Now the demons everywhere in the third level of purgatory have almost shed a layer of skin.

Those originally powerful demons are now retreating steadily, being forced back again and again by humans.

Beasts, I will use the demonic blood to nourish you. Kill them back!

The third demon lord chanted a series of demonic words in his mouth, then suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a mysterious power.

This power does not belong to any party, it is not a mythical power, nor anything else, but the most essence of the devil's original power. It is cold, strange, and supreme, with the noble aura of a ruler.

This is the demon blood. If it is a demon, if it absorbs a little bit of this demon blood, it can increase its strength in a short time!

The demon clan feeds on human flesh and blood, and the souls of humans who kill them will fall into hell and nourish the demon god.

The stronger the person's soul, spirit body, and spiritual body, the sooner the demon will wake up from his slumber.

Now that the Third Demon God has awakened, the souls of all dead humans are nourishing towards the Fourth Demon God.

Ho ho ho!!!

Suddenly, a piece of demon blood turned into countless mist and entered each demon's body.

Gu Gu Gu Gu! !

Suddenly, all the demons swelled up like inflated toads.

Some powerful Hellboys even began to transform!

The originally formless bodies actually grew scales, and some even sprouted several hands and heads, showing the tendency to evolve into fourth-level demons.

The devil's disk, spin it for me!

The third demon roared.

In an instant, the throne behind it exploded, and the place suddenly expanded and turned into a huge millstone. One hundred thousand or one million powerful hell lords each took their side and pushed the millstone to spin crazily.

Woohoo! !

The whole purgatory space suddenly erupted with howls of ghosts and wolves, making people feel numb.

I saw waves of demonic energy rising into the sky, forming countless demonic soldiers with weapons, attacking the human camp from all directions.

Ho ho ho!!!

The demons blessed with the blood essence of the demon god also roared to the sky and rushed towards the nearby humans crazily.

Almost instantly, blood splattered and a terrible tragedy occurred. In an instant, the area thousands of miles away became a Shura slaughterhouse.

It was originally a battle of subversion, and the battle was about to come to an end. Who knew that the devil would have a trump card to change the situation abruptly.

What, they can't attack or lock on. The demon soldiers ground by these millstones are all spirit demons. Moreover, they are immune to energy attacks, which is different from before!

Many people shuddered. The spirit demon lair only appeared in the early stages of Netherworld Purgatory. Later, it was filled with flesh and blood demons, so it was forgotten by everyone.

Now, humans once again feel the fear they had before, and the attacks of these demon soldiers are even more fierce, almost fatal if they touch them, and no armor can resist them.

In the past, the spirit demons could barely attack with energy, but these demons that emerged from the millstone could not be attacked at all.


At this moment, countless starlight fell, surging through the void. It was Ye Jue rushing towards the hell millstone, with boundary monuments surrounding him, and divine particles being injected into him from the Gate of the Gods, suddenly forming a scene like a galaxy. This is a vision.


There was only an earth-shattering explosion, and the next moment all kinds of divine lights shone.

The terrifying hell millstone was tilted by Ye Jue's punch. The power of the fist rushed up to the sky and shook away the strange mist.


At the same time, the third demon rushed towards Ye Jue in an instant, his breath expanded, and the fierce ghost ate people, shocking his mind.


The God-killing Sword emitted a dazzling light, blocking the fangs of the third demon god, and sparks flew everywhere.

Third Demon God, today is the day you die.

Ye Jue shouted loudly. Now his whole body was crystal clear, and all the pores on his body were relaxed and opened. He was infused and blessed by the particles of the gods. He suddenly inserted the gun of heaven into the mouth of the third devil and pulled the trigger with a bang sound. .


Everyone saw that the third demon god was shot backwards and flew out, with his mouth full of light. He was suppressed by a huge flame gun bullet, and half the sky was filled with light.

Cannon form!

The weapon spirit girl shouted, and her body instantly turned into a long cannon, which appeared in Ye Jue's hand.


Ye Jue instantly pulled the huge trigger.

Suddenly, violent energy, dazzling thunder, and blazing lightning intertwined together, causing the void to crack.

This blow was so gorgeous and the scene was so shocking that it made countless people open their mouths in an O shape!

The two artifacts are still mythical beings themselves. Who dares to confront each other?

What about the devil?

Haven't you been roared repeatedly and unable to resist?

I didn't expect that such a powerful human being would be born on the ground. I underestimated him. How pure is his soul? If he is killed, the fourth level... my master will be able to revive directly!

The third demon coughed, it was vomiting blood, and it was also spitting out black mist, which mixed together and sprayed out, making it extremely embarrassing.

The power of the artifact was indeed felt. Two heavy blows caused serious injuries.


Ye Jue did not pursue, but instead punched the huge hell millstone again.

With a boom, the Hell Trim tilted again and stopped rotating completely.


Some hell lords howled miserably and were crushed by millstones.

Stop, these spiritual demon soldiers have stopped!

The human camp exclaimed, and then they got some breathing time.

As the hell millstone stagnated, these spiritual demon soldiers who could not be attacked also froze in place.

This is a special particle, quickly formulate a countermeasure plan!

The system is analyzing this demonic particle. We have obtained samples before and will be able to crack it soon!

Some big guys shouted quickly.

He knew that the battle was not over yet, the demon was not dead, and the millstone of hell would definitely turn again.

Hell's millstone, spin it again for me!

Suddenly, the flames burst into the sky, and the third demon god displayed a pair of red wings and flew high, with its arms spread out.


The entire hell millstone was actually repaired, and the hell lords were resurrected and moved the hell millstone again.

Whirring whirring!!

With gusts of sinister wind, the spirit demon soldiers once again attacked the human camp.

However, this time it didn't go so smoothly. The human side immediately launched a special particle capture machine. This machine rotated and directly swallowed hundreds of thousands of spiritual demon soldiers and shattered them into shapeless particles.


There are even immortal souls appearing. This is the person in the mythical legacy who comes to help, risking their souls to die, to help mankind win.

This scene makes people feel that the demon has lost its power and is about to be defeated. Everything now is a useless struggle.

one day! Two days! Three days...thirty days, fifty days!

This battle has lasted for fifty days, and the third hell is now a terrifying scene, full of mess, with demon corpses piled up into hills.

Hahaha, we win, we win!

Some people laughed, and now they have reached level 51, but they are coughing up blood and half of their bodies are in tatters.

He had killed countless demons, and all he heard was that his experience had increased. His revenge was successful, and he felt that it was worth dying now.

Don't worry, with current medical technology, as long as you don't die immediately, your body can be restored to its original state, or you can even be revived on the spot!

The medical team on the human side continues to make noises to inspire the entire ethnic group.

Fifty days of fighting, mankind has won the final victory, and the race has been sublimated!

The alien race received the news immediately, and their expressions turned ugly.

For them, this is undoubtedly bad news. The stronger the human race becomes, the harder it will be for them to obtain treasures from the earth.

I feel it, spirit body. Is this the spirit body that will appear when you reach level 50?

Hundreds of millions of pure-blood humans opened their mouths and spewed out a bright mist. This was the waste gas of their souls, the turbidity in their souls.

After exhaling this breath, their souls were like a ball of chalcedony, crystal clear and exactly the same as their bodies, and they all entered the first small realm of Jinxi's realm, the Lingtai realm.

Moreover, after level 50, every upgrade will strengthen the spirit body!

Hahaha, I don't think I'm afraid of meeting a spirit demon again!

These people are extremely excited.

They all have a feeling that current attacks and fists can easily hurt the spirit demon.

Now, Third Demon God, kneel down!

In the center of the third level of hell, all humans form a circle. They are all strong on the hero list.

Demon Arena, open it, open it for me!

Suddenly, the third demon looked up to the sky and shouted, with a devilish face, covered in blood, and cold eyes.

He was now extremely humiliated, hurting people one after another, but every time he was punished by the oriental man, and every blow was prone to blood, making his demon body unable to bear it.

If you want to open an arena, fine, I'll play with you to the end.

Ye Jue directly challenged him, leaving the scene extremely deserted. No one dared to compete with him.

Devils, humans, the third level of death battle begins now.

The voice of the man in black robe came down.

He never intervened in this counterattack and opened the Demon God Arena again with a raised hand.

This is the third time that demons and humans enter the arena.

For the first time, the devil was defeated.

The second time, they died together.

The third thing... I'm afraid it's just a joke.

Because the aliens discovered that the Eastern Ye Shen was now too powerful.

Any fool can see that Ye Shen's physique already has the strength of a tyrannosaurus, and he also possesses two artifacts, as well as the mysterious kingdom of gods, various mythical magic weapons and supernatural powers.

No one can match his physical or spiritual strength. He may be able to compete with the top young overlords in other star regions.

The mythical powerhouses of Qunxing were no longer able to survive. They all received the news and knew that Ye Jue had made a big fuss there, and even the most powerful shape-shifting demon was tricked to death.

Their biggest doubt now is whether he will be stuck at the early dragon level in human form, because there is a limit to the mythical physique, and now this oriental man is obviously approaching it.

If he can't improve, he won't be able to resist the coming of the Hundred-Star Powerhouse, and he will die miserably by then.

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