This kid is now at the pinnacle of the humanoid early dragon level. Once he breaks through to the tyrannosaurus level, he will be directly above the mid-tier tyrannosaurus level, and his spiritual body has begun to transform into an immortal soul, which should not be underestimated.

However, he doesn't care much because his strength is far beyond the level of Tianlong or above, which is beyond the Tyrannosaurus level or above. He is a humanoid Celestial Dragon and is invincible in his form.

Okay, okay, that's a magic weapon, it's really great.

The two high-entropy bodies also made tut-tsk sounds, saying, This is a good thing.

Okay, okay, I want to take back everything on Shinhwa Road. It doesn't belong to you.

The transformed bull demon spoke, his face extremely cold.

Huh? This is different from what we promised. Shapeshifter, are you interested in making money? Don't think we are really afraid of you!

Buzzing, buzzing, those carrier aircraft and super battleships all made a roar that resounded throughout the world.

These are the major races in the stars, headed by extraordinary organizations. As long as they speak, they will obey all orders.

After all, the scale of the extraordinary organization is frightening, not only among the stars, but also outside the territory. This is just a passing scene, and the real strong ones have not even appeared.

Hmph, the Mountain God Pearl was originally mine, the Vajra Secret Scroll, everyone belongs to you, but the stone tablet is mine!

The shapeshifting demon snorted coldly. He was a demon after all, and he followed the path of mythology. How could he not know how extraordinary this treasure was? !

Just lingering on this kid's body creates waves of aura. It is very likely that it is a top-notch magic weapon, comparable to a top-grade artifact.

That `s a deal.

Two high-entropy bodies spoke, representing all warships, and nodded.

Because the kid is already in the bag, you can handle it and divide it up as you like.

Then let's do it!

The three of them nodded and reached a consensus.

Wait a minute, actually, I want to tell you something. I have decided to hand over all the treasures I have to you.

Ye Jue said suddenly, the mountain god ball bounced over, and there were boundary monuments hovering in the void, as well as the Vajra Secret Scroll in the space bracelet, and some low-level magic weapons and magical powers of the shape-shifting demon.


The next second, all three people's mouths opened and their bodies stopped.

What's happening here?

Do you really not resist?

You know, this kid is now much stronger and is definitely capable of resisting or even escaping.


Such a scene happened, making all the aliens present open their jaws in shock.

Not only that, I also voluntarily donate my body, and the anatomy and research will be up to you.

Ye Jue slowly flew over.

Be careful of fraud!

The transformed bull demon shouted loudly. He didn't quite believe that this kid would do this. It was most likely a fake surrender.

However, when he saw Ye Jue surrendering and being tied up by a beam of light, he was instantly stunned.

It seems that this kid knew he couldn't defeat us, so he surrendered.

The high-entropy body said that he took the Vajra Secret Scroll and was extremely pleasantly surprised. It was a genuine product, a first-hand product from a macho man.

Are you stupid? Where can anyone commit suicide voluntarily?

It made a high-entropy body shake its head. There must be some fraud involved, but no matter what, this kid has really been caught.

No matter what you are thinking about, it is useless. It is nothing in the face of absolute strength.

The shapeshifting demon was immediately overjoyed and took over the Mountain God Bead and the Black Tablet. He couldn't put it down.

Especially this black monument gave him a mysterious feeling, because it was like the sun, very bright, hiding terrifying energy, and was definitely an invincible treasure.

I thought it was a king, but I didn't expect it to be bronze.

Suddenly, all the aliens watching the live broadcast on the stars were disappointed.

The seemingly divine pureblood surrendered on the spot. This was really boring and brought them no fun.

You are right, in the face of absolute strength, everything is nothingness.

Ye Jue was trapped by a magnetic beam on the mothership, and his feet and hands were tied by a shapeshifting demon with a rope, but he had a smile on his face.

He has seen the future and it is about to happen.

How dare you be so arrogant?!

The shapeshifter laughed ferociously and fell into their hands. They really thought that such a simple matter as dissection would be too easy for this kid.

You may not believe it, but this thing called a boundary monument suppresses a terrifying race from the previous era that was 70,000 feet underground, and it also seals a demon saint.

Ye Jue was not anxious at all, with a smile on his lips. No one could take his things away.

What did you say?!

The shapeshifter was surprised at first.

He said Demon Saint?

The two high-entropy bodies also froze.


Then all three of them burst out laughing to the point of tears.

Moo! Are you showing off your head? Demon Saint, what kind of Demon Saint? Let him come out and let me take a look. I have been incarnate for so many years and I have never heard of a saint among the demons.

The shapeshifter made a moo, which made me laugh so hard.

He thought this kid would say something to shock them, but who would have expected that he would talk about the last era, boundary monument, terrifying race, and demon saint?

Why didn't you say he was a demon god?

The two high-entropy bodies burst into tears. They were cyborgs and had never shed tears in their lives, but at this moment, their eyes began to glow when they were laughed at.

Little brat, you are so young. Remember to use your brain next time you say something stupid, even though you won't have another chance.

The transformed bull demon laughed.


Ye Jue shook his head and looked at the sky.


In an instant, all the carriers were shaking, and a series of symbols began to light up on the small stars.

what happened?

The three of them were stunned and their bodies froze because they were trapped by the network of these symbols and could not escape. The most frightening thing was that the time of the little star seemed to have stopped.


The next moment, there was a big explosion in the sky!

Some people saw that it was an explosion in the void. There was no igniting object, so it exploded out of thin air.


A carrier aircraft was unable to escape and was swallowed up by the terrifying energy. The huge hull instantly shattered into pieces, and countless aliens struggled wildly and jumped off.

What's wrong, what happened?!

Many people screamed and panicked.

A powerful being is attacking us. Everyone, hurry up and resist. Let's fight together!

Someone yelled to calm people's hearts. After all, 70% of the combat power of the stars has been assembled on the small star. The aliens' motherships have arrived, and some powerful wanted criminals on the demon star are also here.

“Don’t panic when something happens, just take out your phone and send a message to Moments!”

Someone else yelled.


At this moment, people discovered that the hourglass of time suddenly began to reverse, and some time crystals began to appear out of thin air.


The eyes of the two high-entropy bodies were about to pop out. This was simply impossible.

No, this is time reversal. There are terrifying beings who can use time crystals! What kind of power is this?

They roared angrily, and their bodies turned into streams of light and flew away to destroy the hourglass of time.


But something happened that shocked everyone. A man with blood-red hair appeared in front of the time hourglass. He raised his head and roared, and a pair of blood-red wings appeared behind him. The blood was so red that he looked like a fallen angel, bursting with immeasurable power. able.

Who is this?!

I feel unparalleled terrifying power!

That is……

Whether they were on site or watching the live broadcast, the foreigners felt chills in their hair.

The two high-entropy bodies were also extremely shocked. At this time, they were too close and it was too late to dodge.

puff! puff!

Amid everyone's shocked and distorted faces, the two of them turned into a rain of blood, fell down, and then burned blazingly, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

They were invincible among the stars, and they were defeated instantly. They didn't even see how they were attacked. Everything happened too fast!

How could it be possible that a thirty-star high-entropy body, which analyzed a body of mythical power, and a body of extraterrestrial technological super-particles comparable to Tyrannosaurus-level particles, was defeated in an instant?

This kind of madness, this kind of incredible thing, no matter who it is, is extremely shocked, and it is difficult to conceal the panic.

Moo, who is this person?

The transformed demon was so frightened that he even screamed moo. Since he transformed, this original sound has long been abandoned, but now it is emitted frequently.

Ha ha ha ha!!!

As soon as Jialuo appeared here, he let out a laughter that shook the world, and blood red spurted out from his body, covering the entire land.

Is this the real world? Is the purity so low now? There are so many toys?

He laughed maniacally and raised one hand to the sky.

Bang bang bang! !

The densely packed warships exploded one after another, the mothership was directly broken, and all the cores were burned and turned into ashes.


In an instant, the entire Qunxing live broadcast platform was frightened, and everyone screamed.

What power is this? !

Destroy the carrier aircraft with one easy blow?

Oh my God!

All the alien races were in horror, as if they could feel the boundless killing intent through the interstellar network.

Oh my god, I knew something bad was going to happen, otherwise how could that pureblood surrender so quickly?!

The foreigners who knew Ye Jue's true nature couldn't help but scream, they were really being tricked now, something big was going to happen to the little star.

Good brother, so you are here?!

When Jialuo saw Ye Jue, his mouth was split open, showing a terrifying arc. Although his face looked like a human, he smiled ferociously, and his eyes were like crescent moons, as if he were a ghost from mythical time and space.

Where is the boundary marker?

He teleported over and grabbed Ye Jue suddenly, his eyes gleaming like thorns.

These lights are real thorns, piercing into Ye Jue's mind, looking for answers.

I'm sorry, I'm a prisoner now, and the boundary marker is on him.

Ye Jue showed no reaction and pointed his finger at the back of a figure who wanted to escape.

For a moment, the entire starry sky was temporarily quiet.

This guy... is really an addicted demon who deceives people. At this moment, many aliens officially believe that the only pure blood in this star is really damaging!

No wonder he surrendered so simply just now, he was already preparing to trick the bull.

I...was fooled!

The transformed bull demon was shocked, reacted, and let out a hoarse voice of being deceived.

He only felt the oppressive aura coming towards him, how overbearing it was! !

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