not good!

Ye Jue screamed, the angel statue in the bottomless pit was so weird, it could actually captivate the soul. He pulled his spirit body out from the spiritual platform, and saw that it was a crystalline human form.

You must know that if the realm is not high, the spirit body and flesh and blood are inseparable.

If the spirit body separates at this time, it will be really difficult to return.

He groaned and quickly gathered all his strength to return to his body.

Kid, your soul is very delicious. Can you let me have a taste?

A voice came from the twelve-winged angel statue.

This voice was so magical that Ye Jue instantly saw a sexy beauty wearing white sand and twelve wings lying on the bed on the green prairie, waiting for his visit.

Of course...not good!

In Ye Jue's opinion, this is definitely a terrifying soul-eating monster.

Sure enough, angels are not good things. They also like to devour souls, especially powerful spirits.

The more powerful the spirit is in the wasteland, the more ferociously the demon will revive after falling into hell. A powerful spirit can initially be worth a hundred thousand souls!

He stuck to his will and sacrificed the small stone slab at the critical moment.

There is an artifact sealed in this small stone slab, which is more powerful than the golden liquid. When it appears, the adsorption force disappears immediately.


At this time, blue light overflowed from the twelve-winged angel statue, condensing into a human form.

This human form is a powerful spiritual body, formed from a mysterious blue particle, which is different from the humanoid Chulong particles of Shinhwa Road.

Is this the God Particle?

Ye Jue was surprised.

This world only talks about evolution, not reincarnation!

Some are just transitions in life rankings and changes in life forms.

Strictly speaking, if the essence reaches a certain level, there is no difference between everything in the world.

There is a famous saying after Wasteland: The smallest unit of a human being is a cell, and the smallest unit of a cell is a particle? The smallest unit of a lump of daddy is also a particle, so is there no essential difference between humans and daddy?

Of course this is just a joke, a typical white horse is not a horse.

Infinitely small particles are like small building blocks that can be built into various shapes.

The key is what kind of particle it is!

For example, this God Particle is very powerful in Western countries. To put it simply, God created the world using God Particles.

What is the use of the God Particle?

The answer is to crack the mystery of traveling through the past and the future!

Could this not surprise Ye Jue?

He just came through time travel. Maybe he can find the secret from the God Particle and decipher the truth about why he can time travel!

There used to be a Large Hadron Collider experiment in the world, which searched for the God particle with 600 million collisions per second.

But it was too difficult to catch the God Particle, which required huge calculations, and ultimately failed.

Mere discovery does not capture this kind of particle, because this kind of particle cannot exist and will soon decay and produce new matter.

Therefore, this kind of particle is known as the brick of the universe and the angel of creation.

The spirit body of the twelve-winged angel in front of me may be composed of God particles. This may be another way to become a god, and it may be the closest.

So far, Ye Jue has seen the humanoid early dragon particles of the Mythical Road and the angelic God particles.

Now he once suspected that the golden liquid in his body might be liquefied particles from a certain path to becoming a god. The details are still unknown.

Kid, take what you have in your hand.

The biggest reason for this twelve-winged angel to appear was what appeared in Ye Jue's hand.

She seemed extremely nervous and her eyes were fixed on him.

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