
At this moment, Ye Jue looked shocked. He saw some scenery with clear outlines. This was an ancient palace.

There is a statue inside with twelve wings on its back.

What's this? Angel?

Ye Jue didn't move, just stood here quietly, staring at that place and not daring to go there.

He doesn't dare to dive now. There are too many strange things in the bottomless pit.

For example, this twelve-winged angel allowed him to truly see the true face of an angel.

Angels also appeared in the wasteland of the previous life, but they were only reported and witnessed by some.

Then there was a big revelation that angels have no emotions at all, kill people like crazy, and are more cruel than demons.

In the end, the pure-blood human race perished, and this article has not been confirmed.

Isn't this statue active?

Ye Jue smelled a faint special scent.

It was emanating from the twelve-winged angel statue.

Is this the fallen god?

He frowned and treated her very cautiously, not getting too close.

After all, whether it was an angel or that god, his mind told him that neither was a good thing.

Moreover, it is said that the gods are also in a realm, and the water in it is very deep.

But there is still a bottomless pit under the palace, not to mention that the fallen gods can be seen so easily?

Ye Jue was ready to withdraw.

There is no point in chasing the black-horned demon anymore, he is just defeated.

If he dares to climb out of the bottomless pit again, or if there is information about the target on the ground, he will kill him!


However, when he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a flash of light on the hand of the twelve-winged angel.

This flame of light shone at him, and instantly Ye Jue felt that his spirit body was about to leave his body.

No, my spiritual realm is too low. If I leave, it will be difficult to return to my physical body.

Ye Jue was horrified and would never let this angel succeed.

He started running the golden liquid crazily. The golden liquid had mysterious power and was completely integrated with him. It was distributed in every inch of flesh and blood, blended together and inseparable.

His spirit body was immobilized in an instant, and his super internal power was running in preparation.

These twelve-winged angels were obviously active. They had just attacked his opponent and wanted to take away his spirit body.

Folklore says that hell messengers lead souls to hell. In fact, it is the devil who is devouring the souls. There are also a group of people who go to heaven and enjoy the afterlife. Are they actually eaten by angels?

A terrifying thought arose in Ye Jue's heart.

He was shocked and confused. This kind of thing was unbelievable. It should be noted that before the change of heaven and earth, these were all folklore.

Now, if I think about it realistically, I have witnessed a lot of truths, maybe this is true.

But this may be a fallen angel. If there is a heaven, it will definitely be a combination of the Eastern and Western worlds.

All the gods, angels and gods are within the same worldview.

After all, now that the Mythical Road has appeared on Blue Star, more and more spaces are folding, and the secrets will soon be revealed.

But are there any gods under this bottomless pit?

Ye Jue wanted to find out.

However, this twelve-winged angel had just attacked him, which made him very concerned.

Did he just want to leave, so it was stopping him?

I want to leave. I don't believe you can keep me.

Ye Jue was ready to leave again.

Suddenly, the hands of the twelve-winged angel statue emitted mysterious flames again.

This time it was even stronger than before, instantly making him feel as if his spirit body was being sucked away and leaving his body directly!

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