Ye Jue came to the Kitten Research Institute.

The Kitten Research Institute has restarted its scientific research work and attracted many scientific research talents.

The development of dark energy super batteries has reached the end.

At this time, Mr. Wu came over with a serious face. This super battery is a new energy source made from the magic core of the third-level demon.

It is suitable for a variety of devices and is more powerful than the old batteries of the past. Such a small piece can power a large snowmobile.


Ye Jue nodded with satisfaction, the dark energy super battery was finally completed.

The weather in the wasteland is extremely cold now, and energy towers are necessary for heating.

President, we need a core for the energy tower, or the most advanced golden core.

Dr. Xiao said.

The coordinates of the ruins have been marked.

She sent Ye Jue a map.

Elite-level ruins? It's too simple.

Ye Jue set off immediately.

Within two days, he returned in a mess.

The golden core was found...

Ye Jue was filled with dust, handed the golden core to Director Wu, and walked towards his residence.

On the way, he saw that the thermal field coverage of the energy tower in Peak Base City was not very good.

Because the building density is too high, it is difficult to achieve balanced heating. This has resulted in many private houses still being in extremely cold temperatures, and it is meaningless to cover some thermal areas densely.

This is because the heating energy tower core in the center of the peak base is not good enough. If this golden energy core is used, these problems will be solved.

To provide heat to the city and increase the temperature, it is necessary to have a heating energy tower like a tall tower.

It stands tall in the middle of the city, with countless robots working inside.

The energy tower is the heating facility for all bases and is indispensable for everyone.

The level 1 base city only has tents built around the energy tower, which can provide shelter for about 10 humans, and the conditions are simple.

Under the heat provided by the energy tower, the temperature energy can withstand about minus 110 degrees.

Tents are the shelter for most people because they use less material, are easy to build, and take up little space.

It's just a bit crude, but everything else is fine.

Upgraded to the level 2 base city, the residences are those work sheds, which can provide shelter for 10 humans. The conditions are average, but there is some shelter.

The temperature energy level of the work shed is twice that of the tent, it uses more materials than the tent, and the temperature it provides is one level higher than that of the tent.

This is important, a temperature higher than 1 level can bring a comfortable feeling, and of course, there are better ones.

For example, the houses in Level 3 Base City are made of wood and steel and can provide shelter for about 15 people. They are in good condition and well-sheltered.

The building itself provides a +3 temperature energy level, uses the most materials, and provides the highest temperatures in a residential area.

This type of building itself can withstand level 4 cooling and has higher material requirements, especially special steel.

A children's shelter was also built, also made of wood and steel, to provide shelter for the children.

And the children's shelter can also be used for studying.

Of course, children can also help speed up research and development or medical treatment. They are extremely smart. After all, they are people born after the wasteland.

The basic building was in place, and there was also an underground entertainment empire. At the request of everyone, Fatty Qian opened a tavern.

There is an unlimited supply of spirits 24 hours a day, which makes people cheer up. After all, wine is always a good thing, it can always make people forget everything.

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