Jialuo's life characteristics contain a very strong vitality. This vitality makes the transformed bull demon feel that a disaster is imminent, and his body seems to be melting, as if he will die immediately.


With the last of his strength, he let out a cow moo and roared out.

In an instant, he made a decisive decision and with a sudden change of heart, all the magic weapons in his body were blasted away. This was an extremely brilliant sign.

Bang bang bang... There were twenty explosions in total. The force of the explosion cracked the void, and countless space fragments flew all over the sky.

After cultivating to his level, it is too easy to break the prison between heaven and earth.


The shapeshifting demon shrank down and fell into the space crack below. This was his escape route.

You want a calf to escape from my hands?

Jia Luo laughed ferociously, and with just a touch of his hand, the space crack in front of him expanded more than ten times. This was nothing. The horror was that the fragments of time and space that had been shattered into dust suddenly re-condensed.


The transformed bull demon suddenly felt his body sinking, being wrapped in a time crystal, and he would be at the same place in the next second.

What did I see?

Is this manipulating time?

The aliens were all dumbfounded. They had never seen this ability before. It was like the power of an hourglass to turn back time.

However, how can a single body have this kind of ability? Unless the body's strength has reached an extremely high level, it can only be achieved at that incredible level.

Xiao Niu, how dare you touch the boundary monument?!

Jia Luo laughed ferociously, and circles of blood-colored mist spurted out from his body, condensing into various halos that surrounded his body.

These halos are not ordinary energy, but great supernatural powers, extremely mysterious.

Ah... The shapeshifting demon was frightened to death when he saw such a scene.

What these were, he had never seen before.

What's even more terrifying is that the nails hammered into this person's body are constantly popping out. Every inch that pops out, all parts of this person's body, arms, legs, chest, internal organs, and even many gods The orifices, meridians, and bones are all breaking free from their shackles, and the essence of life conveys majestic thoughts, covering the sky, unrivaled.

That kid, what on earth did you attract?!

The teeth of the transformed bull demon were chattering,

What kind of existence is this?

The aliens present had chills running down their spines and numb scalps.

It seems you don't know how to write the word death. Let me write it for you.

Jialuo exhaled suddenly, and this bloody breath actually condensed into the word death in the void. It was bloody and red. It was very shocking when it appeared. The surrounding fields were vast, and the vegetation collapsed, forming a storm. Here, It was spinning wildly, and the sky was filled with earth and rocks.


The transformed bull demon witnessed this scene with his own eyes. When he saw the word death flying towards him, he immediately felt that every muscle, every tendon, every blood vessel, and every piece of skin began to die. The humanoid Tianjuan particles also began to die in a kind of way. He collapsed at an unimaginable speed. In an instant, his whole body was like a skinned cow, bloody and scarlet.

This method has never been seen, never heard of, and no one knows about it.

Oh my God!

All the star channels that were watching the live broadcast were in a state of panic. Everyone was clutching their hearts, unable to hide the fear in their hearts.

The invincible giant monster was suddenly defeated and unable to resist at all.

They all felt that the bull demon was really tricked, and they didn't know what the boy had provoked.

go to hell!

Jialuo smiled ferociously, and red light continued to flow from the gaps in his eyes. The hand was not a hand, but a sharp claw, and he immediately grabbed the transformed bull demon.

In his eyes, this was already a dead cow.

As the sharp claws grabbed it, the transformed bull demon's body exploded in advance, and most of its body was turned into pieces, unable to withstand Jia Luo's attack.


At this time, there was another burst of thunder flashing in front of the time hourglass, which was very depressing, making people feel breathless and extremely uncomfortable.

This is another powerful being using unknown means to reverse the time hourglass and come from the other side.


I saw a golden lightning bolt near the hourglass of time quickly attacking Jialuo, then exploding violently, flying in the air, like a huge white dragon that exuded pure Yang energy.

Quick, film it and choose a live broadcast platform to broadcast simultaneously to other star fields. This is sensational news. Is that a living dragon?!

Many aliens shouted excitedly.

No, that's a white umbrella?!

A stranger shouted, breaking the silence.

At this moment, they were shocked!

Because the breath of an umbrella is like a divine dragon, extremely violent, directly blocking Jia Luo, what kind of existence is it to fight against it? !

However, at this moment, the precious time hourglass exploded completely, and as a flame rushed into the sky, those warships exploded one after another!

Ah... The aliens howled miserably.

What is this, so terrifying that it can easily burn the protective shield and turn Zhanhang into molten iron?


This breath hovered in the void, and the flames covered the sky and the sun at an unparalleled speed. The entire small planet was enveloped, and golden flames burned everywhere.

Monster, demon, demon saint?!

The transformed bull demon who was lucky enough to survive had his tongue tied.

What, is it really a demon saint?

At this moment, the two high-entropy bodies also woke up. Just now, the whole body system had shut down, and it was finally reactivated. Now when they heard the demon saint, their facial features were twisted together in fear.

No way, is it really the Demon Saint? What's going on? The mighty powers of the Mythical Road appear one after another. Does this mean that the Mythical Road is about to rise?

The aliens looked at each other, there was no doubt that a catastrophe was about to happen to the little star.

Because the small landmass cannot withstand the attacks of these three terrifying beings.

It's finally here. Is this the present world? The spiritual energy is completely exhausted. There is a dead silence in the universe. Everywhere is filled with desolation. I feel the unwillingness and roar of my ancestors.

The demon saint shook his head, and the circle of flame wheels behind his head shook slightly, giving people a feeling of glittering fire and gold, and the coming of doom.


He immediately sprayed out brutal flames from his mouth, and these flames instantly surrounded Jialuo.


Jialuo was not afraid at all, tearing apart the fire wall with both hands and pounced on the transformed bull demon.

The boundary marker is on that cow, don't let him succeed!

Wuliang Umbrella immediately made a cold sound, its ribs were extremely sharp, and it shot towards the large points all over Jialuo's body.


At this moment, the transformed demon cow was completely dumbfounded. What on earth did he get that was enough for three powerful men to join forces and pounce on him?

These three breaths were so shocking that he couldn't resist even one of them, let alone three of them?

Give it back to you, I'll give it back to you, don't look for me, ahhhh!

The cow finally realized the seriousness of the problem and threw the boundary marker.

He hated that boy now. This boy must have known that this boundary monument was a hot potato, so he simply gave it to him.

It's okay now. He has become a target of fire. He was attacked by three auras at the same time, so he can only throw out the boundary monument to save his life.

However, no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than Jialuo, Wuliang Umbrella, and Demon Saint.

All of a sudden, he was squeezed by three forces, his body began to deform, and his eyes popped out.



With a muffled sound, he was squeezed alive, his body shattered and turned into blood mist.

my body!

Then an immortal soul flew out with a howl, shocking the stars.

That's the immortal soul, the shapeshifter's body has exploded!

It's so miserable. I was really tricked to death.

Who made him greedy for money? How dare he accept such an unlucky thing as a monument?

What a tragedy.

The aliens from all walks of life were undoubtedly shocked. They felt that the transformed bull demon was now dead, with only its immortal soul left.

The immortal soul is not invincible. Immortality refers to self-immortality. The outcome of external interference will be different, because it will be easily captured by the particle collector.


With the fall of the bull demon, the Mountain God Pearl also flew towards Ye Jue. After all, this thing had been refined by him many times, entangled in his aura, and automatically recognized its owner.

Ye Jue, what should we do now? In order to fight for the boundary monument, those three people fought so hard that even the little stars were about to explode. Your body is not strong enough to survive in the universe, so you must leave.

At this time, thoughts came from the God-Slaying Sword.

My spiritual imprint has been left on the boundary monument. We should withdraw here first and let them fight to the death.

Ye Jue knew it well.

Although the boundary monument may contain a lot of useful information, he cannot participate in the battle at this moment. He is the first person to collect the boundary monument and can leave a spiritual imprint deep in the boundary monument that will not be erased by anyone.


He immediately used teleportation to open a dark space tunnel and jumped in.

This is the power of teleportation. He is going to enter a continent on the map. It is called the Ancient Land and is home to many incalculable lives.

At this time, Ye Jue continued to activate the secret decree of his heart, and various blurry images flashed by at an unimaginable speed.

One of the scenes was horrifying. He was fighting against a king from the ancient land, sweeping through the surrounding forests and rocks. The giant trees were broken, thorns were shattered, and rocks exploded, shaking the entire ancient land and mountains. All kinds of ferocious beasts and exotic birds were killed. Horrifying.

No, Ye Jue, the transmission tunnel is cracked!

Suddenly, the God-Slaying Sword flew towards him with a loud roar.


Ye Jue suddenly raised his head, and sure enough, a big hole opened in the transmission tunnel. He saw Demon Saint, Wuliang Umbrella, and Jia Luo constantly colliding together, forming a time and space tide, and various empty fragments vibrating. It spread to the surroundings, and the sound of explosions could be heard everywhere.

Boom boom boom!

Jia Luo was so fierce that he fought against Wuliang Umbrella and Demon Saint at the same time. He roared, opened his bloody mouth, and roared through the space.

The picture of the future has changed?

Ye Jue exclaimed that the future picture he just saw disappeared.


He suddenly fell into a space tidal wave, was swept into it by a tornado-like force, and then hit the hard continental ground.

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