I'm so angry, damn it, it's really over now!

The demon saint was extremely shaken, and his body shook out flames that filled the sky and surged in all directions. As a result, all the surviving fleets exploded and turned into powder.

What external technology is needed is all bullshit. The invincible strong men of the previous era can easily destroy your civilization!

People on land made noises against the aliens. The Demon Saint was so powerful that it shocked the world.

No, you don't understand. The stronger the myth, the more room for advancement in external technology. With information coming from outside the realm, the condensation core in the brain has been opened, and it can be transformed to break through the limits of the body. Thirty stars have become a thing of the past. A powerful man outside the body of a hundred stars is about to appear!

However, some aliens had shining eyes and were not afraid at all, but instead were extremely surprised.

The potential of the brain and spirit, the heart and mind, and the body and mind must be developed.

In the future, in vitro technology will be so powerful that even the imagination cannot imagine it!

The neural tissue of the brain, pseudo-consciousness, lower consciousness, layer consciousness, as well as the will to die and the source of particles have now unlocked the seal of the consciousness lock.

“The spiritual fire carries eternity and even immortality, born from the path of myth, where light and shadow coexist, wisdom and stupidity coexist.”

Some aliens made noises.

Extracorporeal technology will be like a deep sea, overturning the weight and vastness of history with majestic surges. The stars are not immortal, but mechanical ascension is eternal!

More and more aliens began to chant these words.

Bah, bah, bah, in vitro technology is indeed domineering and amazing, but is it too much to boast?

Many people objected.

Now that a new nature is born in the wasteland, isn’t it a treasure from the Mythical Road? !

Ye Shen's kingdom of gods can transform the wasteland easily. Everyone has seen the power of mythology. Who will still follow their methods?

With extracorporeal technology, some people can't stand the first step of transforming the body. What's the point of living if it turns into a semi-mechanical body?

What is the meaning of life? Eat, drink and have fun. Only in this way can life be interesting.

What's the use of praying to God and worshiping Buddha? In the end, you have to rely on yourself.

“I’m so angry!!!”

The Demon Saint was still roaring, and his eyes turned to Blue Star.

This is the hometown of the pure-blood human race. It was previously called the Earth. From ancient times to the present, it has experienced a total of six eras, the ancient, the ancient, the ancient, the middle, and the new. In this world, it is known as a place that seizes creation.

In the ancient times, primitive life appeared on the earth, a period of special sediments.

There is no need to mention it after that, until the new era, that is, the era of mythology, the era of the birth of the demon.

It was the most glorious era of the Mythology Road. There were gods who built heaven, but later the gods died and buried themselves in the kingdom of the gods.

As for the mythical road, it is the prehistoric era, which is also the ancient era, known as the ancient chaotic period.

The change of heaven and earth, the exchange of sun and moon, is an era. Heaven and earth repeat themselves, and eras change, which is called the prehistoric era.

The Prehistoric Era has gone through three eras, and it is also the most mysterious era. It is also an era that is invincible in mythology.

Mythical weapons, ordinary magic weapons, top magic weapons, and top-quality magic weapons are all products left over from the last Mesozoic Era.

Ordinary artifacts and top-notch artifacts were forged by foreigners. They appeared in the New Era, when technology had just shown some brilliance. In this world, the brilliance has only become huge.

However, whether in the Milky Way or among the stars, extracorporeal technology is not worth mentioning.

The most powerful ones are all in the vastness of deep space, and the strength of the beings inside is unfathomable.

It is rumored that those high-entropy bodies have become star-level life forms. The in vitro technology is so powerful that one person is a planet. It breeds fully automatic mechanical machines and does not require human labor at all. One person can control a carrier aircraft and a super starry sky fleet.

In addition, there is another kind of life form that is too terrifying. It is a star-level life form that is so powerful that it can use stars as carriers. It can edit a signal of itself and travel in the universe at warp speed.

When encountering a carbon-based life form, you can overlay information at any time, accommodate images, sounds, and logic, and easily give birth to life.

Extracorporeal technology can be seen as the evolution of tools, automated machines that can receive fluctuations in consciousness to work, and become microscopic step by step until they become tool-like atomic machines. At that point, human civilization can be called Shinto civilization.

The pinnacle of technology is theology...born from the path of myth, ascending to immortality!

Now, destroy it and seize the land of creation!!

The demon saint roared, and all the seven orifices were spitting fire. At this moment, he took action against the earth. The Faxiang Heaven and Earth grabbed the flame spear of the heaven and earth spiritual treasure level, pierced the dark universe, and descended on the earth.

It was a crazy moment, as if everything was falling apart.


After everyone saw this scene, their hearts trembled and their eyes turned red.

This is the power of myth. A demon saint-level strongman takes action and cuts off eternity. The entire sky is split, and the sky is divided into two!

No, are we finished?

Humans are still dreaming and cannot believe this moment.

The flaming spear that destroyed the world directly blasted down a dazzling sun. It was so dazzling that the void was shattering!


At this moment, the black curtain surrounding the earth appeared, scattering the flames, separating yin and yang, and resisted the attack that created the world.


This scene was too terrifying, with countless flame ripples surging, like sword waves, rushing towards the sky.

What's this?

Jialuo was extremely surprised. The black curtain was vibrating very regularly, and it seemed to be a kind of life form. Even he couldn't tell what it was.

Another change occurred, and the ripples of the black curtain actually condensed into a big hand that reached out and hit the Demon Saint, as if to blast him to pieces. Suddenly, a terrifying scene like a nebula collision was formed, clashing with the Demon Saint's energy.

At this moment, here, time seems to have been annihilated. The void is shattered and intertwined with the bright cosmic light, flickering on and off, which is extremely terrifying.


Everyone heard a scream. It was clear that the sound could not be heard in the universe, but they still heard it.

Because the demon saint was hit by the shady hand and made a terrible roar, which was too overbearing.

What the hell is this!!

The demon saint's dharma world actually shattered, trembled, and turned into a short body again, staring at the black curtain surrounding the earth in disbelief.

This shady thing is a life that we have never seen before.

Jialuo opened his eyes and couldn't understand what this was and why he was protecting the land of seizing creation.

You are so brave. Yiran, a cold and ruthless voice came from Tianyu.

At the same time, a thin man in black robe appeared. His black robe was a bit rotten because he had fought with the Fisher before and had been fighting in an unknown space for a long time.

Huh? Who are you and why can't I feel your breath?!

Gaara was shocked again.

However, this was not his personality. A long scarlet sword spurted out from his chest, like a red moon. The sword body was inlaid with countless bloody eyes, which was extremely weird.

As soon as the long sword was sprayed out, Jia Luo's flesh and blood immediately withered, and he became very old, as if he were covered with bones.

This is a true prehistoric fourth-level weapon, called the Blood-Eyed Sword, which can kill both good and evil. It is one of the eight great weapons of the Asura Realm in the Mesozoic Era, and is also known as the Eight Treasures of Asura.

The Eight Treasures of Shura are all innate spiritual treasures, the Shura Hammer, which can cause reincarnation with one hammer, and the Shura Sky-Destroying Mirror, which can break various spell restrictions and attack spiritual bodies.

The ninety-nine red clouds disperse the soul's gourd. After being released, it covers the sky and the earth. It can be attacked or received.

The Shura Hell Scythe specializes in killing souls and was damaged along with the physical body.

In previous eras, spiritual bodies were not called spiritual bodies, but Yuanshen. There were too many names. In this world, the road to mythology was cut off, so they were called spiritual bodies.

In addition, there are Shura Netherworld Flag, Yuantu Abi's Two Swords, and Moluo Umbrella. Finally, there is the Blood Eye Sword, which comes with Shura Formation and can be turned into a Blood Eye Snare to attack.

The Jialuo clan is a powerful clan in the Shura world. They mastered the eight Shura treasures, but they were all lost later. It is said that several of them were buried with them in the kingdom of the gods. I don't know if it is true. I really took advantage of that pure-blooded boy.

The demon saint dodged aside, and now the aura of the innate spirit treasure blood-eyed sword surged, and he was about to deliver a peerless blow.

This strike can easily split open the Land of Creation and cause this ancient planet to explode.

Many powerful people were killed here in the past, and they all left a trace of obsession. They were once so amazing and had so many followers.

It's a pity that the land of seizing creation has declined now, and it's time for it to disappear.

Whoever you are, go to hell!

Jialuo sneered again and again, the blood-eyed sword surged, the void was collapsing, and the atmosphere poured down like boiling magma, destroying the sky and the earth.

People, completely dumbfounded!

The shocking changes we encountered today were the worst in history. Those who had already died had no chance to see them, because those who saw them were all slumped on the ground.

All this is so terrifying, two consecutive world-destroying attacks are enough to scare people to the point of peeing.


Ye Jue's body appeared on the earth, and his expression suddenly changed.

He had just hid in the Kingdom of the Gods, and before he had time to study it, he was disturbed again by the vibrations from the outside world and appeared immediately.


What he saw in his eyes was a big black hand covering the sky, making the heaven and earth tremble.

At this time, he heard everyone shouting wildly, because the scene in front of him was terrifying and had the power to melt all things!

According to legend, there was a ferocious bird in ancient times that evolved to the ultimate level and could eat up the heaven and earth in one bite. It seems that it is encountering this situation now.

Huh? The Blood-Eyed Sword is actually blocked. This is impossible!

Jialuo's grinning face froze a little, thinking that the blood-eyed sword he offered could not be defended, but that was the fact.

I don't know what kind of life this big black hand was. As the man in black robe waved, it blocked the world-destroying blow again.

This scene shocked everyone on earth.

The host of the Demon God Arena is really powerful. He blocked the world-destroying attacks twice in a row, so he asked them if they would accept it?

Asura Netherworld Flag, come out to me!

Jia Luo's body suddenly ejected three Qiankun nails, and eighteen seven-inch long small flags appeared, all of which were blood-colored. During the shaking, destructive energy appeared, tearing the heaven and earth apart, and sweeping up the monstrous blood-colored energy to completely destroy the earth. submerged.

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