The twelve-winged angel in front of him had a soft light shrouding his body, and his long silky blond hair reached his ankles.

From a distance, Ye Jue could see six pairs of huge white wings sticking out from her back, but they were filled with a black aura, which was a bit scary.

It looks like he really is a fallen angel.

She raised her face slightly and was looking at him. There was no flaw in her exquisite facial features. There was no wave in her pale golden eyes, staring at the hell inscription in his hand.

The sound she made had emotional fluctuations, but her expression did not change at all.


Ye Jue picked up the small slate and let her see it more clearly.

The expression on the latter's delicate face was obviously slightly stagnant, and his gaze tightened.

This thing seems to be our clan's artifact, bring it to you!

The fallen angel said coldly.

She flew over quickly, her wings clanking and clashing together to make a metallic tremble.

No, you are not a real angel, but an artificial angel.

Ye Jue opened his mouth, a little surprised.

Because he saw huge calculation numbers appearing in the eyes of this twelve-winged angel, which was obviously using a personal system.

Moreover, those wings were all made of some kind of metal, and there were electric arcs lingering around them, possessing unimaginable power.

Even if there is no entity, just the incarnation of the spirit body, it still shows how powerful its body is!

boom! !

Ye Jue flew up into the air. Anyway, he had a small stone slab to stabilize his spirit body and started fighting with the angel directly.

Buzz! !

This man-made fallen angel used some super technology. The sky was filled with fire, red flames were everywhere, and the burning void was distorted.

Ye Jue collided with her in mid-air, and the flames surged like a sun exploding. The fierce scene was very shocking.

boom! !

A feather withered from the artificial angel's body, glowing with fire and stained with milky white blood.

However, Ye Jue was also knocked away and almost fell into the bottomless pit.

Make you a god particle again.

Ye Jue roared out, the buffs of the Extraordinary Holy Law and the Heavenly Sphere were merged into one fist, and a black light erupted, which could not only kill the enemy's physical body, but also destroy the spiritual body.


It was like a thunder exploded in mid-air!

The artificial angel directly waved its wings to resist. Those feathers were so sharp that they cut off a piece of Ye Jue's body.

Then her body shook violently, as if she had no advantage in strength, she was directly blasted upwards.

I don't know whether there are gods under the bottomless pit, but this angel wants to take my artifact, so I must defeat it!

Ye Jue covered the wound, which began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The purity of his cells is even stronger than that of the ordinary fearless level, so it is easy to repair this injury.

I heard that angels are good at using healing techniques. It would be even more perfect if they could be extracted using the system.

Look, God of War Ye is coming out!

The outside world is very unquiet.

They saw Ye Zhanshen going deep into the bottomless pit, causing an uproar and sparking heated discussions.

Immediately afterwards, two shadows were seen breaking through the ground, and one of them was actually carrying twelve wings!

What is that, an angel?

Then, the big guys from all sides couldn’t sit still!

Angel? That is a life shrouded in the fog of endless mythology. It is so famous that it is impossible not to touch people's hearts.

Now everyone is paying attention!

Even the Eastern world is no exception, causing a sensation.

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