It's too scary. This demon saint can actually use time crystals. His cave contains countless time crystal fragments. You must know that the time hourglass is made of time crystal fragments. One less one is used. As a result, the demon saint's cave It’s full of them.”

The God-Zhanping Sword was frightened and hid on Ye Jue's body, making a trembling sound.

too strong.

The power of the Demon Saint was beyond what Ye Jue could imagine.

He was not able to participate in a battle of this level.

I am afraid that no one in the world can be my opponent. It is probably the goddess, the most ancient demon god, those strong men in the black realm, and those super high-entropy bodies in the deep space who can fight against him.


In the next moment, all those carrier aircraft were torn apart and disintegrated, just like making a 3D drawing. Every part was disassembled, and there was no brilliant explosion at all.

This was because Demon Saint felt curious, because he had never seen this kind of metal toy, so he took it apart and took a look.

After a while, the Demon Saint raised one hand and squeezed it gently.

Boom! !

Those carrier aircraft suddenly condensed into a huge metal ball and floated over, and he swallowed it instantly.

Oh my God.

The Zhanshen Sword was so frightened that he almost peed.

With one grab and a squeeze, all the warships were destroyed. Except for the special one belonging to the extraordinary organization, all of them were eaten by the Demon Saint.

In the huge cave sky and huge vortex behind the Demon Saint, Ye Jue even saw all kinds of strange and weird shadows, all of them howling miserably and flashing with lightning.


Suddenly, Ye Jue groaned, feeling that the sky was falling and the demon saint was approaching.

Finally, he saw clearly this short demon saint, with long golden hair, a delicate body, a burning mouth and nose, his appearance was the same as that of a human being, and his facial features were very ferocious.

An era has passed, and there are still people who break into the Ten Thousand Demons Palace and collect the monument. Are you worthy of it?!

The Demon Saint said to him using weird syllables.

In just a short moment, he seemed to understand all the pronunciations, because he had eaten many carriers and already understood everything in this world.

His eyes were cold and murderous, as if he was talking to an ant.

Monument? Isn't it a historical text?

Ye Jue asked, talking to the Demon Saint for the first time in his life, it really happened.

He had a feeling of insanity because it felt so unreal.

An ordinary person who has lived for two lives, outside the solar system, beyond the tides of time and space, has a dialogue with a not human who has lived for an era.

Moreover, he raises questions and confronts this existence.

This kind of thing is unimaginable and has never occurred to me.

The monument is not something you ants can control.

The demon saint's voice was cold, and his eyes were like icy springs in the harsh winter.

When he spoke, there was not only coldness, but also contempt. He looked down at Ye Jue from a high position, and his tone of voice was extremely disgusting towards him.

Because he is not a human being, but a saint among demons, and he hates people extremely.


Ye Jue opened his mouth.

He was actually questioning the Demon Saint? !


The demon saint frowned. Unexpectedly, this little ant had quite a temper, and his eyes suddenly erupted with flame-like light.

Pure blood?

He couldn't help but sneer.

Too weak, pure-blood humans have always been like this, they are just food.

However, an era has passed and the demon race is almost extinct. Why are the pure-blooded humans still there?

He wasn't happy about it.

I feel that pure-blooded humans are at the level of Xiaoqiang. They are obviously the weakest, but they can still survive and survive in various wars. They are very tenacious.

You don't need to know the reason. You can't touch this. Bring it!

The Demon Saint raised his arm, and extremely fierce and terrifying flames swept over, shrouding Ye Jue in it.

He wanted to melt Ye Jue and kill him, just like trampling an ant to death, as easy as eating and drinking.


Ye Jue groaned, his whole body burning.

This flame was too terrifying, not ordinary at all. It seemed to be the legendary Samadhi True Fire, which could easily melt him.

Ye definitely doesn't know if he can survive being burned to ashes, he must resist!


Immediately afterwards, he burst into light, with a vast ocean of energy undulating and resisting, and an aura of immortality filled the air.

The breath of immortality, your body is quite interesting, the true fire of Samadhi can't burn you to death?

The demon saint's interest increased greatly, and he opened his mouth again, spitting out more blazing flames.

It was like a tsunami, like the water from the four seas bursting its banks, roaring high in the sky, and sweeping away with endless dazzling firelight.


Ye Jue was burned to black all of a sudden, and all the cells in his body were screaming.

No, Ye Jue, you are going to die. It's not what you said at all. It's over now!

The God-Zhanbing Sword also howled in pain.

He possessed Ye Jue and was roasted by the flames released by the demon saint. The entire weapon spirit was almost burned dry.


The weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven also screamed. The demon saint flame could not stop them at all, and the divine weapon could not do anything about it. It could easily destroy them.


Ye Jue's body was cracked and collapsed, his flesh and blood were scorched, and there was a strange smell. He was about to die, but he managed to hold on for the last breath and did not die.

Hey, what's in your body?

This made the Demon Saint feel even more incredible. He couldn't help but stretched out his arms and grabbed him.


Suddenly, his palm stopped because he discovered the ball inside Ye Jue's body. It was the red substance flowing from there that helped him avoid being burned to ashes.

This is……

The Demon Saint's blond hair stood on end, and he seemed a little shocked when he saw something familiar.

Like the consciousness on the Infinite Umbrella, he recognized what it was.

What, are you the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven in this era?!

The demon saint's small body was extremely shocked, and his hair was fluttering. He couldn't believe it. He felt that this was not a coincidence.

As soon as I was born, the world of mortals found me. I couldn't even hide. How come it came so fast?!

His face became colder and colder, almost gritting his teeth.

Fortunately, I haven't grown up yet. Seal it for me.

A beam of light erupted from his body and hit Ye Jue violently.


The space around Ye Jue shattered directly, and the whole person fell into the void tide.

At this time, he had regained consciousness, but only for a moment.

Successful, Ye Jue, he sealed you in absolutely still time and space!

This was the last thought of the God-Zhanbing Sword.

Because of the absolute stop, even time is stopped, and thinking stops.


Ye Jue was also frozen in time, stopped thinking, and was sealed forever.

Did something go wrong? Was it sealed so easily?

The demon saint frowned, feeling something was wrong.

At this time, the ground suddenly cracked, and a roar of laughter came from the ground, creating a series of roars.

The Garo tribe that came to attack the Ten Thousand Demons Palace during the shocking battle are still alive?

The moment the Demon Saint was slightly startled, the person he called Jialuo had appeared, and a pair of eyes suddenly opened in his three thousand feet long red hair.

Hahahaha, I'm finally born, damn bitch, you can't suppress me anymore!

Jialuo laughed wildly, causing the blood-red earthquake around him to tremble.

However, his hair was disheveled and his mouth was full of blood.

It was obvious that he had been severely injured underground and had endured some kind of attack.

Demon Saint, we meet again. You are also a person sealed by the boundary monument. Now that the boundary monument has disappeared, Gao is unhappy and happy. Let me tell you, I always knew that this day would come, thanks to my brother.

Gaara laughed.

You are the only one left in the Garo clan, why are you so arrogant?

The demon saint was a little afraid and sighed softly.

The Garo tribe was once the tenth invincible tribe in the Yuan Dynasty. There is only one such terrifying race left, and it is destined to cause a bloody storm in this world.

However, judging from the fact that the Qiankun Nail on his body has not been completely removed, it seems that it is still half-sealed.

Stop talking nonsense, that bitch is coming!

Jialuo's pupils were cold, and in an instant, he became extremely terrifying, like a real god.

You know, his body is a Garo body, which is known as the hardest body.


But at this moment, a stream of light rushed out from the ground and hit him directly.


Jia Luo roared, his red hair waving wildly, and then another black light fell down, sending him flying sideways again, spurting blood from his mouth.

Infinite Umbrella?

The demon saint is extremely afraid.

This is a superb magic weapon to suppress Jia Luo, but it has not yet transformed into the prehistoric class. What is terrifying is the idea attached to it.

Hahaha, you can't kill me. Now you have failed. It's just a thought. Do you really think you can suppress me now?

Jialuo roared, and a dazzling red light erupted from his body.

It's just that the blood light is a little dim and the blood energy is insufficient.

Because, this black light hit him and penetrated his chest, where a bright blood hole appeared from the front and back.

As a result, he lost most of his heart and suffered fatal injuries.

However, a blood-red tide surged through the body immediately, and it was restored as before.

I didn't expect that the pure-blood kid's target was the boundary monument. I shouldn't have let him go just now. Although he was an envoy, I should have taken the risk and sealed it directly.

Wuliang Umbrella's cold voice sounded out, obviously regretting it.

She stopped in the void and faced off against the Demon Saint, Jialuo.

Haha, that pureblood is my brother. Who dares to seal him? Huh? Where is my brother?

Jia Luo looked around, but saw no one.

You said that the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven has been sealed by me.

The Demon Saint shook his head and opened his mouth to speak.

This identity is too scary, but luckily it was sealed by him.

What, you dare to seal brother, you are seeking death!

Jialuo's red hair was wet and stained with blood, and his eyes were like two red lights. He roared and rushed towards the Demon Saint.

At the same time, the energy fluctuations he emits are terrifying and terrifying, and his physique is stronger than that of the demon saints present.


The demon saint's pupils shrank slightly, and the Heaven-shaking Seal shook out of his body.


The energy it burst out was extremely astonishing. It was fighting against Jia Luo, emitting a dazzling light that made the entire space roar and shake.

Demon Saint, hand over my brother!

Jialuo was like a ferocious beast, so fierce that he rushed forward and kicked over the Heaven-turning Seal.

Brother, don't think I don't know. You came here for the boundary monument.

The Demon Saint shouted, opened the time hole with one hand, and prepared to escape.

The envoy of the Red Dust Heaven has been sealed, and the boundary monument is on the pure blood, and he can take it at any time!

As long as he leaves, the boundary monument will be his.

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