
The energy tower shook, and with a bang, energy emerged and shone on the tower.

The ability tower has been upgraded?

Someone shouted in surprise.

Last time it was a gold-level core. I'm afraid it's a platinum-level core this time, right?

Our base is indeed getting stronger and stronger!

I will never regret reaching the top in this life!

Many people are extremely excited. There are so many benefits brought by upgrading the ability tower.

Just when the peak base is developing.

A terrifying crack emerged in the outside world, like a wormhole, dark, and there was a terrifying large crack in the void. It was a terrifying sight.

It cracked, and the ground cracked again!

This is probably a third-level demon, more powerful than the Hellboy level, and its strength is unimaginable!

Could the devil be born?

Many people were staring there nervously, and various big actions began to be carried out secretly.

Because you don’t know what kind of demon will crawl out of it, so you have to be prepared in advance.

I suggest that the nearest base city should evacuate immediately, abandon the city, and all flee for their lives.

Someone issued a warning.

Which is the nearest base city?

What, it's actually the peak base?

Some people were dumbfounded on the spot.

It turns out that the terrible rift is not far from the peak base. Is this a tragedy?

What kind of tragedy, with the God of War Ye here, what kind of demons and monsters can't be suppressed?

The public immediately retorted.


At this time, Ye Jue arrived first, followed by a group of core members.

What kind of demon is that?

Yang Wenchao was shocked.

He saw the space crack there suddenly vibrating, and a huge palm stretched out and slapped the ground heavily.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and then this demon was about to come, with strong hostility.


Ye Jue took action instantly, with a cold killing intent on his face.

This demon is the guardian of the third level of hell, and he didn't expect it to crawl out.

In terms of strength, he definitely surpasses the Demon Baron.

In his mind, the devil is the enemy of the human race, so he will show no mercy and will go all out to kill the opponent by all means.

boom! !

All attacks landed at the same location, forming a terrifying black vortex that suppressed the demon's huge body climbing onto the ground.


This demon holds his hands against the sky, and he actually has the strength to compete.

Hurry and record it. If we are attacked by this kind of demon in the future, we must be fully prepared.

Big bosses from all walks of life are frightened.

The first time I saw this kind of demon, I was really scared.

At the same time, Ye Jue used the Suoyuan Hand in his left hand and the Corpse Blood Palm in his right hand, using extraordinary holy methods.

A burst of energy boiled, the light burst out, and the demon was directly punched through the body, letting out a long and shrill howl.


When Xu Ziyue and the others found out, Ye Jue had already fought with this big demon. The battle was fierce, and the terrifying purple sword light tore through the tranquility of the night.

Hell Guardian.

Under the moonlight, Ye Jue looked extremely cold. How could he not recognize this kind of devil.

In his last life, when he went out to do a mission, he encountered him by chance and was severely tortured.

The Hell Guard's strength was so amazing that he seemed to be a demon. He could easily kill a level 50 job changer who had activated his spirit body, leaving an indelible psychological shadow on him.

At that time, his physique had only reached the unparalleled level, and he was as weak as a rookie.

But things are different now!


Ye Jue kept punching lightning-like fists, and soon the hell guardian was torn apart and flew in all directions, bringing with it a large rain of blood.

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