But who is that figure who ran away so fast just now?

Some monster clans are terrified, because they dare to provoke the giant monster in shape and can escape in their hands, which will definitely scare the stars.


All the demon clan saw the shapeshifting demon chasing after him. The speed was so fast that the air behind him exploded in an instant.


Ye Jue hit a huge boulder and disintegrated the mountain in front of him.

He felt the breath behind him getting closer and closer, and in one breath Hong Jun turned around crazily, pulling away again.

Pureblood, stop, I will eat you alive to make up for my losses!

The transformed bull demon let out a low roar, and in an instant, his body swelled, like a god, emitting a terrifying and boundless light, standing tall against the sky and the earth.

This is a magical power in mythology, an existence that transcends moves, a power that only true mythical powerhouses can use.

For a moment, the void was trembling, because the transformed bull demon stretched out a big hand and covered the entire area. He raised his hand and grabbed a mountain peak into the enlarged palm.

boom! !

However, a tiny fist crossed the sky, and the giant hand suddenly flew sideways.


The face of the transformed bull demon changed.

It's like having a nail stuck in your hand and it hurts.

This is more hopeful, you must know that he is a bull demon body, one of the rare mythical bodies.

Now he opened his mouth wide and took a breath of cold air? !


After Ye Jue performed a Shenglong Fist, his wings spread out from his back, breaking through obstacles one after another and flying into the distance.

Stop it!

The transformed bull demon stretched out its big hand again.

Vast fluctuations spread out, shocking all life.

What about fearless level?

Not everyone was trembling. Whether they were on the battleship or the alien race suspended in outer space, many people couldn't help but collapse, and some people even knelt down and trembled.

The giant monster in shape, a giant monster in shape actually appeared among the stars!

People from all walks of life are in a panic.

They couldn't believe it, because the giant monsters in disguise generally don't appear in the real world. They all live on some remote small planets and don't want to be disturbed.

Because no one dared to disturb him, after all, everyone was afraid of the strength beyond Tyrannosaurus level.

I wonder if those high-entropy bodies in the stars can be dealt with. Their in vitro technology has analyzed hundreds of mythical powers. They also have star-class destroyers with a terrifying strength of 30 stars.

Many people stared at it and didn't dare to get close.

They revealed some information. In vitro technology is also divided into levels, from the first star to the hundred stars, representing different stages of power.

However, the high-entropy body levels of the stars may be stuck at 30 stars, because they have not yet unlocked the consciousness lock.

Once the consciousness lock is unlocked, it will advance by leaps and bounds, the condensed core will be upgraded again, and it can be microscopic again, and the spiritual body will be upgraded again, comparable to the jade-level spiritual body of the Mythical Road View.

When the head ring and head wings appear, the mechanical body will be able to cross the star sea.

It's not necessarily true that a giant monster that surpasses the Tyrannosaurus level can easily destroy high-entropy bodies. Only a Star-class destroyer can defeat it, unless the condensation core in the brain is unlocked.

Some people who use in vitro technology shake their heads.

The cold current in their brains is only level 2, and only when it reaches level 5 can a condensation core be formed. At that time, they will need a mythical treasure to unlock the seal.

However, the cultivation of the spiritual body is more difficult than that of the spiritual body. It is too difficult, so there is no need to be too deliberate, you can only let it happen.

After all, the next level requires both soul and physique to achieve success before you can step into it.

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