80% of the power of the Heavenly Dragon is revived!

Wu Jin also launched the most violent attack.

In front of the blood-red sword light, everything seemed to be made of paper, torn to pieces in an instant.

This was the fourth and fifth strongest attack on the hero list. The scene was astonishing, as if the world was being torn apart.

Boom boom!

Crackling! !

Wherever the sword light passed, the earth shattered, crushing everything. The ground looked like it had been plowed. There were bottomless sword marks, criss-crossing like spider webs.

All the cables buried underground were cut off, there was no electricity in this area, and all the lights were turned off.

Because the sky was already dark at this time, but it did not become pitch black. These energy beams were like bright lights in the dark night, lighting up the surroundings.

Incomparably dazzling, extremely dazzling.

Hahahaha, have you seen it! See it! This is our power!!

Long Xiaogu laughed almost crazily, with an incomparable expression.

Help, someone help me!

Run away!

Crazy, this is an indiscriminate attack, two madmen!

People who were too close to the scene were running frantically for their lives.

These sword and knife lights almost turned them into powder.

People all hugged together with panic on their faces. This had completely shattered their outlook on life. Even their worldview had been shattered. They were all shocked to the extreme.

Hurry up!


We are going to die, we are really going to die!!

Many people screamed in fear.

The current situation is completely beyond their understanding!

They looked at Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin who were holding long swords with great fear, as if they were seeing devils.

Crazy, simply crazy!

President, are you okay?

An acquaintance shouted at the scene, very worried. After all, the situation at the scene was so bad.

I'm fine.

Ye Bing nodded to the man. This was a member of the Peak Base who also came to watch the battle.


Both Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin felt greatly insulted and fell into a state of rage again.

Every time it slashes down, the sword energy and sword energy are like the stars falling from the sky to the earth. The unparalleled sharpness condenses and tears out thousands of violent winds, which are like destroying the heaven and the earth.

Boom boom boom!

The earth is roaring and the sky is trembling.

It seems that everything in time must be surrendered to their weapons.

Everything is unstoppable and no one can bear it! !

Destroy it, everyone will die!!

The sword light cut through the dark night and tore open the sky!

It's like a large lake covering a radius of four to five kilometers has been opened up in the sky!

The light shines brightly! !

The light on the lake and the light on the sword seemed to merge into one at this moment! !

Incomparable power! !

Unparalleled! !

Look, this is the great and sacred external technology, the Amber Divine Sword and the Slaughter Divine Sword. This is the highest honor she bestows on us!

Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin have completely transformed into dragons, with Lin armor appearing all over their bodies and dragging long mechanical tails.

Ye Jue, let all the grudges between us end completely!


But at this moment, the sound of a collision of gold and iron came. It was not loud, but it seemed to be everywhere. It penetrated the void in an instant and spread beyond four or five guilds.

The vibration of the sound caused countless resonances, and even made the earth tremble.

In one breath, he turns into Hong Jun and ascends to the immortal hand.

Ye Jue wrapped the power of turning Hong Jun around his palm and performed a mythical move.

This is a bold attempt that will most likely fail.

With a chi sound, everyone was terrified, because the extremely bright sword light and knife light disappeared instantly, and all the momentum seemed to have disappeared at this moment.

It's like it has never appeared, and it has never shined.

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