Therefore, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent!

Humanoids learned to rhyme and rhyme.

We can't let Ye War God's base develop. His combat power is too high, and there are still bodhi trees planted. It's absolutely impossible.

Some humans are really jealous, to the point of being vicious, and want to drop a super bomb to blow up this base city.

Warning! Warning! Super heavy artillery attack detected!

‘Estimated base damage: 90%! ’

Remaining time until contact:

Just do what you say, and there are really super battleships that can't help but take action.

It's so annoying that they attacked us before we were completely built!

Dong Min grinded his teeth angrily.

The wisps of starlight falling from the sky are the preview brilliance of the super heavy cannon, and everyone can see it.

Hey, something is approaching quickly, isn't it the president?

Fatty Qian was extremely surprised. The thing seemed to be a human figure, with a hazy outline and a breathtaking white dress.

Everyone noticed it, and when they looked up, they heard a loud bang.

Then in the dazzling light curtain, a woman with unparalleled grace fell down, with the Bagua jade piece in her hand spinning continuously.

Isn't this Xu Molian?

An acquaintance recognized him.

After all, Xu Mofu once appeared in Longxiao Mountain. Many people saw him and called the big wolf dog a dog monster.

After that, he left with the super battleship of Atlantis to find the secret of his own resurrection.

Now they actually appear here, and they blocked the super heavy artillery. It's really amazing!

Well, Ye Jue, since when did your physique become so strong?

Xu Mofu screamed in surprise immediately after falling down and found that Ye Jue's physique was infinitely close to hers.

How long has it been, can it not shock her?

I had a little adventure elsewhere.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile.

Xu Mofu's body has now reached reality and there is no need to absorb life force.

She is level 60, and her physical quality is not yet at the peak of the fearless level, which is obviously a step below.

The power generated by the 'collider' in his body is enough to catch up with her, and even surpass her.

Okay, okay, it seems like you are really lucky.

Xu Mo's eyes flashed.

Could she not know that there is a Bodhi tree planted in the base now, which makes her beautiful eyes fall out of shock.

It was a living remnant of mythology, and it was covered with Bodhi seeds. It was so tempting.

She has always wanted to know how to become stronger after level 60. Now that she has a way, can she not show up?


‘Estimated base damage: 150%! ’

Remaining until contact:…

Are you done yet, are you still coming?

The giant cat jumped up to the highest point and looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, a huge metal battleship came from the sky and dropped a small Death Star bomb to destroy everything here.

Do you really think we are easy to bully?

Everyone in the Crimson Legion has wings and can fly directly. Every woman has a super battleship that blooms with black light and soars into the sky.

They directly fought with the super fighter in the sky, and the fight was so bright that it almost reflected the sky.

You can imagine how powerful they are now. In a sense, they are all half-demon and half-human beings.

What kind of army is that? It can drive back the humanoid warships and prevent the small Death Star bombs from being dropped.

The big guys who have been paying close attention here are shocked!

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