For example, if you want to reach the Tyrannosaurus level, you must cultivate a Guanyu-level spirit body, possess crystal cells, and transform all the cells into Tyrannosaurus particles. Only in this way can the spirit be immortal and be considered a true Tyrannosaurus level.

If extracorporeal technology wants to break through thirty stars, it must unlock the condensation core in the brain, open the lock of consciousness, and enter the second stage of the spiritual body.

This hard-core system has hindered too many people, so that all parties talk about the end of mythology, and some people talk about the death of technology. However, it was later proved that the existence in deep space has unlocked the condensation core, so there was talk of mechanical ascension. That's the kingly way.

At this time, Ye Jue's eyes shot out lightning, which was the manic movement of Hongjun in his body.

He is now 2200 times physically stronger, and his spiritual body has reached Juechen, the third small realm in this evening.

With a clang sound, a giant hand slapped, and the space suddenly became dark. It was simply devastating, tearing the sky apart, and all kinds of death auras appeared around it. The scene was horrifying.

This is the power of supernatural power, and once again let Ye Jue see the power of the mythical path.

His fused S-level moves are nothing compared to this.


Now Ye Jue is just relying on his pure physique to compete with magical powers.


A lump as big as a bowl suddenly swelled up on the giant hand, which was forcefully pushed out by him.

Of course, he also had stars in his eyes and almost fainted.

Fortunately, I had the energy of Qi Zhuan Hongjun to protect me, otherwise I would have fainted.

Damn it!

The transformed bull demon felt pain again and retracted his palm.

His face was now green with anger, and he felt that his liver and stomach were hurting.

This little thing was so hard, like a nail, that the moment it hit it, my hand swelled up.

There is no doubt that his strength is extraordinary. He is obviously the first dragon in human form, but at best it is only at its peak.

He didn't know why, but being able to withstand his attack really shocked him.

Are you done with this mad cow?

Ye Jue shouted angrily.

He was just passing by and saw natural materials growing randomly on the roadside, so he picked them and ate them.

Who would have expected that a giant monster in disguise would suddenly appear and kill him without saying a word.

So I just used the divine seal to teleport away.

I just didn't expect that the space rift opened by the divine seal would allow the cow to follow suit.

Everything on that little star belongs to me, including the flowers and plants on the roadside.

The face of the transformed bull demon is very dark. He has turned into a completely human form at this moment, wearing large sunglasses, holding a cigar in his mouth, and combing his hair in a slicked back.

He is the owner of that little star, and he spent a full 10,000 billion universe coins to buy it.

Then I opened up wasteland and farmed everywhere, worked hard, and raised a lot of natural materials and treasures. The day of harvest is about to come.

Unexpectedly, a starving man appeared on the way and ate all the food without sparing any plant, which made his heart bleed on the spot.

That's why he chased him so far and wanted to eat him alive to make up for the loss.

Your name is not written on those treasures of heaven and earth, how do I know you planted them?

Ye Jue flew extremely fast, breaking through seven times the speed of sound.

How did he know that there was already an owner in that place where the bird didn't poop?

As the saying goes, those who don't know are not guilty. Even if they have offended, they can just make up for it.

But when he heard that the bull demon wanted to eat him, could he agree? !

However, those heavenly materials and earthly treasures are so fragrant, and they don't need to be refined. They can be directly extracted into gain buffs by the system. In an instant, they can gain 400 times the physical strength, surpassing the peak of Chulong.

Now he has not reached the Tyrannosaurus level, but he already has the strength of the Tyrannosaurus level.

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