Stop talking nonsense and pay for it with your life!

The bull demon's face was very gloomy, and he struck directly, too fast, and killed with just a raised fist. His attitude was tough and domineering to the extreme.

Because he has a rage in his heart, and anyone who offends him will trigger his boundless murderous intent!

With a clang sound, Ye Jue was punched so hard that his ribs were broken.

However, he also kicked the bull demon, causing the latter's face to be deformed by the kick.

Bang bang bang!!

In an instant, the two fought for two hundred rounds.

At this moment, Ye Jue was covered in golden markings, his body was cracked, and every time he breathed, the particles of the humanoid dragon were disintegrating.

Why aren't you dead yet?

The transformed bull demon wants to curse.

Because his body had been hit many times, his big sunglasses were broken, and there were bruises everywhere. It was hard to imagine that he was injured by the humanoid dragon.


After the battle broke out, Ye Jue completely recovered in a moment. His bones were like fried beans and they kept crackling. When he turned around again, there were no markings on his body. How could he still look like he was seriously injured just now?


Ye Jue moved and flew very fast, with dense streams of light behind him.

Am I seeing a ghost?

The bull demon's cigar fell to the ground.

When he saw Ye Jue flying away, he became furious the next moment and chased and killed him.

This battle was so eye-catching that the aliens' jaws dropped to the ground and they did not close their jaws for a long time.

Report! Someone rushed to the mother planet outside the divine seal and reported to the leader.

Those powerful men smiled slightly and said, Speak slowly, don't be in a hurry.

The great demon in fighting a fierce battle with the pure-blooded humans!

The alien who rushed over gasped for air and was covered in sweat. He seemed very excited because his body was trembling and even his lips were trembling.

Huh?! You said that from the pure-blooded human race, in the past and recently, only one pure-blooded human race has landed in the stars. Is it him?!

The powerful man was stunned for a moment, and then looked ecstatic.

Because this pure-blood human race has a secret diamond scroll on his body, which is a well-known thing!

After that, this pure-blooded human race disappeared, leaving many alien races with regrets and could only look for the original three demons for clues.

However, there is no trace of the great demon Yaksha, and the one-horned fairy also disappeared in the demon star, and is suspected to have gone to other star fields.

This made them extremely regretful. Now that they heard the words pure-blooded human race, they almost stood up with a choke.

Let's go, let's go now. The carrier aircraft will be dispatched. The fleet will surround the demon star for me. Even if we do not hesitate to destroy the demon star planet, we must dig out that pure-blood human race!

The mighty eyes were shining brightly.

Wait a minute, what did you just say that you were fighting with him?

Suddenly, he remembered something.

The giant monster in shape is a giant monster in shape!

The man screamed.


Da Neng felt that he had heard something wrong.

How is it possible that a pure-blooded human race can actually stand up to the giant monster incarnation? Is this strength beyond the Tyrannosaurus level?

It's impossible. How can anyone in this world on the Mythical Road cultivate to the Tyrannosaurus level or above?

Except for some old antiques who survived in the previous era and reached the Tyrannosaurus level and above, the others had no chance at all.

This is true, I captured the picture.

This person knew that the powerful people of his clan did not believe it, so he quickly enlarged the picture and showed it to him.

Pfft! How is this possible!?

The powerful man vomited a mouthful of old blood on the spot.

Don't... don't be impulsive. The fleet should be stable, and the mother aircraft should not set off first.

The corners of his mouth were twitching, and he realized something was wrong.

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