However, the land here is so desolate that there is no place to hide.

It seems the only way to go is down.

Ye Jue took out a mythical weapon, which emitted a dazzling light.

Fortunately, part of his body was still connected to an arm, and the space bracelet was not lost.


He broke through the bottom layer and rushed towards the ground.


But I didn't expect that the underground was actually empty, as dark as an abyss, connecting to the depths.

This is?

Ye Jue frowned.

He descended rapidly and saw many corpses, the number of which was astonishingly huge.

Is all life on this land in the abyss?

He glanced around and saw many weapons.

These weapons are so corroded that even the system cannot identify them.

What exactly is this place?

Ye Jue is like a swimming fish, gliding like lightning in the air of the abyss.

Is this a dry river?

Suddenly, he saw something, which seemed to be a ditch running across it.

Ye Jue was frightened and continued to move forward.

There were wisps of immortal aura leaking out in front of him, and the energy emitted was unsettling. Even he felt that something was wrong.

However, he was very curious and decided to find out.


He rushed towards his destination, his eyes instantly tightened.

There turned out to be a collapsed giant door in front of it. It was covered with traces of swords, and there was still an invisible force surrounding it.


Ye Jue's heart sank when he saw a plaque, the words on it were blurred.

The yin and yang have been reversed here, which is a very terrifying sight, with terrifying energy light emitting everywhere.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Suddenly, a storm blew up, and then a dazzling light erupted.

Ye Jue hurriedly avoided it. This place was too weird, and destructive auras were constantly coming out.

However, the storm showed no sign of letting up.

Something has to be confirmed.

Ye Jue took a deep breath, and his whole body emitted a light golden and silver light, like the scorching sun rushing away.

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, he felt severe pain all over his body, his flesh and blood began to be torn apart, and thick smoke curled up.

This is an extremely corrosive storm, and it is almost impossible to survive it with the human form of a dragon.


When Ye Jue rushed out, bones had appeared all over his body, and half of his body was in tatters, like a monster.

Maybe I'm the only one who can get here.

Ye Jue repaired his injuries on the spot for a while, and found something unusual. There was a pressure in this area, and there were many strange and jagged rocks.

He stretched out his hand and found that the stone had dried, easily broken into pieces, and fell to the ground and turned into powder.

so similar.

Ye Jue was even more surprised.

From the dry river, to the blurred fonts, and the collapsed giant door... everything is pointing somewhere.

He continued to walk forward and saw many faint lights, all of which were will-o'-the-wisps, dancing there.

Beneath the abyss, there is an abyss.

The energy there is so violent that even if a Tyrannosaurus-level person comes, it will be of no avail.

If I am not as good as hell, who will go to hell? Maybe it can confirm what I think.

Ye Jue took a deep breath and regained his physical strength. The wounds on his heart and other parts healed quickly. His breath surged again and he decided to continue deeper into the abyss.


He took the initiative to jump deeper into the abyss, and his whole body was ignited in an instant, with thick smoke billowing out.

In order to resist this destructive force, he exploded with astonishing energy, but the final result was that he turned into a skeleton, and his flesh and blood were corroded. Even so, he continued to penetrate deeper.

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