
The owner of this hoof was powerful beyond imagination, shocking the world. He suddenly took action and trampled the island into pieces, making it difficult for all alien races to escape.


All the alien races on the island have fallen, and it feels like the end of the world is coming.


The top expert was also shaken by the powerful impact.

What the hell, are you mistaken? What kind of existence is this?

His body stopped and he couldn't help but curse.

You are so brave, you dare to fire on me, I will give you all a break today!

This sacred cow made a sound that was deafening.

Hold on, this, this is a misunderstanding!

The top man flew into the void and tried to reason with the cow.

Brother Niu? Who are you? Climb for me!

The giant monster in disguise even felt that he had heard something wrong. This evil pen actually called him brother?

Who is he?


He was punched directly, causing this alien with no eyes to fly away, with blood bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

What the hell...

The top powerhouse opened his mouth and felt... it was so damn unfair!

Looking at the pure-blood just now, he had already disappeared. I couldn't help but curse in my heart. He was being tricked.

Moo! You still dare to scold me. You think you've lived too long, don't you?

In the distance, the bull was furious and its eyes were spitting fire.

He rushed directly towards the alien in front of him, preparing to kill him.


The top expert was really in trouble, so he had to punch the bull.

Suddenly, all the external technology in his body exploded, and with a scream, he fell from the sky and fell to the sea below.

I was really hurt by that pureblood.

The man cursed in his heart and floated on the sea. The island behind him was in flames. It was the cow that was going crazy and destroying everything.

Although a hundred years of hard work were ruined in one day, he is still alive at least.

But he didn't dare to move, so he just closed his eyes, drifted with the tide, and began to pretend to be dead.

When Ye Jue heard the movement behind him, he knew the plan was successful.

That cow's temper is too bad, and he will definitely not let those people go easily.

Now that he finally had time to breathe, he quickly gathered all his strength and hid himself.

As long as he hides all his aura, it won't be easy for the shapeshifter to find him.

Surrounded by sea level, he flew for nearly a day without seeing any land.

If we use energy to break the speed of sound, we can reach the shore very quickly.

He found a place, sat down cross-legged, and used the Secret Eye of Heaven to see the changes in the wasteland.

Everything is in order, the devil has not yet dispatched its entire army, and the peak base is still under development.

In this way, he will not be in a hurry to return, but first find a way to avoid Lao Niu.

Because the old cow's aura was approaching again, looking for him.


At this moment, there was a long howl, causing huge waves, and something powerful seemed to emerge from the water.

It turns out to be an alien life form in the sea, very similar to the whale of Blue Star.

Ye Jue said.

This big fish is more than a thousand meters long and looks weird. When it rises in the sea, it is really shocking and stirs up huge waves.


He suddenly thought of a good way to avoid Lao Niu.

So I jumped directly on the head of this strange fish, my fist glowed, and I punched it.


The big fish was in pain, its eyes were full of anger, it opened its huge mouth and swallowed him in one bite.

After killing the provocateur, it was very satisfied and dived into the deep sea again.

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