Because his previous spirit body had already reached the third smaller realm, Juechen.

Now that the shackles of the soul have been broken in the Shen Tai Scroll, there is still one soul treasure left to upgrade the spirit body to the second highest realm, Guan Yu level.

He hasn't reached the Tyrannosaurus level yet, and by then some of the substances in his cells can be converted into crystals in advance, making his soul immortal in advance.

But this cow is really persistent. He chased me for three days and three nights. What kind of strength does he have, and how many years has he lived?

Ye Jue is hidden in a mythical legacy in the Demon Star Continent.

There are many extraordinary fruits in this mythical legacy, but to him, they are all useless now.

But what made him notice was that there were many ruins here, and there might be something gleaming inside.

It's just that now is not the time to look for opportunities. The shape-shifting demon behind him has already caught up, making the entire mythical light curtain tremble.

Boom boom boom! !

Get out of here!

This sacred cow bared its big fangs and attacked wildly outside.

Because the power left behind by this myth does not want to see the demon clan, and only allows pure blood to enter.

However, this place cannot resist for long, because this shape-shifting demon is too powerful, and it constantly uses magical powers and some magic weapons to detonate this place.


The outside world is simply turned upside down, with ghosts crying and gods howling.


Some lines in the ruins left behind by the myth lit up, shaking the area, apparently resisting.

In an instant, the land with a radius of hundreds of miles shook violently, and the energy was intertwined and surging.

This caused many demon clans to run as fast as they could and flee this place.

boom! !

The next moment there was a super explosion.

To be precise, this mythical relic exploded, and all the terrifying energy inside overflowed and wreaked havoc in this area.

It's just a legacy of the first-order myth. Can it stop me?

As soon as the shapeshifter stepped in, there was no doubt that even the legacy land with unparalleled lethality could not cause harm to him.

In terms of strength, this is definitely the strongest individual Ye Jue has ever encountered, and even the second demon is not as good as him.


When the shapeshifting demon stepped into this place, he immediately discovered a space-time rift in front of him.

This is Ye Jue who has used the power of the divine seal to teleport away.

My guess is correct. The second son has a treasure on his body and can teleport between stars at any time. It is simply an artifact for interstellar trade.

The shapeshifting demon's eyes were motionless and he immediately rushed towards those space cracks.

He was not protected by teleportation power, but he used his flesh and blood body to cross the nodes of the alien space, which shows how powerful he is.


In an instant, tranquility returned to Yao Xing.

Ye Jue didn't stop, he came to an island with beautiful scenery.

There are alien beasts and alien races on these islands, with extracorporeal technology around them, and they are all extracorporeal experts with more than ten stars.


Immediately, a foreigner noticed him, his pupils shrank, and he stood up with a sound, showing a shocked look.

Because this child is full of mythical power, it is too easy to identify.

Go catch him quickly and dissect him immediately to see if he has any mythical power that can help us break through the star level.

The eyes of these aliens showed lust.


A powerful alien has taken action, holding a high-tech thunder hammer surrounded by the power of thunder.

Ye Jue had already seen him, and when he saw the magnetic light emerging from his body, he knew it was in vitro technology.


He punched him, and the latter screamed in agony, and all the external technology on his body exploded. Even the thunder hammer was directly damaged and fell from the air.

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