Ye Jue felt that the most important thing to pay attention to was to pay more attention to the operation of the robot.

They are not human, but their IQ is comparable to humans, and they also want to be treated the same as pure-blood humans.

If you want to maintain the current status, you also need to operate the sawmill, steam sawmill, ice wall drill, steam ice wall drill, and advanced ice wall drill.

The consumption index is too huge.

Coal shearers, steam shearers, coal mines, steam coal mines, advanced coal mines, carbon cellars are in operation almost every day.

After all, burning super dark power batteries is too expensive, so save money if you can.

Steel mills, steam steel mills, and high-grade steel mills are also working overtime every hour.

The situation they face now is very urgent, once a certain link stalls.

Then the entire base may collapse.

Soon, many more things were developed at the Kitten Research Workstation.

Such as steam hubs, lighthouses, outpost dispatch stations, factories...

They first used steam as the core, and later planned to gradually replace it with dark energy batteries.

So now the base is in a transition period, rushing from the second-level base city to the third-level base city.

Have you finally got it? It must not be easy, right?

Director Wu took the things from Ye Jue's hand with a solemn expression.

Quick! Call all the researchers, I'm going to hold a meeting immediately!

He said excitedly to the researcher behind him with an excited look on his face.

Brother Leg, what is this?

Fatty Qian knew that Ye Jue had been away for four days and had just come back, so he couldn't help but ask.

What is it? This thing can bring new hope, a new future, a brand new future!

Mr. Wu said with disdain.

So, what exactly is this?

Fatty Qian scratched his scalp.

Ancient-level ruins, the super core we have been looking for in Longxiao Mountain, is very 'power-saving'!

Dr. Xiao explained.

What's the meaning?

Fatty Qian still doesn’t understand and is confused about research.

The platinum-level energy core that surpasses gold is equipped with ultra-energy-saving energy efficiency. Now we can easily use super batteries to maintain the operation of the energy tower, and the consumption is at least 3000% lower than before!

Mr. Wu walked back. mean we don't have to burn coal?

Fatty Qian took a breath.

He is no fool!

The base does not need to burn coal to drive!

sky! !

It really is the future! !

Level 3 base city is coming soon!

Wow, wow, you are indeed a leg brother...

Fatty Qian rushed forward, with runny nose and tears.


Ye Jue kicked him away.

He even doubted whether Fatty Qian had a problem with his sexual orientation and liked bear hugs.

Hey, Brother Legs, now the base city is fully operational. All kinds of buildings have been installed. It's perfect.

Fatty Qian laughed.

In addition to the leg brother, he also admired Chen Ya very much. She was so capable and had accomplished so many feats during this period of time.

It was arranged in an orderly manner, as if it were a machine and was running according to the plan all the time.

The outside world also exclaimed.

They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw all the cold-proof facilities in Peak Base City in operation.

They are discussing, researching, and even arranging for international students to come all the way to learn technology.

It's obviously a level 2 base city, but even though the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. It has everything it should have, and also has everything it shouldn't have.

People in some base cities are envious and jealous.

Over time, pinnacle bases will quickly overtake their base.

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