Pure-blood human race, you have a special physique, and it is incredible that you are not dead even after being seriously injured.

At this time, the injured mechanical angel made a sound.

There is still emotion in his voice, but his face is extremely cold and expressionless.

The little slate in your hand has a lot of history. It may be our clan's artifact. It can revive our clan and is very important to our clan.

said the angel.

Come and grab it if you want it.

Ye was unmoved.

Angels can also seduce people. Even though they are very friendly now, they just used a knife with him, and every move was fatal.

If he hadn't had the immortality buff, he would have been eaten alive.

Pure-blood human, you haven't realized the seriousness of the matter.

Mechanical Angel shook his head.

You are provoking a race that no other race dares to offend.

she said again.

Could it be the group that ascended mechanically in deep space?

Ye Jue said deliberately.

Because he had previously learned that deep space was sealed, and the terrifying existence of mechanical ascension could not interfere with the real world, and could only move in deep space.

Or is it a mythical existence in the dark realm?

He spoke again.

The same goes for the Black Domain. In order to protect itself, the entire space is separated from the real world, and it cannot interfere with the real world to avoid the big weirdness in the universe.

Every terrifying existence that wants to interfere with the world must pay a huge price. Although he doesn't know what the price is, he believes it will be revealed later.

My time is up and I must return to the Bottomless Pit. Since you hold my clan's artifact, our clan will definitely find you and kill you!

The angel said coldly, and the God particles began to disintegrate, turning into many blue stars and flying away, returning to the cracks on the ground.

There is a god under this bottomless pit, which is definitely a strange place, otherwise her particles would not be scattered, even though the body has been turned into a stone sculpture.

What is the name of your clan's artifact?

Ye Jue asked with a frown.

God's gun, annihilate everything.

The mountain forest was in ruins, as if it had been plowed by humanoids with super weapons using warships. Large black cracks several meters wide on the ground were everywhere, and everything was devastated.

Make this place a restricted area, seal all cracks with strange meteors, and no one is allowed to step into the bottomless pit again.

Ye Jue issued a death order.

The shocking event that he holds the artifact in his hand will cause a huge earthquake once it spreads to the outside world!

Fortunately no one heard his conversation with the angel.

In the last life, no angels came. Is it the wasteland in the future, a world where pure-blooded humans have never appeared again?

Ye Jue was puzzled.

This is such a mess of a mentality, and emergencies happen one after another.

However, I finally learned the name of the artifact sealed in the hell inscription, called the Spear of God.

The long weapon he saw above just matched the name.

It turns out to be an artifact of the Mechanical Angel Clan, and the secret has finally been revealed. The Spear of God, just by the name, is extremely powerful.

Ye Jue returned to the base city and stared at the small stone slab non-stop.

At this time, some members of Congress in various bases obviously did not understand the specific situation and were still discussing it.

Pure-blooded humans need allies. Even if they are mechanical angels, they might be able to help us fight against the demons.

You guys are really stupid. Didn't you see that the mechanical angel only kills?

Maybe it was forced by Ye Zhanshen...

After that, many high-level officials were calculating whether thermal weapons could kill them.

There are also authoritative people who have spoken. This time they will definitely anger the Mechanical Angels and will bring disaster to the wasteland in the future!

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