In the cosmic live broadcast, the figure's flowing brilliance looked very familiar from a distance.

It's him!

There is one person that all humans relate to.

He teleported to other star fields and returned so quickly?

The humanoids' faces twitched. They were extremely afraid of people from this Eastern world. Without him, they would have nothing to worry about.

Look, that little thing is flying towards him!

During the live broadcast, people exclaimed.

The little black monument that three invincible beings are fighting for is actually going to be won by a fourth being. This is a snipe and a clam competing for the fishermen's profit.

Sure enough, the master has been recognized. Only by killing the original master and completely destroying his cells, particles, and boundary markers will the connection be disconnected.

The demon saint frowned.

His blow just now seemed ordinary, but it was actually a great magical power, and it did not completely kill this pure-blood human race.

Now he is also fighting hard, regardless of this person's identity as a mortal angel, he must win the boundary monument.


He spurted a beam of scorching fire from his mouth and streaked across the starry sky. The combat power he showed shocked the human beings who saw this scene, and they were simply frightened to death.

You want to kill the mortal angel, don't you want to live and disappear forever?

The divine light of the Infinite Umbrella suddenly restrained itself, the umbrella body started to rotate, and a white light actually blocked the fire beam!


The energy burst out from the impact was terrifying, like a vast ocean undulating, and the blazing energy light eventually spread in all directions!

Humans on land seemed to have seen super fireworks exploding in the universe. Whether it was in the live broadcast or in the sky, there was a shocking vibration!

Some of the mechanical souls were trembling, because the super battleships docked around Blue Star were destroyed in an instant.

It's not that the super battleship doesn't want to escape, but it's really that it can't move. This sky is like a quagmire, and all the battleships are stuck here, unable to move at all.

What kind of existence is fighting? Ye War God dares to seize food from the tiger's mouth. He is simply desperate for his life.

The people on the ground swallowed their saliva and said this.

They were indeed thirsty for seeing it. What kind of super battleship was simply vulnerable in the eyes of these three beings.

There is no doubt that they are the best among the best!

Whether it was the short monster, the monster with purple lines all over its body and nails on its acupoints, or the terrifying hundred umbrellas, they were all so outstanding that they attracted everyone's attention.

Just between them, Ye Jue's light seemed insignificant.

But just like that, they actually wanted to snatch the food from the tiger's mouth and snatch the little black monument from their hands.

Although they don't know what the little black monument is, but for these three monsters to fight for it, it must be the most important treasure among the most important treasures.

What can I do? Now that the owner of the boundary monument has been recognized, tell me what to do!

The demon saint roared, and the old skin fell off all over his body. Even the hair was replaced, which was very shocking.

He is now in the present world, and his body is mutating with the mysterious cosmic energy. His physique is greatly improved, and every inch of him is emitting divine light, becoming more and more powerful.

On the forehead of the demon saint, between the eyebrows, there is a colorful flame beating. That is his spirit body, which has become a very powerful immortal soul.

Whoever gets the boundary monument can unify the entire kingdom of gods. Brother, how about you and I become the masters of the kingdom of gods together?!

The same goes for Jialuo. His body glowed red, and his nails protruded two inches. His vitality was astonishing, and the pores all over his body glowed with intense red light, as if he was covered in divine glory and shrouded in a bright halo.

This made people feel an unparalleled and powerful terrifying power, as if they could blow up the entire planet with just a raise of their hands and feet.

The Kingdom of the Gods...

Ye Jue finally knows the function of the boundary monument. He can now even open the corner of the kingdom of gods in the boundary monument, but it requires huge consumption!

Spiritual stone! It's a spiritual stone!

Zhan Shen Dao suddenly screamed.

Opening the kingdom of gods in the boundary monument requires the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that no longer exists. Now that spiritual energy has not been revived, only the stones from the last era that absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turned into spiritual stones can do it.

Now I am a lamb to be slaughtered. Anyone can easily seal me. Why not burn all the spiritual stones, open the door to the gods, and see what the boundary monument can do!

Ye Jue's heartbeat was racing. It was too dangerous at this moment and he had to make an immediate decision. He had tens of thousands of tons of spiritual stones in his space bracelet and sacrificed them directly to the boundary monument.


The boundary monument that was about to come into contact suddenly stopped rotating in front of him, and sprayed out black flames that filled the sky, sweeping away the Samadhi True Fire.

No, he can actually open the Kingdom of the Gods. This is to become the true master of the Kingdom of the Gods. Once he succeeds, we will never be able to catch him again!

The demon saint roared, and his whole body became extremely huge, like a scorching sun, emitting thousands of flames, illuminating his body completely transparent, like a burning man.

This is the great magical power of the Dharma-Xiang Heaven and Earth, which is higher than the realm of the shape-shifting demon.


A flame spear appeared in his left hand. It was an innate spiritual treasure in the mythical path, and it was on the same level as a peerless artifact or a peerless magic weapon.

The difference is that the innate spiritual treasure can be cultivated and advanced together with the main body. It can be transformed directly into a prehistoric level magic weapon without fusion.


In just a ten thousandth of an instant, the demon saint's flame spear stretched thousands of miles and burned. At the end of the fire, it was Ye Jue who opened the boundary monument.

However, Ye Jue was changing at this time and his body was disappearing.

The strong black flames around the boundary monument were burning, and even the void seemed to be burned, as if it was melting his body.


This time, not even the Infinite Umbrella could stop him, and the Innate Spiritual Treasure directly hit Ye Jue's disappearing body.


Everyone in the entire heaven and earth, and around the entire universe, heard a dong sound.

That is?!

Jia Luo, who was rushing towards him, froze up and became a little scared when he saw what was in front of him.

Gate of the Gods!

The cold voice of Wuliang Umbrella came out, and the Gate of the Gods appeared again.

The dong sound just now was the sound of the innate spiritual treasure hitting the Gate of the Gods.

This door slowly opened, accompanied by various visions, various wordless heavenly books, various golden papers, recording what happened in the long history, various forbidden places, the legendary heaven, and...

There are really too many of them, and with their respective scrolls, it’s like a super mythical world unfolding in front of everyone’s eyes.

All viewers will be shocked!

This is the true mythical age, the last era.

The boundary monument is the carrier of history, sealing the fallen gods of the previous era. It is full of divine particles, and it is surprisingly rich.

That's why it's called the kingdom of the gods, and the souls of the gods sleep in it.


Immediately afterwards, the Demon Saint let out a muffled groan. His innate spirit treasure could no longer move forward and was completely blocked by the Gate of the Gods.

With a buzz sound, the Gate of the Gods opened a gap, shooting out a ten thousand-foot curtain of light, spraying out rich divine particles.

Ah, these are divine particles, oh my God!

The aliens were simply stunned. These divine particles were scattered and intertwined, illuminating this lifeless wasteland in a gorgeous way.

As these divine particles fell, the hell matter on the wasteland was purified and turned into green moss.

The ruins and debris everywhere that were filled with the smell of decay were swept away and ushered in new life.

Oh my god, there is new life being born!

Countries everywhere made sounds of shock.

Those new lives are no longer hellish beings, but truly active cells, nourished by divine particles, and become small luminous beings.

They also saw a kind of rabbit flying up, its whole body covered with milky white light and exuding a special fragrance that made people drool.

Divine particles were scattered on the sea, and the bodies of a large number of sea beasts stained the waters red with blood.

Now it has been transformed into hundreds of millions of microorganisms, which happily grow into various fish, shrimps, crabs, etc., all new species that have never been seen before.

Hell's matter has been emptied, and the divine particles are purifying the hell rift!

someone screamed.

The hell cracks on the land no longer emitted blood-red light curtains, and the demons were suppressed.


The third-level demons who crawled out were driven into the ground again with howls.

The door of the gods is completely open, and the internal brilliance flows, just like the world of gods, coming to bring about the great world.

At this time, Ye Jue was suspended above the door, his whole body glowing with light, and brilliant divine light erupted from his pores, illuminating the world.

At this moment, he was like a god. His black hair turned into pale gold in the divine light, completely shining, and his body seemed to be made of immortal divine gold.

Ye Shen...

In the eyes of many people, he is already a god, a god who brings new life to the wasteland.

After a long time, the kingdom of the gods can still be opened. The atmosphere inside is very familiar. Are you still there?

Wuliang Umbrella said to herself, she knew that after the gate of the gods was opened, this pure-blood could enter it at any time to avoid disaster, and she could no longer catch him.


It turned into a white light, with dazzling brilliance, directly entered the gate of the gods and disappeared.

Unexpectedly, really unexpectedly, in the end, the boundary monument was actually obtained by the messenger of Hongchentian. What the hell is this? The messenger of Hongchentian cannot participate in the present world, but how could he?

When the demon saint saw this scene, his expression was very strange.

However, he has not yet fully obtained the kingdom of the gods. He has only been able to enter it. If we kill him now, we still have a chance.

His facial features changed several times, and he was strangled in an instant. The great magical power he used emitted fiery energy, like magma, spurting out dazzling red clouds.

Hahaha, it seems we think the same thing!

Jialuo's eyes turned redder, and he punched, ready to break the door of the gods.

Close the door of the gods!

Ye Jue suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole person suddenly disappeared into the kingdom of gods, missing where he was.

The Gate of the Gods was so bright that it illuminated the entire sea of ​​stars, and it instantly disappeared without a trace, not even a trace could be caught.

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