He lay directly on the ground, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were about to burst. Blood kept pouring out of his mouth. His body twitched a few times and then stopped moving.


Wu Jin was stunned when he saw this, and quickly moved over to check.

The latter's heart had exploded. It was not that he was in a rage, nor that he had made himself angry to death, but that he had just suffered irreversible injuries and his life was at the end.

This is too glass-hearted.

Ye Jue was indifferent, he really just told the truth, not a single lie.

If he hadn't been serious about extracting buffs, how could he be so strong now?

This is all true, but it's a pity that Long Xiaogu doesn't believe it at all and can't understand it at all.

He resented the unfairness of nature and was so angry that he exploded the serious injury just now and made himself angry to death.


Wu Jin stood up expressionlessly, blood spurting out from his body, dyeing the battlefield red.

He heard a burst of cheers. People were excited and excited.

But the cheers didn't belong to them.

it's over.


His body let out wails and burst into pieces with a bang, and armor plates of various extracorporeal technologies burst out.

I didn't expect that it would be carried here and used as a weapon by others.

Wu Jin shook his head and smiled bitterly, completely dead.

His spirit body had not yet broken through and could not be transformed into crystal particles, so it also shattered.


In the sky, dragons roared.

There seemed to be two dragon souls ascending to the sky, forming a black dragon hundreds of meters long, as if made of steel, with dense scales.

This is a trace of the power of the heavenly dragon that resides in their bodies. Now it is unfettered and has returned to the universe.


Everyone was shocked.

Because they all saw the souls of these two people going to hell and being devoured by the devil underground.

The hero's soul is very powerful and can perfectly nourish the demon god's resurrection. One hero's soul can be worth a million souls.

Now the souls of the two heroes fell into hell at once, and each of them felt a wave of depression coming from deep underground.

The real enemy of the pure-blooded human race is about to resurrect.

However, the throbbing subsided again, and it was obvious that the soul was not enough, and the devil was also waiting.

All the high-level officials in Longxiao Mountain showed up.

Many people were shocked to see a group of middle-aged men in military uniforms standing at the highest point of Longxiao Mountain.

Long Shaoqin, Wei Ting, Zhao Yin and other generals all have fluttering military uniforms, stand upright, and have extraordinary temperament.

The space they have there is in the shape of a crystal block, indestructible, and has no fear of any attack.

Why don't you see Black Leaf Jue?

More people searched for the clones, but no traces were found.

No one knew that the clone was outside the divine seal at this time, standing respectfully in front of a blond girl.

The blond girl was sitting upright in the air, truly levitating, and her skin was glowing with a milky white light.

Her face was extremely beautiful and holy to the extreme, as if she were a holy messenger from heaven, sacred and inviolable.

Moreover, he seemed to possess an innate majesty, like a king who ruled the world, towering over all living beings.

Your men are dead.

Immediately, the blond girl opened her eyes and her voice was extremely pleasant.

It can be seen that she carries twelve wings behind her, surrounded by black flames, and the God particles are extremely rich.

However, she is not an artificial mechanical angel, but a real angel. She belongs to the Seraph level and has a very high status.

Dear Lord Twelve-Winged Dark Seraph, those are just two wastes, experimental subjects that can be discarded at any time.

The clone raised its head, the hideous scar on its face was obvious, but its expression was full of respect.

However, there was a hint of surprise in the depths of his eyes.

Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin, they got a Tianlong cell, but they were defeated so quickly?

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