No one expected that this decisive battle would end so suddenly.

Howls were heard all over the world!

At this moment, Ye Jue felt that there was darkness in front of him, eternal darkness, endless coldness, and countless terrifying hands biting the remaining flesh and blood of him. This was unbearable pain.

There are screams all around. These are immortal souls. They have experienced too much and have lost their minds. Only their instincts are still there and they are suffering here.

Something is going wrong. This is most likely a three-waste space. Any life here will be wiped out and cannot escape.

The weapon spirit of the Spear of Heaven is not calm, because she was originally very calm, but she just recovered and felt that she could overlook everything in this world, but she witnessed this ending.

That clone actually had a deep connection with the Angel Clan, and at the last moment used the Angel Clan's artifact, the Angel Key.

She didn't expect that the clone Black Ye Jue would actually master two artifacts. Looking back, she and this boy were helpless.

Anyway, I'll finish my body first.

Ye Jue has a strong body, possesses immortality, and can regenerate every remaining cell.

He had just been divided into five pieces and pulled into the abyss of the void respectively. His piece was more important because his head was connected to half of his shoulders and he had the ability to think.

There is a calamity fire here, quickly use your Yi Qi Zhuan Hongjun to resist it!

The weapon spirit of the Heavenly Spear said quickly.

Ye Jue was also awe-inspiring. As expected, there were many nine-color flames surrounding him. What on earth was this place?


He shouted lowly and turned to Hongjun to protect his body. In an instant, these nine-color flames disappeared, and the entire space was filled with divine flames.

Don't be in a hurry, stabilize your spirit body and restore your flesh and blood. The speed of time passing here is different from that in the outside world. As long as we can escape, we can still fight back to the arena.

The Spear of Heaven instilled faith in Ye Jue again, for fear that he would not be able to think about it.

Don't worry, I'm not that fragile.

Ye Jue nodded.

Half of his physical body began to regenerate, and his spiritual body was glowing, manifesting into a physical outline and growing slowly.

The fire of calamity has passed, and we have reached a place that no one has ever seen before. It seems that the angel's key has opened the dusty land for us.

She understands Qi Ling very well, but she still needs to confirm where this dusty land is.

Go down, it's safe here, try to find a way to survive.

She turned into a stream of light, moved forward rapidly, and landed on the dusty land ahead. The place was desolate, as if no life had existed for a long time.


Ye Jue has already recovered and has grown a new body. This body is whiter and more tender than before.

He landed on the land and looked around. The land area was huge and extremely quiet.

Yes! As expected, the passage of time is different from the outside world. As long as we can find a way to survive, we can return to the arena immediately.

The weapon spirit of the Heavenly Spear nodded and said.

But where is this place?

She couldn't figure it out either.

what is that?

Ye Jue suddenly saw divine flames flying all over the sky, and some nine-colored clouds flying towards them, like an endless star field overturning.

No, that's the annihilating star tide, run!

The weapon spirit of the Spear of Heaven was startled, left Ye Jue behind, sprang out alone, and disappeared.

Her speed is too fast, after all, it is a divine weapon, and Ye Jue's speed is not as fast as hers.


Ye Jue shouted, this artifact was so unjust, the tide of annihilation stars came so fast, he could only find a way to avoid it.

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