Dong dong~

At this time, the twelve-winged dark seraph's heart throbbed violently.

She immediately showed a stunned expression.

There is something in your body that actually causes my soul to throb.

Her hair was long and shiny, and there was a look of surprise on her face.

Huh? What is it that can attract your attention?

The clone frowned.

I don't know what it is specifically. I need to see him in person. Go and catch him for me.

The Holy Cross in the eyes of the angel girl is very eye-catching.

no problem.

The clone nodded, with his hands behind his back, his black hair falling, and his eyes like thunder and lightning.

He has this kind of confidence because he is now a celestial dragon. This kind of creature is far beyond ordinary races and has evolved to the extreme. It is said to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with gods and has unparalleled combat power!


He stepped into the wormhole and was about to appear, his breath suppressed.


The next moment, the place was boiling.

Oh my god, he is really going to appear, Black Leaf Jue, this aura looks like a real dragon!

A reporter at the scene exclaimed, with a look of fear on his face, but soon a look of excitement and excitement appeared on his face.

I didn't expect it to be so exciting. Maybe I can see the battle between the number one and number two in the world!

Many people exclaimed repeatedly. They were far away from the battlefield. It was still a relatively safe area, where intelligence personnel from various bases gathered.

They all want to get first-hand information. After all, the battle between the replica and the original body has attracted worldwide attention, and all countries are paying attention!

Ye Jue.

There was a chilling atmosphere in the battlefield. Both sides of the battlefield became quiet, and no one shouted anymore.

This is when Long Shaoqin spoke. He didn't want to attract attention. The reason why the entire battlefield was quiet was precisely because of them and the clones.

We are not supposed to be enemies.

He was particularly eye-catching and said this incredible thing.

It seems that Commander Long's original intention was not to start a war with Ye Zhanshen. Unfortunately, fate has played a trick on people. The two sides have reached this point and can no longer live in peace.

Everyone was silent.

Long Shaoqin is also a strong man, ranking in the top 20 on the hero list.

Now he is the strongest leader in all bases and has the most contact with humanoids. He is definitely a wise person.

Next to him were various generals and deputy commanders, all dressed in formal attire and looking like they were not coming to fight at all.

Only his clone is now flying across the sky, glaring at the heroes. There is no doubt that the entire battlefield is shrouded in his terrifying pressure.

What a powerful energy. Even the safe zone here is covered before anyone arrives!

People gasped, Ye Jue's clone showed unknown strength.

You can vaguely see several black divine rings emerging in the sky, about to appear, like gods from legends.

Anyone with some strength can feel the dark and terrifying aura, which is extremely murderous.

Everyone was looking at Ye Jue's body, which was like a ball of flame power as bright as the sun, and it was still dark.

The two of them are changing with each passing day, completely different, and worlds apart.

he came!

Many people exclaimed.

At this moment, a meteorite broke through the atmosphere, the momentum was too great!

Look at the meteorite!

Someone said quickly.

I saw a man with flying black hair standing on the burning meteorite. He had already crossed the cold void of space, passed through the wormhole and approached the ground.

Boom! !

Terrifying fire broke out in the sky, and the meteorite suddenly changed. It turned out to be not a meteorite, but a strange beast that shrank into a ball, making a roaring sound.

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