Mr. Wu, what is this?

Everyone around looked at this thing with curiosity.

This cylindrical object is very sacred, emitting a faint golden light. If you look carefully, you will find that the lines on the surface are a magnificent building.

This is the core of the level 1 base system.

Ye Jue said.

That's right, even though it's only a level 1 core, it's still barely usable.

Mr. Wu said with a smile.

It is too difficult to establish a base city in the pinnacle field. It has been attacked before and after. Now that the president has returned and is in charge of the overall situation, it is a good opportunity.

Do you still remember the base that was destroyed? This is the destroyed core, but it was repaired by our joint efforts.

Dr. Xiao crossed his arms and smiled.

It was very difficult to repair the core of this base. After many jams, it was finally completed. It seemed to be prepared for this moment.

Can we establish a base city?

Does this mean we can have our own base city?

Hahaha, isn't that great?

Everyone else was pleasantly surprised and very excited.

Then let's start building the pinnacle base city.

Ye Jue stared at the core of the base and placed one hand on it.

Unexpectedly, one day a real base city will be established...

He showed a strange look, extremely hopeful!


At this time, the clouds and mist in the sky also dispersed, revealing a shocking scene that made everyone stunned.

I saw that the core of the base was activated and instantly rushed into the sky. From the size of a disk, it gradually landed and formed a circular building.

All are virtual buildings, flashing with red light, wrapping the stronghold inside.

This is a very spectacular and magical scene.

The original tents and wooden houses were all transformed into semi-finished products, and huge unfinished high walls appeared around them.

This is just like a drawing. 3D technology is used to create a virtual structural diagram on the ground, and the construction can be completed by adding materials, which is very convenient.

These space bracelets contain a large amount of metal and titanium alloys as well as materials needed to build the base city.

Mr. Wu held other bracelets and shocked everyone.

There is also a mass-level heritage civilization's technology, which at least has defensive and combat capabilities.

Dr. Xiao reminded.

Without further ado, let's take action right away!

Yes, announce to the world that Peak Base City is established!

Calling all members in all lands, please report immediately and return!

The exclamations from the East left many people in the Western world stunned!

Did you directly establish a base city?

Some people's expressions changed, and they had countless reveries.

This pinnacle base city will inevitably become a symbol of some kind in the future.

Perhaps, he will soon become someone they look up to, which is really imaginative.

That's not necessarily true. It might be destroyed soon.

Someone with a dark heart said so.

They don't want others to be kind to them, and hope that this base city will be crushed directly by the slain god's forces.

If I can't get better, don't even think about it. It's better to stay in the dark abyss together.

Many people laughed coldly and made all kinds of cynicism.

Hmph, you people can only be sarcastic and sarcastic, but you will never have a broad vision or a big picture!

When leaders of other bases saw the Peak Base City being established and appearing on the world map, they felt very happy and immediately started talking.

Ask to speak with the leaders of this base city to discuss world events.

Pure-blooded humans have added a lot of combat power, and they are super powerful.

The humanoids had gloomy expressions, and some groups even began to stir up trouble and guide public opinion with malicious intent.

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