. In the future, I can only remember it in the Kingdom of Gods separated by space.

Ye Jue used the power of his mind to forcefully give himself a hint.

Also, there is a strange thing that will happen, that is, in the real world, he will most likely not be able to have this idea, as if he has been hinted and manipulated.

Otherwise, why would it be that not long after entering the Kingdom of the Gods, all kinds of ideas started popping up in the depths of my mind, like mushrooms after a rain, one idea after another.

It shouldn't be too difficult to figure out why these ideas haven't occurred to me before.

Why the system can keep extracting the power of myth and converting it into buffs is simply a cover-up. In the final analysis, this is the power of analysis.

On the contrary, it can even analyze the corpses of gods, and it is definitely the most powerful one. It cannot be compared with any external analysis technology tools.

It seems that only by entering the kingdom of the gods can I completely isolate myself from the real world in this space, which allowed me to express these thoughts.

Ye Jue became more and more enlightened.

Now, I must take action. No matter what, strength is the basis for breaking everything.

With endless wisdom shining in his eyes, he began to use the system to extract the corpse of the god.


In an instant, the nameless crow corpse in the ice crystal coffin suddenly turned into countless black particles and flew out, like an ocean, wrapping around his body.

This is a divine particle, or a special divine particle.

Ye Jue exclaimed.

This black particle is very overbearing. When it enters his body, it will transform all his crystal cells.

You know, he was transforming into an immortal soul, and it took shape immediately.


The next moment, Ye Jue roared, his pupils instantly turned into a cross shape, and black feathers began to grow all over his body.

His body and spirit body were about to turn into the shape of a crow.

But how could Ye Jue agree?

He wants to take the path of pure blood, and he will never let these monster particles interfere with the changes in his body.


The next second, the red substance in his body quickly swept towards those black particles.

Those black particles seemed to have met their nemesis in an instant, shrinking rapidly, and the particles finally merged with Ye Jue's spirit body.

This is……

Ye Jue hesitated for a moment. His spiritual body was now a little more concentrated than before, and its purity was twice as heavy. The immortal soul was completely condensed, and the crystal cells were very dense.


He spoke suddenly.


This spirit body suddenly expanded inside the body, swelling into a huge crow, spraying out from the pores, forming wings and sharp claws, and attached to the skin.

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