It is said that a king does not need any burden around him, and he will not waste time on cultivating a certain person. It is enough to be looked up to by his younger brother. This is the king, extremely domineering!

Your king, after seeing him, must immediately kneel down and kowtow, discarding his pride.

Some rebuttals in the comments smiled coldly.

He mentioned that the clone is a cold-blooded and perverted anti-human being. He only needs to be strong. From the beginning, he needs strong people around him to follow him and worship him. There is no need for low-level people like them.

People at the bottom can only look up to the king and be his slaves. The key is that the slaves are willing to speak for them. What kind of truth is this?

The criticism is good. All evil people need a savior. There is no cure for these people. They are desperate. They feel that darkness has arrived, so they do whatever they want and commit the final act of madness.

A well-known thinker and theorist in the world immediately liked it.

He elaborated on a simple fact and wrote a long article:

If the clone of Ye War God wins in this world, the wasteland will be shrouded in darkness, filled with fear and blood. From then on, there will be no sunshine and no starry sky. Humanity will no longer be united and will completely enter the world of darkness and blood. era……

This explains everything objectively and analyzes the key points very well.

Yes, some people are eager to enter this dark world, full of despair and blood, and end up being teased and crushed by demons.

Many people liked this article and criticized those who have dark hearts.

This is something that can't be helped. Those people are already desperate. Despair will spread. They are eager to infect others and make others as unfortunate as themselves.

The comments with the most likes stand out and are full of positive energy.

What's wrong with me just willing to do it?

Hit me, haha!

Are you in a hurry?!

However, those who left messages below are full of negative energy.

They have a very tough mouth, the kind that won't leave until they see the coffin.

Haha, you are a human being. Human beings have their own personality. When people are surviving, they still cannot give up their personality and humanity. This is what humans are. You are no longer human.

This well-known thinker left a message under his article below.

This is very frustrating. When people with no quality compete with people with quality and culture, it is obvious who wins and who loses.

Just one sentence rhymes with a lot of connotations.

The latest information is that Ye War God has returned to the Eastern World and planted a treasure tree in the middle of the stronghold in the peak realm. The golden light is blazing and cannot cover up everything.

Latest information 2, the forces of the God of Death are gathering all their combat power and preparing to attack the stronghold in the peak realm!

Latest information 3, demons from the third level are appearing one after another, and Hellboy-level demons have been sighted many times!

In the evening, the sunset is almost gone, red as blood, and this area is very peaceful.

Even though S city has experienced all kinds of wind and rain, it is still very calm at this time, without wind or waves, reflecting the last sunset, with a twilight atmosphere.

At this time, there were many people standing in a large flat building, all talking about it.

Quiet, the president is here!

At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

Suddenly everyone's eyes were cast in the same direction, with different emotions in each other's eyes.

We are all acquaintances, why are you looking at me so seriously?

Ye Jue walked over and looked at everyone present with his black eyes.

Chen Ya, Xu Ziyue, Yang Wenchao, Dong Minmin, Shen Rou, Wu Yini, Ni Qiuyun, Wang Yanyan, Li Lianxue, Wen Qi, Crimson Legion, etc...

They are all here, but time has left a slight change on everyone's face.

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