The sole survivor of the Garo tribe is indeed a major hidden danger. He smiles on the surface and calls him brothers, but his methods are extremely cruel. He has repeatedly tried to seize the kingdom of the gods and claims that he will invade again in the future.

If you can't think of a good way to deal with this person, the road ahead will definitely be extremely difficult.


The Pharaoh took the Spear of Longinus, and immediately after, divine particles poured down from his head.

This is the divine particle. It's so exciting. Give it more. Why don't you give it more!?

In an instant, the capacity of his soul shrank, his soul power boiled, and he was about to regenerate flesh and blood.

Watch your behavior.

Ye Jue shouted, his voice piercing the Pharaoh's ears.

Ah...yes, I was too excited just now.

The Pharaoh turned pale, took a deep breath, and began to use a magical energy to unseal the gun.

Boom boom boom...

The pyramid that split into two halves emitted a mysterious light, forming a cycle of reciprocity, an endless and refining astral cross pattern, and finally divine thunder was produced in the void and intertwined in this space.

Crackling! !

This Spear of Longinus actually began to shatter from the front and back ends, and at the end, it condensed into a golden holy nail the size of a palm.

Buzz! !

As soon as it appeared, the nearby thunder roared violently, turning into lightning and rubbing against the air, creating a feeling of being unable to escape the locked fate.

This thing has no weapon spirit, but it is a genuine artifact, and it is an extremely special type.

The Pharaoh believed that this holy nail combined with the one hundred and eighty-eight Qiankun nails could definitely seal Jialuo.

Yes, what a surprise.

Ye Jue took the Holy Nail into the Kingdom of Gods, and now he no longer needs the space bracelet.

But you have also benefited. Now I want to expropriate your spirit stone veins. Do you have any objections?

he said.

No objection, getting some divine particles is already the greatest reward.

The Pharaoh shook his head quickly.

The door of the gods, open!

Ye Jue's eyes shone brightly as he extracted the last ten thousand tons of spiritual energy.

Boom boom boom! !

The huge roar was like a waterfall hitting the rocks from the highest altitude, deafening. The entire world could see that the phantom of the Gate of Gods had been completely opened, towering over the void, shocking foreigners in the uppermost sky of the earth.

This is the Kingdom of the Gods, the Gate of the Gods!!

The aliens floating in space gasped!

Now, the shadow of the Gate of the Gods has become larger and has been completely opened. It is hazy inside, but there is a bright golden road.

Oh my God, this is the road to the gods, the road to the gods. Ye Shen is going to see the real gods!!

The people who had been waiting for this moment were all shocked, and everyone was shocked!

What they all saw was a tiny figure, a human being, walking into the huge phantom door.

It's like a mortal who suddenly gets lucky because the emperor says he wants to summon you, and you feel extremely honored.

Going in, he really went in!

At this moment, all parties were as stiff as clay and wood sculptures.

The corpses of the gods, as well as countless divine weapons, divine armors, inexhaustible divine particles, and too many innate spiritual treasures that were once lost by the agent may be among them.

The aliens roared, the corners of their eyes were about to burst, and their eyes were red with jealousy.

This back view really makes them feel unwilling and envious!

The world only saw him walking in, but they didn't know how much heavy responsibility he had to bear.

The eyes of the immortal souls in the eight wastelands, three mountains and four seas are complicated.

The influence of the Kingdom of Gods is too great, all kinds of powerful races will come, and many young talents from outside the realm will also come.

The Milky Way, the solar system, this place that seizes creation, will shine with stars, will definitely become the center of the edge universe, become the seesaw of all realms, and may be the only route into the black realm and deep space.

Really, the kingdom of the gods has opened, it's time for us to go!

At the edge of the universe, in the distant mysterious star field, a blond girl opened her eyes, and her eyes were filled with the scene of the stars and the moon extinguishing.

She possesses vast spiritual power, with a black angelic halo floating above her head, and various angelic powers lingering on Yujie's body.

The strange thing is that her twelve wings are all black, and she is a real twelve-winged dark angel.

The collection is complete and has been located. It is found that the divine seal has been destroyed. It needs to be teleported to the nearest stars, which is 1.5 billion light years away.

One of the angels below lowered his head and said.

A screen appeared in front of the Dark Angel Conference Hall. On the screen was a huge star map, with some complex digital symbols next to it.

Even the edge universe is too big. It will take ten days and a half to teleport here to the stars, and it will take another ten days and a half to reach the place where creation is captured.

It doesn't matter. Let's set off immediately. All Dark Angel clan members will set off. Every Dark Angel fleet must carry giant divine soldiers. This is the journey. This journey will open up the heavens and enter the world of the Source Angel.

The Seraph smiled ferociously.

It's finally time to suppress those frogs in the well.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Soon after, countless dark angel battleships took off. This turned out to be a super dark angel empire!

Even among the countless ethnic groups in the entire vast fringe universe... there are only a handful of people who can compare with this Dark Angel Empire, probably the Zerg and a few other abnormal ethnic groups.

He even opened the door to the gods and dragged the 'immortals' into the water. Is this what he calls the great world?

In the solar system, a certain dead planet, in the shadow on the back, there is actually a huge base active. Blue stars are shining in the cold universe, and the light is very shocking and gorgeous.

Activate the Insect Queen!

Buzz! !

Following an order, huge insect-like limbs stretched out from both sides of the entire dry planet.

A huge and ugly insect head protrudes from the door of technology, breathing the cold cosmic 'air'. Of course, it is not air, but the dark energy in the universe.

This is very shocking, the entire planet is actually a Zerg.

This huge and mysterious outer space base can actually be settled on the Insect Queen.

Buzz! !

A shocking scene happened again. Countless Zerg biological spaceships were seen flying out of various cosmic wormholes, dotted with stars, and the number was astonishingly huge.

These are actually Zerg biological battleships. The only one who masters Zerg technology and cooperates with Zerg is Long Xiaoshan!

At that time, the clone was defeated and the entire Longxiao Mountain base was evacuated from the earth in an instant. Unexpectedly, it had developed so powerfully.

“Back then, our Experimental Subject No. 1 came into contact with the Seraph of the Dark Angel clan and brought back a heart of the Zerg, which allowed us to successfully develop into a level 5 base city, the first and only level 5 base in human history!

A man said proudly.

Tianlong gene warehouse, open!

Zhao Yin had a smile on his face.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Some kind of huge facility behind him glowed, and countless people couldn't help but look there with shocked expressions.

They were rows of Celestial Dragons, with extremely powerful auras. Each one had no self-awareness and was definitely the purest warrior.

Technology changes the military state!

As a voice came out.

These warriors with Tianlong cells all put on Zerg biological battle armor, and all had the power of the replicas at that time.

That battle brought us a lot and analyzed many of Ye Jue's mythical powers. We used the Heart of the Zerg to continuously experiment, simulate his energy fluctuations, and replicate 100 million copies of his blood...

these researchers kept saying.

However, there are two kinds of energy in the body that cannot be analyzed. It is these two energies that continue to bring him victory. If it can be analyzed, the entire military country will undergo qualitative changes.

Zhao Yin preached to Long Shaoqin that this time he returned, he must obtain the two secrets of Ye Jue's body.


In the space of the ship at the front, Long Shaoqin, who was wearing an eyepatch, turned his head, his eyes flashing fiercely, and nodded to him.

Then, everyone rush out!

Buzz! !

In the cold universe, a huge Zerg fleet sails towards the wormhole...


Hahaha, I, Fentian, am finally coming back!!!

In the banking system, inside a red giant, it looks like a huge 'sun' from the outside. Inside, there is a plasma life form that is devouring the flames of the red giant, causing it to collapse. Nuclear fusion of various elemental materials is occurring in the core area. The reaction formed a curled-up figure. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Fentian, and he was actually not dead.


Hey, why is it so difficult to die these days?

In addition, there is a planet-sized life form floating in the dark universe. If anyone discovers it, he will definitely be shocked, because the entire planet is alive, and even an inch of soil is a 'life' vein. This is a Huge life forms can replicate and evolve no matter what they encounter, becoming one of the most terrifying existences.

This voice is very familiar, but no one can hear it at the moment...


Is this the inside of the Kingdom of the Gods?!

Ye Jue felt that he had turned into a ray of green light. Every step he took, he felt as if he were a king or a noble, as if the master of the gods had descended into this space.

The road to the gods was opened by such a huge amount of spiritual energy. He only needed to follow this bright road and explore the infinite space in the dark.

At this time, the God-Slaying Sword, the Spear of Heaven, and the Dragon Girl have all disappeared, because they can't get in here, and only he, the master, can come here.

This is……

He looked up and saw the stairs of the gods leading to the sky, emitting silver light.

At this time, I felt that as long as I climbed the ladder of the gods, I could reach the throne of the gods and control the entire kingdom of the gods.

But sadly, such a small amount of spiritual energy is not enough for him to ascend the throne.

Immediately afterwards, he came to a pure land of gods with many tombstones.

Tombstones of the Gods!

Thinking of this, Ye Jue's heart started beating loudly.

Buried here are the corpses of gods and people who became gods in the last era.

Becoming a god is the highest pursuit of every living being in the world.

No matter how you become a god or what method you use to become a god, it doesn't matter. What matters is that no matter who you are, they are struggling for the same purpose.

In the mysterious and vast space and time, we have achieved an unattainable existence that is admired by countless creatures.

Someone once said that these are false gods, that's why they died.

As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, he punched one of the tombstones of the gods.

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