Be bold!

The other alien races saw this and attacked.

In an instant, various different spaceships rose up on the island and crashed towards him.

Ye Jue has seen people seeking death, but he has never seen anyone seeking death like this.

He always bumps into others, but no one has ever taken the initiative to bump into him.

boom! !

He saw a spaceship being lifted onto him, and the protective shield exploded instantly.

The aliens above looked horrified, as if they had seen a ghost.


A golden fist struck, destroying everyone in the next second.

This is a tough challenge, let's all join in!

As a foreign race shouted, everyone on the island was immediately alarmed.

They all launched attacks individually, with majestic auras and energy cannons that undulated like an ocean, causing successive explosions to occur directly in the void.


There was a small cauldron hanging above Ye Jue's head, like a divine rainbow shining through the sky. It was so bright that it blocked all attacks.

However, it didn't take long for the small cauldron to explode immediately, sending fragments flying everywhere.

This pure-blooded man has many mythical weapons on his body. Normally we would hardly see any of them, but now he is using them as consumables?

The aliens were extremely shocked, and every time a mythical weapon exploded, it touched their heartstrings.

Get him, we must get him!

A top powerhouse was using his strongest killing power, and the island immediately glowed red.


Ye Jue is already very experienced and has captured some scenes of the future in his mind.

He ducked to a place in mid-air and hovered there. There was a golden sword above his head, which was very sacred.

If you are so conceited, you will suffer a big loss!

The top powerhouse on the island sneered, and the next moment, spiritual radiance spurted out from the island.

This is a destructive substance that has undergone absolute tempering. It is generally not used and is used to protect the island.

Now in order to capture this pure-blooded man, he would not hesitate to consume this substance and shoot him down.


I saw something horrifying happened. This black destructive substance formed a beam of light and spread forward. With a clang, it bombarded Ye Jue's position.

The golden sword on Ye Jue's head collapsed in an instant, and his body began to crack. This time, gold and silver markings appeared. It was obvious that he had suffered the most serious injuries and could not even control his body.


So, he abandoned part of his body and let the black destructive matter hit the space behind him.

Because there is already a void distortion there, and the cracks are getting bigger and bigger.

Something's wrong, the destruction material seems to be hitting something it shouldn't be hitting.

The top man on the island's face twitched slightly.

He was not a fool, and he felt as if he was being used. The pure-blood man obviously used his hand to deal with a certain existence in the space rift on purpose.


There was a sudden angry moo inside, making his scalp feel numb.

After a moment, a middle-aged man with black hair standing on end and a dark face walked out.

He was in a very embarrassed state now, with his whole body covered in darkness. He had obviously been hit head-on by the destructive substance, destroying some things on his body.

This is……

The top powerhouse immediately glared.

He felt a terrifying pressure descending from the sky, covering the entire island.

This is a misunderstanding...

He shouted quickly, but it was too late. With a boom, a hoof that covered the sky fell down and stepped hard on the island.

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