Am I right? That's really an angel?

Yang Wen rubbed his eyes hard at those people, almost dumbfounded.

Not to mention the big guys from all over the world, even the closest ones are very excited!

That angel was so beautiful, exactly as every man imagined.

Whether it is the East or the West, it has suddenly become a hot topic!

It's really an angel, but aren't angels all holy in mythology? Why did they fight with Ye Zhan Shen?

Countless people were shocked.

There are endless reports, this matter cannot be hidden, and no one is willing to cover it up.

The appearance of the angel is destined to break the three concepts of the wasteland.

Demons, angels...this is obviously the resurgence of myth!

But why do angels appear in the Eastern world?

People in the Western world don’t understand.

Logically speaking, God’s angels in heaven all come from their own country. Why do they appear in the Eastern world now?

Does this mean that the origin of the Eastern world comes from us in the West?

Someone said boldly.

Fart, you in the Western world reported yesterday that there was an Eastern monkey, suspected to be a great sage. Does this also mean that your origins come from our east?

Immediately some rebuttals couldn't help shouting.

The world is now in chaos, it is unclear, and no one can convince anyone.

The important point is angels. Since there are angels confirmed, let's judge whether they are enemies of pure-blood humans!

Isn't this nonsense? If it is not the enemy, why does Ye War God fight with him?

I would rather believe in Ye War God than believe in some angel.

People are talking a lot, and today's technology can already grasp the specific things happening in a certain place at any time.

However, the battle between Ye Zhanshen and Angel was so intense that it was difficult to capture the scene.

Everyone heard rumblings on the land, lightning and thunder, and pillars of fire emerging from time to time.

Someone confirmed that it was not an angel, but a spirit body made of particles!

The latest information is here. The angel's body is a mechanical angel, and the spirit body is about to collapse!

The God Particle Appears!!

Soon, various information was transmitted to each base city, and everyone looked at everything in shock.

Almost all the feathers on the wings of the twelve-winged angel were plucked out by Ye War God, revealing the bare chicken wings, shining with black metallic light, and the particles were constantly disintegrating.

boom! !

Ye Jue was injured all over his body, but he still had extraordinary fighting power. The 'collider' inside his body was running and blasted towards the mechanical angel again.

This punch directly dispersed the particles hit by the Mechanical Angel!

Preliminary estimates indicate that this mechanical angel's combat power is twenty times that of the Netherworld King, more than ten times stronger than the Demon Baron, and stronger than the Black-Horned Demon!

People were horrified, otherwise Ye Zhanshen wouldn't have fought hard.

Because the battle scene was recorded, everyone can make a judgment.

Now the question is, where did this mechanical angel originate? Since it is a machine, it means it can be mass-produced.

The origin is definitely not the bottomless pit. This mechanical angel just accidentally fell into the bottomless pit, but it is also a living mythical life!

Many people feel a chill running down their spines.

If this angel was just an accident, then there must be more angels out there.

Everyone's fighting power is stronger than that of the black-horned demon, so how can they fight?

Humanity is doomed and will soon decline.

It's easy to judge whether it's an enemy or a friend!

Everyone is muttering.

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