This is the text of history, recording the truth of fractured history.

The scarlet humanoid's voice was hoarse and cold, cold and ruthless.

He repeated what Ye Jue had heard and seen.

But the next moment, the scarlet humanoid's expression suddenly became even weirder. He seemed to have noticed something. When he looked at Ye Jue, there was a smile on his face.

I once deliberately left a breath in the long river of history, and sure enough, you really appeared here to help me get out of trouble.

His eyes suddenly became focused, and he seemed to have regained some consciousness.

Ha ha ha ha!!!

At this moment, people 70,000 feet underground are also laughing wildly, and their red hair is flying!


finally come!

After waiting for so long, he is finally here!

Stop dreaming. As long as I'm here to suppress you, you can't get out.

The cool voice of Wuliang Umbrella came from above.

Then give it a try!

The man was still laughing wildly.

What do you mean by helping you out? Are you sealed?

Zhanshen Dao asked quickly.

That's right, I was suppressed by a bitch for ten thousand years, nailed to death with a cross made of Douriluo wood and the Qiankun Nail, and a thought attached to the Infinite Umbrella was used to suppress me, but it doesn't matter. , the most important thing is that this black stone tablet suppresses me.

The scarlet humanoid made no secret and said loudly.

This aura has been spiritually connected to the person within 70,000 feet underground, and they are now the same person.

The method is simply unbelievable. He had reserved such a hand thousands of years ago to help himself out of trouble.

Why should I help you?

Ye Jue asked quietly.

Don't be fooled. You know that I have cultivated powers such as secret decrees and can meet the future. It is bound to happen that you get this black stone tablet because you need it so much.

The scarlet figure laughed.

You're right.

Ye Jue nodded.

But having said that, it still feels uncomfortable.

The reason why you are unhappy is simply that you did not get any benefits and felt that you were being used by me. In fact, this is not the case. As long as I am born, no one in this difficult situation will be my opponent. We can be brothers, not enemies.

The scarlet humanoid still said.

I'm not arrogant enough to be brothers with a strong man who has lived through the ages.

Ye Jue shook his head and looked at the scarlet humanoid in front of him. The aura had begun to fall apart.

You will understand in the future that I am not your enemy, that bitch is.

As the scarlet humanoid spoke, he disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before.

What does he mean by making a special trip to see you and tell him about being sealed?

Zhanzu Dao was a little confused.

I don’t know what level of power this scarlet humanoid is, and I don’t know if it is an immortal soul.

It would be easy to deal with the immortal soul. The immortal soul cannot leave a specific area, because now is the Age of Dharma Ending, and there is no spiritual energy between heaven and earth, so it is not suitable for the survival of the immortal soul.

And maybe the real body is in the mysterious black realm, which is even further away. Let him unblock it.

The key is, why does this person want to win over Ye Jue? !

Is there anything noteworthy about Ye Jue?

If you insist on saying that there is, it would be a red substance. After all, Wuliang Umbrella calls Ye Jue the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven.

So, this person is interested in this identity?

No matter what, as long as I move the black stone tablet, he might be able to unblock it.

Ye Jue frowned and offered the Mountain God Bead. He felt that he was too weak and had to accept being used.

However, the scarlet humanoid is not hostile, which is more beneficial to the current situation.

Do you really want to move the historical text?

Zhan Shen Dao couldn't help but ask.

This is what must be done now. Since he is using me to unblock him, he owes me a favor. When I become stronger in the future, I will let him repay it.

Ye Jue's mountain god bead kept flashing with brilliance, and the light curtain enveloped the black stone tablet.

The Mountain God Pearl can put away the black stone tablet, but the progress is very slow and causes a loud noise.

Boom boom boom! ! !

I saw that the black stone tablet continued to shrink, and the power passed through the barriers of time and space, and I don’t know how far it traveled.

That's our treasure!

The aliens were dumbfounded when they saw such a scene.

They arrived belatedly after fighting the flame giant. Unexpectedly, they had already arrived first. This black stone tablet was obviously a valuable treasure here.

Now it has been taken away by others, gradually shrinking, and has become as tall as a human body.

Every alien had a look of jealousy and greed on their face.


They rushed over with shouts, drove their carrier aircraft, and crashed into here.

boom! !

A small part of the solid temples here were immediately knocked down. Dust and debris rose in the sky, and hurricanes were everywhere.

Ye Jue, hold on tight, the Demon Saint is about to take action!

Zhan Shen Dao suddenly shouted.

Because in the bloody void above here, the huge demon saint's eyes have been closed.

It can be seen that countless time-space folded caves appear. Some extremely advanced people carry swords on their backs, and some carry various magic weapons. They seem to be suppressing the demon saint.


With a shocking explosion, the sky shattered like a mirror.

Ye Jue could see that the caves with folded time and space exploded all of a sudden. The immortal souls inside died on the spot and disappeared into the brilliance of stars in the brilliance of stars.

Each of these immortal souls surpassed the tyrannosaurus level. The immortal souls guarded this place in the tide of time and space. Because he kept taking away the stone tablets, he finally couldn't resist the Demon Saint's appearance.

That's the Demon Saint?!

His eyes narrowed.

In the blood red over there, a figure with auspicious light protecting the body appeared. Although the appearance could not be seen clearly at the moment, his eyes were as bright as lightning.

what is that?

All the alien races also discovered this existence and trembled in astonishment.

what is that?

Because everywhere he saw, from dragons to tigers, to birds, Kunpeng, Taotie, etc., they were all sacred birds and sacred beasts, all spinning around the figure at this time.

This is this person's auspicious light protection body, so the vision and various precious animal bodies are all complete.


Suddenly, this short figure walked out from the burning red clouds, and all kinds of divine birds and sacred beasts rioted together, raising their heads, hissing, and roaring at the sky. The scene was too terrifying.

Because those creatures are so lifelike, as if they really exist.

What kind of monster is this?!

Zhan Shen Dao was stunned. When he existed in the last century, it was already at the end of the Age of Ending Law, and he had never seen anyone show such a vision.

have no idea.

Ye Jue was no longer calm and showed a shocked expression.

Because it was this demon saint who was about to attack him and seal him in an absolute time-stop world.

This is?

Suddenly, the weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven came to life, and she seemed to be shocked by this aura.

The Demon Saint is coming out!

The God-Slaying Sword screamed and quickly retracted Ye Jue's body, turning into a tattoo.

He didn't want to face the Demon God directly, because he could only run away, and he couldn't see through any of the Demon Saint's cultivation.

what is that?

Ye Jue was shocked.

Because as the Demon Saint walked out, a powerful cave sky was constantly rotating behind the Demon Saint. In that cave sky, a earth-shaking change was brewing all the time, as if it was changing matter, making his body , transformed into an existence similar to immortal matter.

For this kind of existence, it is no longer possible to infer the size of the body, the particles, and the number of layers of the spirit body.

It seems that with a breath of air, the first dragon, tyrannosaurus, the Tianlong level that surpasses the Tyrannosaurus, and the humanoid Tianjian level above the Tianlong are not enough to see.

Only Wang Digui, whom the artifact said was capable of fighting, would probably lose.

Because there are too many realm levels on the road to mythology, many of them have been lost.

But Ye Jue, who has obtained the stele of truth, might be able to completely recreate the true realm divisions of the Shinhwa Road.

This is the Cave Heaven. The Demon Saint has cultivated the Cave Heaven. There is a world in the Cave Heaven.

The weapon spirit girl Yinya was also trembling.

After all, she is just an artifact. Although she has been committing crimes for many centuries, she has no qualifications at all when looking back to previous eras.

Because the first era is one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred years, it is completely unknown at what time period this Demon Saint was a strong man.


Suddenly, the demon saint let out a low roar.

boom! boom! boom……

With him as the center, a sky-covering flame filled the air, its power was terrifying and frightening. This sight could make people forget where they were.

Bang bang bang...

Suddenly, the densely packed warships all glowed, but they were unable to withstand the flames. They were burned into dregs in an instant, with no metal remains left.

Is this an immortal soul, or is the real demon saint appearing?

Ye Jue was extremely shocked.

Too powerful, incomparably powerful. Compared to before, he was too small. He was like an ant in front of this force.

Run away!!!

Only then did the aliens on the mothership realize that it was the Demon Saint. They roared wildly one by one, and the curvature flight power was rotated to the maximum!

You must know that Ye Jue's maximum flight speed is only about eighteen times faster than the speed of sound, which is comparable to the speed of super maneuverable warheads in the wasteland.

However, the warp speed is completely different. The warp speed is divided into 10 levels. Among them, the warp speed level 1 is 1 times the speed of light, and the warp speed level 10 is infinite times the speed of light.

A starship can fly faster than the speed of light in a warp state. As long as it starts warping in the universe, it can definitely escape.

However, a magical scene happened!

The space around those carriers seemed to be swallowed up by a terrifying thing, and time stopped.

The aliens on the mothership have also changed. Their expressions are frozen in fear, their bodies no longer move, only their thoughts are working slowly.

This is……


They all had a feeling of powerlessness and inability to fight.

Even if he exerted his last strength and used the method of destroying the mothership, he had no strength, and it felt like surrendering to time.

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