
Then, there was an explosion in the sky, and the violent breath directly caused the sky to shatter like a mirror, and large pieces of space debris fell down, revealing the dark void.

Wuliang Umbrella and Demon Saint simultaneously suppressed Jialuo and fell from the sky to the land.


In an instant, it smashed into countless rocks, and with the strong wind, destroyed large areas of ancient trees.

The hundreds of black water demon snakes in the mountains are all mutated and evolved monsters here, and they are very difficult to deal with.

But at this moment, he didn't even struggle, he just died, being knocked to death alive.

This is good stuff, it's such a waste.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed, and he immediately jumped over and put all the corpses of these black water demon snakes into the space bracelet.

What time has it been? Do you want your life?

The God-Slaying Sword was immediately choked.

Wealth is found in danger, this continent is full of treasures!

At this time, Ye Jue flashed his body, activated his wings of red material, and used his body as a flying sword to dash forward, following Wuliang Umbrella, Demon Saint, and Jia Luo to look for the treasure behind him.

Those crystal peaks are all spiritual stones, which cannot be collected normally because they are too hard. Now, after being knocked apart, they can be collected easily.

Now three terrifying beings were fighting, and he was affected by the blood spurting. But Ye Jue wiped his mouth and picked up various treasures and corpses like a normal person.

Life and death are destiny, wealth is in heaven?

The weapon spirit girl couldn't help but complain.

The 'stray bullet' is here again.

Suddenly, Ye Jue stopped. In an instant, he got into the cave and landed below.


The ground where he was just now was cut open, burning with blazing flames. The temperature was almost hundreds of thousands of degrees, and the ground melted directly.

In the wasteland, laser weapons can only produce a high temperature of more than 8,000 degrees, which is already very good.

However, the flames that the Demon Saint blasted out surpassed everything else. If he came to the wasteland, no one could stop him, and he could easily destroy all the bases.


Ye Jue's body flashed like a ghost, and he once again used the divine seal buff to stimulate the teleportation tunnel and open the space cracks.


The figure disappeared instantly, leaving no trace.

I managed to escape this time. It was really just a coincidence.

Zhan Shen Dao breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Jue nodded and was counting the harvest just now.


Suddenly, he heard another explosion behind him, and in the blink of an eye, he was caught up again.

The three-party war is still going on!

He saw the phantoms of various elixirs, elixir furnaces, rulers, copper bells, drums, coral beads, crystal balls, Fangtian painted halberds, stainless steel wheels, and giant axes all appearing one after another, instantly destroying his teleportation tunnel.

This was a blow from the Demon Saint, some kind of great magical power. It was originally meant to deal with Jialuo, but it was useless. It passed through Jialuo and affected him.


Ye Jue groaned and fell into the sky again, falling into the space tunnel and into a vast ocean.


A huge fireball fell down like a destruction of the sky and the earth, and smashed deeply into the sea.

With the sound of boom, countless steam surged up, the ocean melted instantly, and the depths of the seabed were even hotter.


Ye Jue roared and opened the teleportation tunnel again.

A new future appeared, but was abruptly cut off, and then came a new future. He appeared on the continents of various planets, and each time ended in destruction. He could only teleport again, but he would be affected by their power again.

It's as if they have been involved in a fight that cannot be stopped unless they take the initiative to stop the fight.

I understand, I understand. It's that boundary monument. It's been following you. That's why Wuliang Umbrella, Demon Saint, and Jialuo keep chasing you. It affects you. They don't even notice it. They think it's just The boundary markers are drifting with the tide.”

The weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven watched for a long time and suddenly called out.

That seems to be true.

Ye Jue nodded quickly. He was the first owner of the boundary monument and had a spiritual connection, so he followed him unless he died.

How to resolve it?

The God-Slaying Sword screamed.

Originally, I could just abandon the boundary monument and let them fight for it however they wanted, but I didn't expect that the boundary monument had recognized its owner and followed Ye Jue. This made it difficult to deal with it.

The pictures of the future are constantly flashing, and it is difficult to find the most correct one, but I choose this one.

Ye Jue flew towards the cracked space tunnel again. There was a special whirlpool in that tunnel. Dotted with stars, one could see an extremely beautiful and vast sky. This was the Milky Way.

You want to return?

The God-Decapitating Sword was suddenly startled, and his mind was swaying.

I feel that Ye Jue is too courageous. No matter which side it is, it can easily destroy the Blue Star. This will bring a catastrophe to the solar system!

I think Yuan should be able to beat them.

Ye Jue gritted his teeth and penetrated thousands of feet deep into the teleportation tunnel. The terrifying power from behind penetrated. In the face of these terrifying forces, the space tunnel behind him continued to open.

As expected, they have realized that Boundary Monument is chasing me!

He burst out and flew toward the moon at a speed exceeding twenty times the speed of sound.

At the same time, he felt that the ground behind him was constantly being torn apart, and the force was surging like a tide, pressing hard against him without giving him any chance to breathe.

Ye Jue knew that he was being targeted by them, and if he was caught this time, he would definitely be completely sealed.

Go, go, go!

He transformed into a twisted beam of light and struggled to reach its destination.

In fact, his speed is very slow and he will be caught up in a few seconds.

It just gave him a head start, and in about a second, he reached the divine seal of the moon.

Didi!! There is a teleporter coming from the star field of x-22, please pay attention, please pay attention!

Didi!! There is a teleporter coming from the star field of x-22, please pay attention, please pay attention!

The base system inside the moon immediately sounded an alarm.


Who are you?


The personnel who managed the divine seal inside the moon all stood up, looked at the embarrassed people in front of them, and raised their guns.

Didi! The teleporter information has been logged in, gender male, name, Ye Jue, others...

As the system sound sounded, these humans looked at him with shocked eyes.

Ye Ares?

He actually returned?

You have five seconds to escape!

Ye Jue roared, got on a space shuttle, started it skillfully, and drove directly to Blue Star.

Boom boom boom! !

A thunderous sound came from behind! !

He turned his head suddenly and saw a terrifying scene.

With the sound of Boom!, the moon exploded in his eyes, and the fire inside was billowing, forming a space tide that kept fluctuating.

Hahahaha, brother, where do you want to go?!

The sound of Jialuo's wild laughter was immediately heard. He grabbed it with his big hand, and various meteorites exploded. The space almost froze, and everything around him turned into purple and gold, forming a solid cage that made it impossible for Ye Jue's shuttle to break out.

Ye Jue's expression changed suddenly. This happened too fast. Now that he was caught, he couldn't escape at all.

Damn it, the blue star is clearly right in front of you!

The God-Zhanbing Sword roared angrily, and the beautiful planet was right in front of him, but he couldn't reach it.

Sword of God, let's go out and fight them!

The weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven gritted her silver teeth.

Don't worry, all of you.

Ye Jue shouted.

He knew that Demon Saint and Wuliang Umbrella would definitely not let Jialuo obtain the boundary monument.

If it didn't work, he was going to fight this body and let the red substance ball in his body explode completely, which might kill them all.

As long as the humans on the Blue Star obtain one of his immortal cells and cultivate it with some nutrients, he can be resurrected with full blood.


The void suddenly shook, and the boundary monument rotated at high speed like a top, and appeared here. Behind it, followed by the Demon Saint and the Infinite Umbrella.

The boundary monument appeared, and sure enough, it was chasing this pureblood!

The Demon Saint waved his big hand, and the extremely hot Samadhi True Fire came over. Together with Jia Luo, he directly detonated the shuttle, turning his whole body into a ball of flame and grabbing at the boundary monument.

At the same time, Wuliang Umbrella also immediately took action to snatch the small boundary monument.

Don't even think about it!

Jialuo roared, broke free from the shackles of the flames, stretched out his sharp claws, and touched the boundary monument.

Boom boom boom! !

They each exerted their strength, and the space was constantly being torn apart.

Then there was a bang sound, and the boundary monument started to rotate at high speed again, flashing everywhere, and exploding into a series of dense lightning. For a while, no one could catch it.

Demon Saint, Infinite Umbrella, and Jialuo were flying everywhere, grabbing boundary monuments. In an instant, the surrounding meteorites burned and thunder flashed.

what happened?

The humans in the wasteland raised their heads and stared curiously at the sky.

Satellite, broadcast the picture!

A big boss immediately used satellite live broadcast.

Suddenly, a picture that shocked them appeared.

Where's our moon?

No way, is that the remains of the moon?

People were dumbfounded at this moment.

What happened to the moon?

How do you say it exploded?

Oops, isn't the only teleportation seal in the solar system gone?

Some big guys who knew about the existence of the divine seal almost vomited blood.

That is the only way for humans to teleport to other star fields. Without the divine seal, the world is equivalent to darkness, closing the only contact with the outside world.

Look, what is that?

Then, many people exclaimed.

Because it was a scene of blood red, flames, and white light.

Who is that?

Some people were so shocked that they even sat on the ground.

I saw a ferocious creature with its whole body burning, raising its hand and letting thousands of meteorites follow it, colliding with those blood-red and white lights, causing all kinds of terrifying phenomena.

This is the Demon Saint, who originally had countless magical powers.

At his level, the magical power has turned into the legendary talisman of destiny, integrating thousands of magical powers and hundreds of great magical powers.

The power he exerted was naturally so frightening that no matter who saw it, they couldn't help but tremble.

Not to mention the immeasurable umbrella, every move is filled with immeasurable power, so vast it is unbelievable!

As for Jialuo, he is even more ferocious. Even if he is driven in by the Qiankun Nail and is in a semi-sealed state, his semi-disabled body still possesses unrivaled power. He can violently collide with the opponent and defeat all laws with one force.

They seem to be fighting over that little thing!

Many people with sharp eyes saw the boundary monument.

However, the boundary monument kept rotating during the attack, and the thunder continued to intertwine, seeming to intentionally hit a figure below.

Hey, there is a fourth existence. Who is that?

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