
Zhengzhengzheng! !

There was another series of golden and iron sounds, as if something was broken.

The sky and the earth became completely dark, because there was no more light shining.

But at the same time, golden and silver flames ignited around Ye Jue, lighting up the dark night like the sun.

But it also illuminated the sights of Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin, letting them know the status of their weapons, making them stunned on the spot.

This is impossible……

Their eyes were wide open, their faces full of horror, and their entire faces were filled with incredible expressions.


Wu Jin knelt on the ground, and all the armor pieces of external technology shattered and disappeared.

He raised his hands in extreme despair, raised the handle of the knife in his hand, and looked at the broken blade with a dull look on his face.

Why!? Why is this happening!?

Long Xiaogu knelt on the ground, his eyes wide open, gnashing his teeth, the veins on his forehead were exposed, and the nails on his hands were embedded in the flesh. He was already doubting life.

His heart was twitching, causing severe pain, and all the strength in his body seemed to have evaporated, and he could no longer use any strength.

He knew that he was about to die, the end was approaching, and the powerful power of the Heavenly Dragon had dissipated without a trace.


Why is this happening? !

Isn't the power of Tianlong invincible?

The Amber Divine Sword and the Slaughter Divine Sword given to them by the Saint are both legendary weapons, and the power of myth has also been analyzed.

But when they were completely crushed, the other party easily shattered their pride with just one palm.

How can this be! !

Why would such a thing happen! !

Long Xiaogu suddenly raised his head, stared at Ye Jue, and shouted in a low voice: Ye Jue, why are you so strong, why!!

Ye Jue's power was completely beyond the imagination of Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin.

Why can the power of myth destroy the Amber Sword and the Slaughter Knife with one palm?

It is simply unbelievable, this is the power to destroy miracles! !

Tell me, tell me!!

Long Xiaogu roared almost madly.

He really couldn't understand it at all!

Why is there such a terrifying existence as Ye Jue in the world?

There is a process for anyone to become strong, but it will never be incredibly strong.

Everyone upgrades to kill demons and explode equipment and skills.

Why are you so strong?

Can you defeat the fourth and fifth heroes on the hero list at the same time?

No one has asked me this question yet.

Ye Jue smiled indifferently, and the release of the Immortal Hand that he turned to Hongjun actually failed. Without the Great Wilderness Sutra, he would not be able to control it at all.

However, the effect is not bad and it is very powerful.

There is no secret. It's all just because I'm diligent enough. If I didn't practice hard for a few seconds every day, I would never be as strong as I am now.

He joked with everyone to lighten the tense atmosphere.

puff! !

Hear it!

The whole audience vomited blood!


Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin were confused, completely confused.

His eyes widened and he looked at Ye Jue in disbelief. His mouth opened wide and he couldn't say even half a sentence.

What do you mean by practicing hard for a few seconds?

Why do you only practice for a few seconds every day?

How many seconds did it take to become so strong?

You actually claim to be diligent enough?

How many seconds of practice is called diligence?


It’s really abominable! !

Long Xiaogu only felt the energy and blood all over his body surge up, his heart was burning with anger, his eyes were red, his whole face was congested, and he felt like his heart was going to explode.

So angry! !

I’m so angry! !

I can not be reconciled……

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up to the sky and spit out a mouthful of blood.

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