The other thing is to build a duel arena. Fighting is strictly prohibited in the pinnacle base city.

If there are any irresolvable grievances, you can go to the duel field to decide the outcome.

Of course, sometimes people die and their bodies are buried in cemeteries. The existence of cemeteries makes many people feel at ease.

Then there is the rescue station, which has a smaller capacity. One rescue station can treat 5 people at the same time and requires 5 mechanical engineers to operate.

Of course it cannot treat serious illnesses, but minor injuries are still fine.

The cold-proof effect of a building like this is definitely not good, so the All Kitty Research Institute developed a mechanical comfort heater.

The heater provides extra supply, and those robots with super AI abilities will feel seriously injured and work harder.

People cannot live without hope, otherwise there will only be death.

Therefore, the idea of ​​thriving and prosperous is what Fatty Money instills in everyone.

Hope is a little light in the darkness.

In the pinnacle base city, the medical clinic has a large capacity. One medical clinic can treat 10 people at the same time.

It requires 10 mechanical engineers to operate and works 24 hours a day. The medical clinic can treat all diseases.

In the wasteland, diseases are most likely to break out. Don't think that just because you have a strong constitution, you won't get sick.

However, those germs also become stronger and can become active in extremely cold conditions.

And because cells mutate, no one can explain the unknown mutations.

Therefore, diseases can break out at any time. If you want to maintain the operation of a city, a well-established medical clinic must exist.

For these medical clinics, Fatty Qian traveled to various bases and acquired a lot of medical technology.

Xinxinshang, the base city, also quickly opened a nursing home to provide resting places for critically ill patients and allow them to receive palliative care.

There is also a kitchen in the base city. The kitchen is a place for cooking and processing raw food into rations.

Due to the large appetite of job transferees, the kitchens and canteens were built to be larger than any other building, and the number of robot chefs and employees was also very large.

With a kitchen, it’s natural to have a hunter’s house.

The hunter's house is mainly responsible for producing raw food.

With a full daily workload, we can produce tons of raw meat.

As for the things they hunted, they were naturally mutated beasts with no intelligence.

These mutated beasts have very strong reproductive capabilities and are very suitable for long-term hunting.

But some mutated beasts cannot be eaten, because they have killed many job changers.

Everyone quickly gained experience and made an edible form.

There is also a vegetarian greenhouse.

Responsible for the production of vegetarian food, the full workload can produce hundreds of thousands of copies, and approximately 30,000 robots are required to continuously work for production.

The operation of the base city is too complex and is not limited to what is mentioned above.

In an environment of -20°C, the ambient temperature is slightly cold, and the human body temperature is livable.

Mr. Wu said.

The new heating energy tower has three levels of coverage, covering three thousand rings of the city and a population of nearly 300,000.

Others that are not in the ring have livable temperatures.

The cyborgs mined just enough coal.

The energy tower consumes 2,000 coal/hour, which is a terrifying number based on usage calculation.

Therefore, dark energy super batteries are of great use at this time.

However, it requires three levels of demon cores to create. In order to maintain the status quo, they must work harder to hunt demons.

Just like this, it is not enough to consume. The daily requirements of the energy tower are too large, and new core changes are needed.

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