Human beings actually attacked while they were still incubating the demon army. Now that the army is pressing down, the demon side has become a vulnerable group. This is an unprecedented hellish disaster.

Ah, it's a subversive battle!

A top member recited loudly.

Fuck you uncle!

Yang Wenchao was sad and angry. This was the first time he had stepped into the devil's territory. This was going to hit him hard. How could he be so literary?

So hell is like this bear?

The violent bear, giant cat, and elk are also here.

They were not afraid because there was the ferocious Lord Ye sitting behind them.

Hmph, it seems that demons don't understand life. Is this what hell is like?

Fatty Qian snorted coldly and followed all the members of the base here.

Now all the members of the Peak Base are assembled, including Chen Ya, Xu Ziyue, Dong Minmin, Shen Rou, Yang Hongyue, Ni Qiuyun and so many more. These people are all people who follow Ye Jue's mythical path.

Humph, I've been here before, it looks so familiar.

The big wolfdog appeared, with its tail held high and a look of pride on its face.

He was deeply taught by Fairy He, and now he is the orthodox member of the demon clan. Who can match the purity of his blood?

Now that we are back, everyone is waiting for us!

It's shameless and boastful.

However, it also has this strength now because it has successively captured treasures from many mythological relics.

They even used linden tree sap to bathe, sitting cross-legged under the tree and taking baths day and night.

Ye Jue, I still remember you working for Long Xiaoshan at that time. Now times have changed and the world has changed. You are no longer the young man you were back then.

The big wolf dog still remembers when he came here to steal the hell treasure, the top awakening treasure and the crown treasure to awaken.

However, it slipped away very quickly at that time, and I don’t know what happened to that finger.

The finger you said was lost. Although it was found in Antarctica, it disappeared later.

Ye Jue shook his head.

That withered finger is very mysterious. Although it is a crown jewel, it is stuck in the devil's coffin and can disappear at any time, making it impossible for him to detect it.

He used the secret secret of the heart weapon here, because this place is connected with Withered Finger, so he can feel that he will meet it in the future, although he doesn't know in what way.

Hello, Ye Shen, I have changed my mind and turned to humans.

hello, I


These young aliens were trembling and worried whether Ye Shen would punish them.

However, it was obvious that they were overthinking it.

Ye Shen, long time no see!

Lu Hai, the base city leader of Nanfangjiang District, also appeared here.

There was a red light flashing in his eyes, he was still made of metal, and his men were all cyborgs, and he still followed the path of extracorporeal technology.

After saying hello, the panoramic screen turned off.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Fairy Crane also came up to say hello, and the events at Qunxing seemed to still be vivid in her mind.

President, I recently received news from Long Xiaoshan. They have developed a Zerg carrier aircraft, which has caused an uproar among the foreign races. All the major forces have learned about it and claimed not to return. They claim to have the most complete human embryos in the world. The model can create a real living god, who will prolong his life for the human race in the starry sky.

Chen Ya finished socializing with the bosses of various bases from a distance, and then came over to report.

Let them go. If it's true as they say, why not? However, choosing to leave the land of seizing creation is their biggest failure.

Ye Jue waved his hand.

Developing a living god is ultimately just an artificial god.

Now the global combat forces have been assembled to attack from four directions, and the Supreme Meeting will provide on-site command throughout the whole process.

From aliens to humans, everyone can get feedback information at the first time.

This was a simultaneous operation, with counterattacks in four directions, southeast and west, and a killing spree.

Let the war begin!

Ye Jue was the first to rush forward from the east.

This scene was so passionate that it made many people talk about it, and it was extremely inspiring and exciting.

There has been an explosion on the Earth's network. The demon army has risen too fast in the past few days and has become aggressive when united. Generally speaking, humans have been on the defensive.

Now that Ye Shen has returned, he leads the world in counterattack without saying a word. It is like a refreshing mudslide that sweeps away the previous decadence of mankind!


This is not exciting at all. It is the first time for humans to fight back against demons and hell. It is so passionate.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The shocking slogan made the entire third-level demon army take a few steps back.

What kind of counterattack? It's just food rations delivered to your door. I'll teach you how to behave in minutes!

The hell lords and barons looked arrogant and sent messages to the human world.

Whenever you cry, I will hold your head up later. I hope you will still dare to scream!!

The big wolf dog looked up to the sky and roared.

At this moment, the scene before the war was broadcast live.


Ye Jue was wearing red material wings, and it was like a beam of light that penetrated the super-heavy demon at the front, and hit it like a nuclear bomb, causing a huge explosion.

Ouch! !

Those demons were blown away by this brutal force.


I saw Ye Jue's figure appeared, roared, his hair was all messy and flying, his eyes were more terrifying and blazing than thunder, a mythical power emerged from his body, fighting spirit blended with complicated emotions, It filled the chest and surged out!

I bought it!

Westerners were frightened when they saw this scene, and their scalps were chilled.

It was too strong, and the energy aura filled the air like a mushroom cloud. It was really terrifying.

How far has his physique reached?

Boom boom boom!!

Ye Jue wielded a pistol in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, carrying a terrifying energy aura, slashing and killing. He was alone, without even flinching, facing a group of enemies.

What are you waiting for? Follow the president to kill!

All members of the Peak Base roared. They had all been nourished by the Bodhi tree. When they rushed towards them, they were like heavenly soldiers and generals in the ancient heaven, glowing with golden and silver light and colliding with the devil.


It's like a mythical heaven was born, filled with divine splendor, gorgeous and stunning.

The power of the prototype of the world's first mythical base was fully demonstrated in the eyes of the audience. They saw those people rushing towards it with a variety of mythical weapons and even extraordinary mythical chariots. There were also people riding on mutant beasts, wearing The mythical battle armor is so worn out.

This kind of fighting method is absolutely eye-catching and creates great pressure, which is a shock to any race.

This is the power of myth, the base of myth?

No matter how proud the demons on the third level are, they don't have the slightest advantage at this moment. They are all beaten to pieces and screamed in surprise.

In the front, there is the Ye Shen shining brightly, sweeping away all the enemies, and in the back there are the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals roaring and killing them. This scene is like a hundred birds paying homage to the Phoenix, and the princes are paying homage to the monarch.

How terrifying would it be if it grew up completely?

The powerful alien race under the starry sky trembled.

They are also paying attention to this very meaningful battle to see if the pure-blooded human race can create an immortal foundation in the land of creation.

Will the demons win or the pure-blooded humans will win? It’s really worth watching!

Invincible, simply invincible. With two artifacts in hand, we can defeat the devil. The myth will rise again. Will pure blood become one of the strongest races in the universe?

Seeing Ye Jue's divine power and the pure blood tribe's high regard for him, not only the aliens thought this way.

Because, they are likely to seek help from this mythical base in the future.

Kill! Kill!!

The war is still going on, and fighting is going on everywhere in the third level of hell. Artillery fire is raging, and the sound of fighting is shaking the sky and the earth.

Now here, you can see very magnificent battle scenes, which are more exciting than movies and more realistic than the virtual world.

After all, there are about 500 million human beings participating in this battle, entering through gaps in various places, gathering in all directions of the second level of purgatory, and attacking the third level of purgatory at the same time.

However, the number of all demons in the third level is also this number. There is also an incubation pool inside, which is incubating new demons, such as desperate hunters, hell guards, even super-heavy hellboys, and various hell lords.

I can't sit still anymore, I want to go in, damn the demons, I want to take revenge on them!

However, there are more humans on the ground who are constantly involved in this war.

Evenly matched?

No, with the crushing of the Eastern World, the demon army has been routed to the center.

There is a majestic hell mountain range, intertwined one after another, like a hell dragon dormant on the ground, sleeping from ancient times to the present.


Suddenly, a roar came out, it was really the Hell Dragon, and a desolate and majestic aura came overwhelmingly.


However, justice came from the sky, and a brilliant beam of light shot down from the east. The huge hell dragon was immediately crushed, and the entire area was enveloped in a hazy golden light, which was very gorgeous and sacred.

This is the power of the Heavenly Gun. In the past, it had fought ruthless characters, so it looked weak.

But artifacts are artifacts, even if they are foreign artifacts, they are filled with unimaginable divine particles.

This kind of power makes the foreigners jealous to death and extremely jealous.

It's so cool, Ye Jue. Your kingdom of gods can provide me with a steady stream of divine particles. I can shoot as many cannons as I want.

The tool spirit girl's face was very red and she shouted excitedly.

After all, there are gods sleeping in the kingdom of gods.

Ye Jue nodded.

Now he has no extra spiritual energy to study the Kingdom of the Gods, because each time the Kingdom of the Gods is opened, a huge amount of spiritual stones are required.

To maintain this open state and explore the divine path inside, at least 100,000 tons of spiritual stones are needed.

His next goal is to find the East China Sea Divine Furnace, which can refine endless spiritual energy. It is a perfect fit and can complement the kingdoms of gods.

Impossible, my demon army actually suppressed it. Is this really a human being?!

Finally, the Demon God of Purgatory could no longer sit still, and his facial features twisted together in disbelief.

It couldn't even think of this historic scene.

Humanity's counterattack really became a reality, and such a powerful force was gathered in such a short period of time. The whole world seemed to have discussed it in advance, and instantly launched a devastating blow to Hell.

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