This is not possible. You should feel lucky that I have merged with you. When I fully recover, you will get great benefits and directly obtain my transformed divine particles.

The weapon spirit girl of the Spear of Heaven shook her head.

When I refined my Apollo, in order to make me a top-notch artifact, I fused a section of the World Tree. If you can find the angel clan's artifact and combine it into one, I can easily defeat the God-Zhanto. After all, this Just a fragment.”

She chatted a lot.

You can't subdue even a single fragment, how can I trust you?

Ye Jue felt that this Heavenly Spear was at least complete.

The God-Zhanbing Sword opposite had been broken into pieces before, but it was still unable to be defeated. It was really surprising.

Because the trauma I suffered is much more serious than that, unless you can replenish me with a large amount of particles for me to swallow.

The weapon spirit girl said helplessly.

Mythical particles, okay?

Ye Jue took out several mythical weapons, all of which were produced by fusion and had been revived.

I have a section of the World Tree that can absorb all particles, but these are not enough to fill the gaps between teeth.

Heavenly Gun nodded.

Such a precious mythical weapon, stuffed between teeth?

Ye Jue was a little reluctant.

These mythical weapons are very heavy to buy. In terms of single weight, they far exceed all kinds of heavy weapons. They look very ancient and may have miraculous powers.

Isn’t it a bit of a waste to be devoured by the gun of heaven?

Bring it to you.

The Weapon Spirit Girl didn't hesitate. She immediately wrapped these mythical weapons and digested them into a pool of molten iron, turning them into primitive mythical substances. The particles were swallowed by her.

After being infused with energy, she buzzed, spitting out dazzling attacks that shot out far away, as if a real dragon was taking shape and trying to escape through the air.

boom! !

The God-Slaying Sword was hit directly and flew far away on the spot.

There is a strange change. Ye Zhanshen's artifact suppresses the God-killing Sword!

Someone saw the sudden change on the field.

This time, the clone Black Ye Jue was directly pressed and beaten by the original body. Every punch broke through the defense, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, shining brightly like the sky, and hitting him like a rag.

After tens of thousands of rounds, I finally got a violent beating!

In the end, Ye Jue still has a rich background!

Everyone in the stands gasped.

Is this war finally coming to an end?

boom! !

At this moment, a demon appeared on the throne in the stands.

This demon is shrouded in black clouds and wears a black gold battle suit. This is the demon god of the third level of hell, Lord Rainstorm.

In ancient times, kings called ministers who were close to them Qing, and some called them Ai Qing.

It means the Demon King's beloved, but this is just a title.

Its real name is Fissure, with a golden crown on its head. Its body is just a super giant crocodile, with feet like a water bird, a tail like a snake, wings like a sickle, and its whole body is covered with green scales.

At this moment, it is like a king preparing for war, patrolling the enemy's territory. When judgment comes, it will release demons to make human beings suffer more, and their souls will fall deeper into hell to support their master.

Even if it dies in battle, the powerful demon soul will be absorbed by its master, allowing it to increase its recovery progress.

For a moment, people were quiet.

That's the demon on the third level...

When the thing they were most worried about happened, people were immediately frightened and all turned silent.

The devil actually came to watch the battle, sitting on the skull throne, his eyes dancing with will-o'-the-wisps, looking down at the audience.

The war actually alarmed the demon. Something is wrong. It came to see which side's soul was going to fall into hell and to revive it completely!

Some people were trembling and couldn't help but make a sound.

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