I'm dizzy. Is Ye Zhanshen masturbating while standing?

In the bright light curtain, people can barely see a figure, standing and masturbating the devil, killing the world!

Isn't that awesome?

someone screamed.

Many people are eager to see the battle scene of Ye War God, but now they are scared to see this scene.

Because they can't learn it at all.

No, that grenade exploded on Ye Zhanshen's body. I saw flesh and blood flying, and it was extremely lethal. It could seriously injure or even kill him, but I ignored it completely?

People were stunned.

When he came back to his senses and looked at Ye Jue again, his armor was all rotten and clanking, but he was fine. He just suffered a severe shock.

You're too brave, you can't learn from it!

Everyone was shocked and speechless.

Ye Zhanshen's fighting method is too unique. He is not afraid of injuries at all, and his collision with the black-horned demon is earth-shattering.

Why don't you die?

The black-horned demon was frightened and angry. His chest was broken and bleeding, and the pain was unbearable.

However, the pure-blooded humans on the opposite side were also covered in blood. They were bombarded by three parties and were also severely injured.

However, this person was still standing and jerking him off, and he could stand firm despite being beaten.

puff! !

As soon as he finished his surprise, this pure-blooded human came over and used the mythical secret method to send it flying into the air.

It's unbelievable. As soon as I was born, I encountered a powerful enemy.

The black-horned demon was extremely shocked. The horns on his head were all broken. He was constantly spitting fire, and sparks appeared from time to time. It was so tragic.

It was originally promised that they would look down upon the land and bloodbath mankind.

He was actually blocked here, encountered an invincible master, and was beaten bloody.

The main reason was that he couldn't stand up to the pure-blooded human in front of him.

Either passively get beaten, or you can only fight with him head-on.

boom! !

Ye Jue came over again, this time killing a hell guard demon, and finally reached level 45.

He is so fierce, and with the immortal buff to keep him alive, he can spend as much time as he wants.

Now that the black-horned demon saw him, he started to retreat step by step, obviously afraid of him.

At this time, the artillery fire finally subsided. Amidst the flames and smoke, many people around the world opened their mouths silently.

They saw Ye Jue chasing the black-horned demon and beating him violently.

Bang bang bang! !

The black-horned demon was beaten until he kept coughing up blood and forced himself to dig into the cracks in the ground.

Ye Zhan Shen is so incredible, can this clone body compare?

Everywhere, people were shocked.

Black Leaf Zetsu is very cruel and inhumane, and his combat effectiveness is also impressive. He can destroy a level 3 base city by himself.

But at this time, people all felt that there was a gap between the replica and the original body.

The Black-Horned Demon turned back and returned to the Bottomless Pit, and Ye War God followed him in!

Outsiders were dumbfounded.

Ye Zhanshen can be described as bold, strong, and unexpected, which is in line with his style and his style.

At this time, Ye Jue had already chased the black-horned demon to the bottomless pit.

This is no longer land, but an absolutely dark abyss, as if there is no bottom.

There was golden light in Ye Jue's eyes. He stared carefully and saw the black-horned demon constantly diving into an ancient land.

That's probably where he lives.

But he gasped because this was not the end at all.

He felt that if he went to explore now, he would be buried in this ancient bottomless pit.

Even if you don't die, you will encounter catastrophe and don't even think about returning to land.

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