Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 670 The Human Army Pressures the Situation

Eighteen seven-inch long small flags suddenly emerged from the purple lines on Jialuo's body, and suddenly patches of red electromagnetic light appeared in the blood-red sky.

These Shura Nether Flags interfered with the earth's magnetic field, followed by lightning and thunder, and an extremely dazzling blue light erupted, which instantly seemed to pierce the sky.

A strong man of Jialuo's level cannot be killed by ordinary means unless his original power is consumed, suppressed forever, or refined.

Of course, there are other ways to kill it, but people on earth absolutely cannot do it.

That's another innate spiritual treasure, the Shura Netherworld Flag. I thought it was a prehistoric fourth-level weapon before, but it seems wrong. It hasn't been promoted yet.

At this time, both the God-Zanbing Sword and the Spear of Heaven weapon spirit girl showed envy and jealous expressions.

Because they are ordinary artifacts, it is very difficult to transform them into extraordinary artifacts.


At this time, people saw that for a moment, the sky seemed to be like a piece of crystal clear glass being torn directly, and the sky was filled with dark cracks, giving it a sense of incomplete beauty.

This is the Asura Netherworld Flag to suppress the earth. Eighteen seven-inch-long flags form a cave outside the universe, releasing a terrifying electric light.

Immediately afterwards, the thunder rotated, like a lightning storm, violently exploding everywhere in the area.

The new nature and new life that were just born are being destroyed, and many lives are reduced to ashes.

How abominable!

Many people couldn't help but roar.

After all, there is rarely new life in the wasteland. No one can accept it if it is ruthlessly destroyed just as it enters the big world.

The Gate of the Gods, open!

At this time, Ye Jue saw all this, he suddenly opened the boundary monument, and the Gate of the Gods descended.

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, the dazzling red electromagnetic storm in the sky was blocked, and the scorching lightning splashed up and tore the void everywhere.


Immediately afterwards, the Gate of the Gods opened again, with five colors inside. Particles of gods spewed out from it, like half the sky falling down, and the mysterious power of mythology suddenly stirred up. These hot particles of gods were so blazing that they once again made the wasteland... Large areas of moss and green algae grew.

Puff puff!

You can also see that various sporophytes produce spores and fly out to colonize the world, and the global ecosystem is gradually waking up.

I never imagined that I would see such a scene again in my eternal life.

Some people couldn't help but shed tears. They could all feel that the new air was no longer turbid, and the freshness hit their noses. They all thought of their previous home.

Human beings are always like this, they only learn to cherish something after losing it.

This is the man named Ye Jue who is burning spiritual stones, selflessly opening up the kingdom of the gods and allowing precious divine particles to descend into the wasteland.

Some aliens' breathing became heavier.

Now the wasteland has really changed. Originally, all the demons were roaring, there were countless dark clouds in the sky, thousands of resentful spirits were flying, and there were hell flames everywhere, rolling and flying everywhere.

Now, it has been swept twice and disappeared without a trace.

Huh? You can actually open the door to the gods?!

Gaara frowned.

At this time, in the storm aurora of the Shura Netherworld Flag, a terrifying five-color divine light flowed out, and the black screen re-formed an energy vortex, turning into a huge fist, wrapping some life forms, emerging, and fiercely bombarded him.


With this blow, Jialuo and his Shura Netherworld Flag were blown away. The overwhelming energy and dazzling light made everyone unable to open their eyes.

I finally know what this shady story is, Jia Luo, have you ever remembered that in our era, there was a mysterious strong man who would cry when he appeared. He would kill people when he stood in his way, and he would kill the Buddha when he stood in his way. With just one blow, he would kill someone. He can tear apart the passage of time, and no one can escape if they encounter him.

The Demon Saint, who had been watching the battle, was suddenly startled, as if he remembered something, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Huh? When you said that, I was a little impressed. No wonder this shady scene is so weird. I couldn't tell what it was at first. It turned out to be his soul. Uh, no, it should be his spiritual body!

Jia Luo was like a meteor crashing into a distant planet. He received a huge impact and his mouth was filled with blood.

The Lamenter.

The demon saint showed fear.

This black curtain is the spiritual body of the Weeper, coming from deep space. During the Mesozoic and New Ages, the strong men in deep space were unearthed.

At that time, deep space was the place where creation was closely captured. It once brought the Tower of Inheritance to the dynasty of the earth, and many people believed in it.

At that time, technology had already appeared, but it was deep space technology and had nothing to do with edge universe technology.

Therefore, in the eyes of some primitive races, deep space is the ultimate goal.

Whether it is the stars or other star fields, breaking through the limits of technology and transforming the body into infinite machines is nothing more than wanting to get closer to deep space.

Even so, the Weeper was actually refined into a weapon. How was it done?

Jialuo kept coughing up blood. The Shura world was just a continent, with various powerful races living there. The Jialuo clan was just one of them, and it was just a fringe universe.

At that time, he was unable to compete with the Lamenters from deep space. Even less so now, the attacks were neutralized twice and his body was easily injured.

It seems that the truth of some things has not been discovered. It is better to retreat now.

The demon saint stared at the man in black robe, his body still burning with flames, adapting to this space.

Once he's fully adapted, he'll attack again, this time only to fight hastily and suffer the Weeper's loss.

Next time he comes, he will definitely be fully prepared and completely win the boundary monument.


His flames seemed to tear apart the universe and instantly disappeared into the space tunnel, while the sound still echoed on the earth.

Good brother, it seems we have to part ways for the time being. I hope you have such good luck next time.

Jialuo also burst out with unparalleled energy and rushed out of the space cage, rising like a red lightning and disappearing at the end of the space tunnel.


The space tunnel is completely closed and no trace can be found.

It's useless. No matter where you escape, purgatory will eventually sweep everything away.

The man in black robe shook his head, his voice cold and ruthless, and he did not pay attention to the two of them from beginning to end.


When his figure disappeared instantly, Ye Jue on the land suddenly heard this sentence and his scalp went numb.

He has already guessed some truths. Maybe purgatory will sweep across the entire edge universe. Starting from the seventh level of purgatory, the city of hell, the city of pain, the furnace of hell, and the temple of blood will appear. In the last life, at this time on earth, Humanity has perished.

Time is running out, Gate of the Gods, close it!

As Ye Jue spoke, he closed the boundary monument.

At this time, everyone on the earth, whether they were the previous humanoids or those who had changed jobs, were greatly shaken.

According to the level setting of the source, their current level is generally around level 40.

Only the heroes in the rankings received spiritual bodies, while other chaebols, bosses, and senior officials were all terrified.

They know that if they do not cultivate the immortal soul, then the earth will face a catastrophe in the future, and the death of the body will really mean death.

According to the summary of intelligence from all parties, if the level reaches level 50, even if you are not a hero, you can obtain a spirit body and reach the realm of Jinxi.

However, the only way to gain experience is by constantly killing demons. Now that the wasteland has been purified by divine particles, how can any demons appear?

Then counterattack?!

Someone said boldly.

Counterattack hell?

This is indeed a crazy thing, but the enemies that pure-blood humans will face in the future will be extremely powerful, and there will be many of them!

Only by continuously strengthening yourself can you survive the catastrophe.

My peak mythical base will express its stance in the Eastern world and fire the first shot to counterattack hell!

Ye Jue returned and immediately expressed his stance. His voice shook the sky in major live broadcasts, like thunder, seeming to encourage the pure-blood tribe.

In just one moment, the whole world was in commotion and was greatly shocked!

Haha, okay, then we will counterattack hell from all over the world!

The Western tribesmen responded one after another.

You're crazy, you're crazy. You're folding a good space and not exploring it. There are so many remnants of myths, but you're upgrading them in the most dangerous place. Is this the pure-blood clan's entire team's intelligence?

Under the starry sky, all parties were talking, and some foreigners made sounds of shock.

They have now integrated into the human race, but that doesn't mean they will accompany them to death.

From Netherworld Hell to Black Wind Valley, the power of the demons corresponds to their class.

God knows how powerful the demon on the third level is?

Human beings are not ant colonies, but individuals. Each one should sweep the snow in front of his own door, ignore the frost on other people's tiles, and just pursue self-protection.

If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. This is the motto of your pure-blooded ancients. Don't you yourselves understand it?

These alien races kept making noises and felt that it was unwise to counterattack Hell.

He actually wants to mobilize all human beings to go to hell. Isn't this a way to die?

There is a refutation of this point of view. If everyone only wanted to protect themselves and did not take action, the world would have been destroyed and chaotic. However, things must be reversed at the extreme. If everyone protects himself to a certain level, there will always be devotees. .”

Some people retorted and organized a team on the spot, went underground, and counterattacked hell.

Upgrading is secondary, killing demons is important!

Who is not lucky in this bumpy journey? Self-protection and watching the fire from the other side are meaningless and have lost their value at this moment.

Only by proving yourself, killing more demons, and avenging your dead relatives, friends, and brothers can you feel alive.

Counterattack hell, kill! Kill! Kill 1

Slogans rang out all over the world, and the first counterattack against the devil in human history began.

What, humans actually invaded?

On the third level of purgatory, the demon god named Rainstorm Lord made an incredible sound.

The super-heavy Hellboys around him were trembling.

Yes, they have invaded. They are unstoppable and are coming from all directions. The Second Purgatory Black Wind Valley is now their base camp and they are garrisoning. The leaders are seven human heroes, Li Lianxue, Pandora, Lou Jianzi, Lu Juan...and the 'god' of the Eastern world, Ye Shen...

The demons all knew at this moment that something big was going to happen.

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