Han Pi, do you need to worry?

Someone in the Peak Mythical Base cursed.

Foreigners don’t even know how to write the word “inheritance”! ?

Is the kingdom of the gods that Wuliang Umbrella, Demon Saint, and Jia Luo are fighting for really just a show-off?

Now, there is silence in the starry sky.

Then, a storm swept across the universe, and the third demon, Ye Jue, appeared on the surface of a planet at the same time.

This is an ancient planet without any breath of life, and the decisive battle is here.

Under the starry sky, all races were shocked because this planet had never been captured before, but appeared suddenly.

I just saw it. The man in black robe seemed to have grabbed some transparent ropes, and the planet was pulled out from the black gap in the universe.

They were all shocked.

Repel the anglers... Demon Saint, Jialuo, what kind of existence is he? Protecting the earth, presiding over the Demon God Arena, what is he trying to do?

Forget it for now, the battle between the Third Demon God and the Eastern Leaf God is about to begin!

They all exclaimed.

This battle is not that the soul travels, but is broadcast live in the sky without any stands.

After all, it was a deserted planet, and now there was no life except those who participated in the war.

What did you say? Play with me to the end?

Faced with Ye Jue's provocation and insulting words, the third demon god, as a demon god and the ruler of the third level of purgatory, finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action immediately.

His demonic power is very pure, without any tricks, so he can compete with Ye Jue for strength.

This is just the beginning.

Suddenly, Ye Jue's voice was majestic, emitting sound waves that shocked the world.

Immediately everyone saw a terrifying scene.

Because, all the magical powers in Ye Jue's body condensed into a talisman and appeared, wrapped around his fist!

Bang bang bang Some mythical weapons were sacrificed and exploded immediately. Among them was an unseen magic weapon that also exploded at this time. It was actually sacrificed just to break through the current peak power.


The ball in his body sprayed red particle wings on his back.

In an instant, Ye Jue's eyes turned cold, his body straightened up, and he punched out with an unparalleled punch.

This punch condensed the divine weapons, magic weapons, magical powers, and the red substance rushed to Hong Jun. Without any hesitation, it directly hit the third demon god's position.

Suddenly, the demon's surging blood was dispersed by a punch!


After scattering blood with a punch, Ye Jue's body suddenly lifted up and doubled in size!

Bang bang bang!

Thousands more mythical weapons and a magic weapon exploded, and the resulting powder lingered around his body.

He is now more than three people tall, like a giant spirit in mythology, with thunder and lightning formed by particles ejected from every pore.

The withered planet standing under his feet suddenly cracked open, and earth, water, fire, and wind spewed out from beneath the ground, unable to withstand his power at this moment.


The second punch came, condensing more domineering power than before. When it hit, the meteorite circle surrounding the planet exploded at the same time, boom! Boom!

This... is incredible!

not good!

After all, the third demon is also the master of the third level of purgatory. At this moment, he immediately felt strong danger!

Almost before his thoughts moved, the demon god's body reacted naturally. A skull formed by the demon god's soul flew out. The eyes, nose, mouth, and seven orifices were all lifelike, but the skin of the demon god was densely covered with scales.

His true body is a hell crocodile, but it has metamorphosed. Now that the spirit has left the body, it is to activate the original demon blood and restore the hell crocodile itself to resist this attack.


No one can describe the power of Ye Jue's punch. Is it the breath of a mythical dragon? Or are thousands of volcanoes erupting at once? What if the scorching sun exploded in the sky? Those stars falling and hitting the ground?

After all, this blow merged with the particles of the gods, and a gap opened in the door of the gods. You can even see many twisted powers blessing him, forming an ancient god character.

What does this mean? It means that Ye Jue has been recognized by the boundary monument and has become the master of the kingdom of gods. He just doesn't have a large number of spiritual stones to reopen the path to the gods and find the world inside.


Facing such a palm, the Third Demon God let out a scream, which seemed to shatter the pillars of heaven and earth. The starry sky darkened, and the meteorites were affected and exploded everywhere.

It's in the Demon God's Arena, and you can't get out even if you want to!

Oh my god...oh my god...

At this moment, people were shocked, shocked, and unable to make a sound.

Because a huge black shadow on the Demon God Arena was directly derived into the void. It seemed that the void was split open, and the upper body plunged into the gap in the void, and countless blood flowed out and spread out.

The entire planet is covered in blood!

Ye Shen punched half of the third demon god's body into the gap in the void, leaving only half of his body and two legs outside?!

Wow! !

Humans throughout the world were shocked and roared in disbelief.

This scene is so shocking that even previous movies didn't dare to do it like this, because the special effects couldn't be done at all, and they didn't have such exaggerated expressiveness.

Two punches... Two punches ended the battle, and the third demon was killed in an instant!

Sure enough, this fight to the death was a joke. As a single player, Ye Shen was too strong. He fought to the death twice in a row and successfully protected Hou Lang.

After all, if it had been anyone else, he would have ended up just like the hero he once was.

It's so shocking. This is the power of myth!

When people saw Ye Jue withdrawing his fist and all the phenomena in the sky disappeared, they really felt like he was dominating the world.

He already had the feeling of the previous duel between Wuliang Umbrella, Demon Saint, and Jialuo.

I want to join the Mythical Base, I want to work hard, and I want to defeat the devil with one punch!

Many people roared with excitement.

It's too strong. This is the Guardian Envoy of the East. The Eastern world is inviolable.

The aliens watching the battle nearby looked extremely embarrassed.

In their understanding, when demons and humans fight, they are at best evenly matched. When demons fight against human heroes, human heroes will be slightly at a disadvantage.

But he didn't expect that the Demon God would be defeated so quickly and completely. He had no power to fight back and was defeated in an instant. The fighting power of the two was not at the same level.

This is too much beyond the third level of purgatory, progressing too fast, evolving too fast, mutating too fast...

They were all gritting their teeth, their eyes were red, and they were extremely jealous.

Being able to defeat the third level demon so completely means that Ye Jue's current strength can easily subdue their super battle aircraft.

What is this concept?

Anyone who messes with him will blow up their aircraft with one punch.

Damn it, when will our external technology become so powerful? We need to analyze and analyze more powerful magical weapons and magical treasures.

These people were very unwilling. Originally, they came to the earth, manipulated human beings in various ways, and found many mythical treasures. They were extremely excited, and their strength also kept pace with the times.

Now I see that the people on earth are so strong and left far behind, and I feel extremely annoyed.

In the past, Ye Jue had also faced super battleships, but he had never defeated them. He only tore a section off, which was pretty good.

But now, he has made the aliens indescribable.

Ahhhhh, it's impossible, how could this happen? My body has lost all vitality, and there is no feeling of recovery at all. You destroyed my demon blood and cut off my original power?!

Sudden. A miserable skull floated down, and it turned out to be the soul of the devil.

So much nonsense.

Ye Jue raised the Spear of Heaven and shot a beam of destruction without even looking.

Ah... The lord of hell immediately turned into powder and disappeared completely.

The most glorious moment today is none other than this moment, which has a strong impact on people's vision.

The third demon is defeated and humanity wins!

Arena, closed.

The man in black robe flicked his fingers, and the corpse of the hell crocodile flew to the earth, hit the ground, and fell into a deep pit.

Ye Jue was also teleported back in a white light.

Is this the power of teleportation? !

He was quietly surprised. He had extracted the divine seal buff and used the power of teleportation many times, so he could naturally feel this power.

The methods of the man in black robe that were previously incomprehensible are now gradually being revealed.

He fell into a desert, which was bare and lacking in life. As he arrived, cactus flowers suddenly bloomed, it started to rain, and a lake was formed, attracting countless little lives to drink water.

This is the residual power of the divine particles, which instantly changed the ecological cycle of the desert and brought greenery.

Didi... President, your location has been determined. Please do not leave this area for the time being. We will arrange the fastest time-travel machine to pick you up immediately.

A familiar voice came over his communicator.

Not long after, an aircraft with full functions, sophisticated combat equipment, and the latest technology landed near him.

Let's go back to the Shinhwa Base.

Ye Jue stepped onto the aircraft.


The aircraft suddenly sprayed out blue flames, broke through the sound barrier, and disappeared here.

As soon as he returned to the Mythical Base, he immediately opened a gap in the Gate of the Gods. Anyway, the spiritual stones he owned were not enough to fully open it, so he simply used it like this. For those who are looking for 100,000 tons of spiritual stones, these are really just drizzle.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

The divine particles suddenly fell, and countless unnamed strange flowers and grasses bloomed immediately, and colorful mist poured out from the ground. If you inhale some, you will even feel that your heart is flying, which is so refreshing.

The mythical treasure trees originally planted in the base also grew instantly, bearing various precious fruits, and gave birth to treasure-hunting squirrels, who were very naughty.

Various facilities and equipment in the base have also begun to rejuvenate and have been restored to their most perfect condition.


Suddenly, the Bodhi tree in the center of the base vibrated and began to bear fruit again. Then, it repeated again and again, dropping Bodhi seeds that could pile up a hill.


Not only the base, but everyone is also bathed in divine light, shining under the divine particles, like sweet rain. Gradually, everyone's vitality is recovering, and their body muscles and bones are also repaired in the previous counterattack war. Even Broken limbs can also grow back.

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