A carrier aircraft is a carrier aircraft. It is completely different from other super combat aircraft. It can actually blast you from the sky into the ground.

Zhan Shen Dao couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said.

Now when we challenge the mothership, we still fall short of our capabilities.

Ye Jue nodded.

He was blasted more than a thousand meters underground by the carrier's heavy artillery. He was a bit miserable. The lower half of his body was broken off, and his right arm and a large piece of flesh on his back disappeared.

You must know that these are resentment stones. Even he can only use the Mountain God Pearl to melt them before going deep. Now they have been evaporated, allowing a thousand-meter deep pit to appear.

The carrier aircraft can't always target you. After all, you are a single target. Move forward from the ground quickly so that you can avoid attacks!

Zhan Shen Dao quickly reminded him.

Now I can't help but suspect that you are a chatterbox.

Ye Jue shook his head.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, an astonishing change took place in his body. His whole body was glowing and his blood was steaming very vigorously. In just a moment, new flesh and blood regenerated.

Your regeneration speed is simply a cheat. I have experienced two centuries, and even though I have memory loss, I have never seen your recovery speed.

Zhanshendou was shocked again.

I could see the essence spurting out from Ye Jue's pores, and the energy intensity and purity of the cells throughout his body was too high.


Suddenly, his voice condensed, as if he had discovered a problem.

But he didn't choose to say it at this time and kept his mouth shut.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Ye Jue moved quickly underground, the Mountain God Pearl opened the way, and accurately arrived near the light film.

What light film? It turns out to be a large formation. This is the formation flag. As long as you find the formation eye, you can enter without using the entrances of those alien races.

Zhanshendou exclaimed again and again.

After all, the entrance opened by the alien race is guarded by a carrier aircraft. If you take risks, you will be defeated by another army. The feeling of the carrier aircraft's heavy artillery is not pleasant.

It is indeed a mythical formation.

Ye Jue nodded, and his body wandered underground to find the location of the formation.

It was not difficult to have the secret secret of the heart to help him, and he soon found his destination.


Zhanshendou exclaimed.

Is this a child with his hands and feet huddled together? !

To be precise, it was a girl with ancient appearance and slender buttocks. Her eyes were closed and her chest was rising and falling.

This is not a formation eye. It just appeared on the formation eye accidentally. She has lived under the blood-red land for countless thousands of years, and she is still breathing, which is enough to show that she is a terrifying existence.

Ye Jue frowned, feeling incredible and unable to calm down.

Because from the fluctuation point of view, no strength can be detected.


Just when he was about to touch her, the girl suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyeballs were pure black with no pupils. She quickly bit Ye Jue's arm at a magical speed, leaving a row of small teeth marks.


Before Ye Jue could react, she instantly sprayed out colorful energy and sank into the ground surrounded by divine clouds.

It was as if she was here on purpose, waiting for Ye Jue to arrive, bite him here and then disappear.

What the hell is this?

Zhanshendou was startled and has not come back to his senses till now.

The tooth marks haven't disappeared?!

Ye Jue was shocked instead.

On his forearm, a row of small tooth marks were clearly visible and had not recovered at all.

With the speed of his body's regeneration, this is simply impossible.


He raised the knife and slashed, and the arm immediately fell off, spurting out a large amount of blood.

Ye Jue, are you crazy?

Seeing this scene, Zhan Shen Dao felt that Ye Jue was too capable of self-mutilation. He cut off an arm without saying a word and without even frowning.


But immediately his eyes widened in shock.

Because Ye Jue's regenerated arm still had the row of small tooth marks on it, which had not disappeared at all.

This was so weird that it sent chills down his spine, and he couldn't help but recall the pure black eyes of the little girl again.

Whether it's a blessing or a curse, you can't avoid it. Since it has sunk into the ground, there is no way to chase it.

Ye Jue stared at the silver tooth mark and frowned.

There is an immeasurable umbrella underground that suppresses some kind of mysterious existence. Maybe the immeasurable umbrella can solve her.

Because this may be a curse, according to common sense, killing the caster can lift the curse.

Look, formation eye!

Zhanshen Dao said quickly.

After the weird little girl disappeared, the real formation eye appeared. It was a small khaki flag that was releasing dazzling light.


Ye Jue grabbed it with his big hand and held it in an instant. The underground space was like an earth-colored waterfall rolling back, and the picture was shocking.

Dip~ The identification is successful. This object is the formation eye core flag of the Thirty-nine Xuanxuan Formation. It is used in conjunction with the four point flags. Although the defense of this formation is not strong, it has special effects and has the powerful characteristic of sealing the air of death. , because it is a combined formation, it has a special shape and cannot be extracted.

The system that had not appeared for a long time immediately fed back information.

There are too few things that the system can identify now, and it is beyond Ye Jue's expectation that so much information can be obtained now.

Sealing the energy of death means that there are bigger monster corpses in the formation that can be used as corpses. Now those carriers will have an easier time.

Ye Jue's lips slightly raised as he was shot by the carrier. He would be lying if he said he wasn't angry.

It's a pity that his current strength cannot reach the pinnacle of technology.

Although I don't know what happened, I think you are going to cause trouble again.

When Zhan Shen Dao saw the familiar smile, the corners of his mouth froze.


Ye Jue smiled and immediately shouted. Formation flags flew from the four directions of southeast, northwest, and broke through the ground. Each formation flag was filled with a layer of light, and strange words appeared on it, lingering around the core flag. Continuously.


At this moment, the huge light film shrouding the depths of the bloody land suddenly shattered and disintegrated. Various text symbols shone over and over again, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Hahaha, great, the light film has disappeared!

It seems that it has been completely analyzed. Go deep into the depths to find the treasure!


Seeing this, the aliens all shouted excitedly, and all kinds of carrier aircraft and super battle aircraft launched in.


Suddenly, there was a ringing sound, as if a demon was roaring. This sound was strange and terrifying, and it reached everyone's heart.

What's coming to life here?

The system has just been analyzed, and there is an extremely strong power of death permeating the air!

The aliens frowned, feeling that they had a bad premonition.


A burning giant hand reaching the sky broke through the ground and poured out endless power to grab at them.

No one expected that a terrifying big hand suddenly stood up on the originally calm ground and grabbed the carrier.


The final result was obvious. The crystal shield of the mothership made a clicking sound, which was comparable to the hull of a continent disintegrating in the sky. There were thousands of mushroom clouds with terrifying energy, enough to destroy the wasteland base many times.

The reason why the mothership couldn't break into the wasteland was found, because the land would be completely blown up.


The other aliens were scared to death and almost peed when they saw this scene.

Destroyed a carrier aircraft with just one easy grasp? !

You know, the carrier aircraft is 5,000 kilometers in size, and the moon is only 3,476 kilometers in size. How could it be crushed in an instant? !

The wreckage that keeps emerging in the blood clouds at high altitude proves that what just happened is definitely not an illusion!

What exploded was the colorful energy in the hull, the analytical power of myth, and many explosive radioactive devices, which were now turned into fly ash and burned directly to ashes.


After the carrier aircraft was destroyed, a square metal Rubik's Cube appeared in mid-air, shining with luster, and fell towards the black hole below.

Run away!!!

The leaders of other carrier aircraft roared, turned around, and prepared to get here immediately.

However, the burning giant hand reaching the sky has been stretched out and is about to crawl out from the ground. The ground is torn apart and is completely melting.

Although they still don’t know what it is, everyone at the scene has a premonition that this is an extremely terrifying existence, and it is a living creature!

At this moment.


Ye Jue caught the metal Rubik's Cube falling from the sky.

You are rich again, why should I add another one?

The corner of Zhanshen Dao's mouth twitched.

This is the core of the carrier aircraft system. It is an incredible thing. With this kind of thing, we can build a carrier aircraft.

Ye Jue nodded and put the core of the carrier system into the space bracelet. It might be able to be used in the future.


He flew out of deep space and saw this scene. It seemed that he had succeeded in deceiving the corpse.

No matter what it is, it can't notice you. You are a single body, as small as an ant. The 5,000-kilometer-sized carrier aircraft is its target. Or do you have the foresight to let these aliens come in and serve you? Cannon fodder, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to be so relaxed and qualified to be my master.”

Zhanshendou nodded and acknowledged him.


Ye Jue let go of one hand, letting the God-Slaying Sword surround him, and instantly took off, breaking through the sound barrier and going deeper into this place.

Finally, he came to a place that overlapped with the future scene, and he could already see the mysterious black monument from a distance.

This giant mysterious black monument covers an area of ​​dozens of acres and exudes an oppressive aura.

There is still a lot of void around it that is constantly breaking apart and cannot be touched at all.

Oh my God, this is the text of history, the truth about the rupture of the road to mythology. Even I want to know why mythology disappears, as if its existence has been wiped out in the universe. If it weren't for the folding of space, there would still be myths left in various places. Star Territory, I even doubt whether there really is a myth.

The God-Slaying Sword flew over quickly to take a look at the words recorded on it.

Hmm! Who is it?

Suddenly, he stopped.

Because a scarlet aura quickly condensed in the void, forming a scarlet human figure whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

Sure enough, you showed up too.

Ye Jue also stopped.

This scarlet humanoid appeared here just like the one seen in the future scene.

But he felt something was wrong, because the expression of this scarlet humanoid was completely different from what he had seen before, and it had an indescribable weird feeling.

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