There are still some who didn't make it.

Someone mentioned that this made many people sad.

Many people were heartbroken when the big wolf dog was gone. Only after the loss did they realize how important the living treasure was to the guild.

Cheng Xuan is no longer here either. He is the think tank of our guild and a weapons research expert.

Others sighed.

The big break with Long Xiaoshan was so damaging that I still haven't recovered from it.

Hey, did you forget us?

Then, the three beasts in the ancestral court also walked in, and the violent bear, giant cat, and elk also appeared.

What a big cat, what a big bear, what a big deer!

Some people were startled and speechless.

They were wearing battle armor and looked like fighting beasts, and they could actually speak and greet them.

At this time, a man walked in. He was wearing a heavy black windbreaker.

President Ye Jue, long time no see.

The visitor greeted him.


Ye Jue reacted.

I haven’t seen this person for a long time, is he actually Wu Zhen?

The original commander of the S city stronghold and the officer in charge of the evacuation.

After that, he disappeared.

After that... it's hard to describe. In short, I have left Longxiao Mountain and joined the mercenaries.

Wu Zhen smiled bitterly.

You came to me, have you given up?

Ye Jue asked.

He told Wu Zhen that he killed Wu Lei because his son ate demon meat and turned into a walking zombie that could not be cured.

After that, Wu Zhen stopped seeing him and disappeared from his side.

Let it go, I can't blame you for that.

Wu Zhen smiled brightly.

You said you escaped from Longxiao Mountain, do you have any evidence?

Some core members couldn't help but say.

It's no wonder, after all, a traitor named Dong Hu appeared in their peak realm. He rebelled at a critical moment and killed many people.

So they are somewhat distrustful of people in the military.

This is the proof.

Wu Zhen took off his windbreaker.

The skin under his neck was dry and aged, as if it had been evaporated, and many of his ribs were broken.

This is Long Xiaoshan's previous genetic modification experiment. It failed on me, leaving indelible scars. By the way, I didn't do it voluntarily.

He looked calm.


Suddenly, someone stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. Half of his body was exposed, and he looked exactly like him.

Is President Ye Jue here?

At this time, two dusty men walked in outside the door.

At first, the guards refused to let them in, so Director Wu and Dr. Xiao had to identify themselves and get in.

As soon as I came in, I found an old acquaintance, Major Wu Zhen. Now the people in S City gathered together again.

Director Wu, Dr. Xiao, if you don't stay well at Longxiao Mountain, why are you here here?

Ye Jue said angrily.

Longxiao Mountain has now been upgraded to a level 4 advanced base city, and there are so many powerful weapons, which are inseparable from the two of them.

President Ye Jue, we have been ignored in Longxiao Mountain for a long time. You can't blame us. We won't take the blame. All research has been taken over by Zhao Yin. It's not that we can't survive. We've come to seek refuge with you. I won't Don’t you want to accept it?”

Mr. Wu is very thick-skinned.

President, we brought gifts, which are very important to you.

Dr. Xiao also gave Ye Jue a wink on the spot.

It's a dream to have Mr. Wu and Dr. Xiao join the guild.

Chen Ya is very happy.

These two are scientific research giants who master core technologies. Their joining will definitely guarantee the future.

This is the gift.

Mr. Wu opened the space bracelet, and a cylindrical object with a blazing light and a sense of technology appeared on the ground.

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