Everyone is optimistic, this is the greatest enemy of mankind.

Many people do feel guilty.

The last battle between the Demon Gods resulted in the death and injury of the seven strongest men on the Hero List.

Everyone knows that the biggest problem is how to survive the third impact.

Although it is said that the whole people are now improving, the devil is a devil after all, and a single negligence may completely destroy the entire clan.


Ye Jue was erupting at this time, overwhelming the clone Kuangou.

The clone Black Leaf Jue was already unable to withstand it, and the many dense symbols on the metal plate of the divine armor began to fall off.

The power of myth is inherently difficult, otherwise there would be only a small number of people embarking on this path. It is really time-consuming and labor-intensive but difficult to achieve anything.

Ye Jue is quite talented in this field. He has relied on self-study all the way and has been thinking about the way out.

Although there is an immortal buff, the most important thing is combat effectiveness, and the best features of this buff must be used.

Every time he fought against the clone, the various buffs he had extracted before were touched one after another, which was very magical.

When the system updated the stars, it did not delete all the buffs. It still retained some buffs, which were not triggered. Now they are all enabled.

Hey~ The 200% buff for all counter-injury is triggered. Due to the system update, the strength of the buff is forcibly increased!

Hey~ Everyone is 100% immune to the buff. Due to the system update, the buff strength is forcibly increased!

This is of no use. Each punch of the clone exceeds the immune rate and only reduces the strength by 1 times.

The counter-injury effect is not as good as Ye Jue's ability to turn Hong Jun with one breath, which can directly improve him by a hundred times. It is not as effective as two more punches.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh. These buffs are usually folded in the buff column, which is very convenient.

Now that things have happened, your eyes of heaven have seen that it is impossible to defeat me.

Ye Jue shouted, and then offered up the mythical weapon and fought with the Spear of Heaven. The scene was weird and frightening.

Now, no one is not frightened, and all human races are very afraid. This pure-blood human race, which continues the path of mythology, has grown too fast and can no longer be stopped.


In the eyes of outsiders, the clones were still able to fight, and the battle was spectacular, with the arena roaring continuously.

But some people have already seen that the clone is no longer an opponent.

This is the only way to make you disappear forever. Unfortunately, I can't deal with you myself.

Kuroye Zetsu said to himself, moving his hands.

Suddenly the void was distorted, everything in the ten directions was destroyed, and countless void abyss appeared in the heaven and earth, extending to different planes. This was a space-time hole.


The man in black robe suddenly raised his head, seeming to feel something.

Suddenly, a big hand of the void appeared from every abyss of the void, and with a muffled sound, Ye Jue was swallowed up and torn into five pieces.


Dong Minmin screamed.

Ye Jue!

Chen Ya exclaimed.

how come?!

Yang Wenchao yelled.

Because every piece of Ye Jue's body was pulled into the abyss of the void by the big hand of the void, and was divided into five pieces, making it difficult for even gods to regenerate.


Kuroye Jue laughed, extremely happy and happy.

He finally killed the main body!

There are endless layers of void space, permanently closed. No one knows which dimension Ye Jue, who was divided into five pieces, will take turns to go to.

This is an eternal seal, and the body disappears.

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