This Hellboy-level super-heavy demon roared first, and then rushed over with its huge body.

boom! !

The two collided, and the latter's arm exploded into the bones of the elite.

The demons in the third level of hell are so strong. Ye Zhanshen actually lost to them?

Many people were shocked.

It seems that the greatest enemy of the pure-blooded human race is none other than the devil.

They can't even believe what kind of monsters will come out when hell opens in the future.

Just this Hellboy-level heavy demon injured Ye War God, which shows how powerful this demon god is.

Is the peak combat power of the fearless level only able to touch a Hellboy level demon?

Ye Absolute Demon has a new evaluation.

No wonder pure-blood humans were extinct in the fifth level of hell in the previous life.

These demons are too powerful. Besides him, how should others deal with them?

Even all the major forces felt terrified! !

All the people were watching this battle, which caused a huge stir. Now the whole world is paying attention, and the eyes of the whole world are paying attention!

The strength of the third-level demons has revealed itself, and we, the pure-blooded human race, are still on the verge of crisis.

It is impossible for these humans to remain silent and directly record this scene in detail and publish it to the public.

Absolutely not, don't cause panic.

Some people advise against this.

Nowadays, the pure-blood human race is in a relatively glorious era, and the entire Eastern and Western worlds are developing very powerfully and are very confident.

If the scene of Ye War God being injured by a demon was shown, everyone would doubt his own fighting ability.

When the morale of the army is weakened and many strong men are killed, the gain will outweigh the loss.

Let's continue to see whether Ye War God can kill Hellboy-level demons.

In fact, the Hellboy level is indeed ridiculously strong. If Ye Jue hadn't used the power of the 'collider' to combine various buffs to unleash powerful attacks, he really wouldn't have been able to cure it.


This demon reminded Jianshuo, carrying dark wings on his waist, staring at Ye Jue.

It was hurt again and couldn't calm down.

Being injured by this person one after another is really unbelievable.

On one side is the newly promoted fearless-level powerhouse, and on the other is the baron-level demon from the third level of hell. A big collision begins again.


Ye Jue can punch through boulders with just a single swing of his fist.

It fell on this demon, but there was no real feeling, as if it didn't hit the main body.

Isn't it a demon who cultivated a spiritual body?

Ye Jue was extremely surprised.

The third small realm under the big realm of the spirit body is called Juechen, which uses the soul as the medium to temporarily transform the physical body into an energy body.

When defending against attacks, physical damage can be deflected at the expense of weak pain and mental fatigue.

However, once it is damaged, its part will disappear and wait for the next recovery.

Isn't that too cheating?

Ye Jue worked very hard to raise his spirit body to the second crystal level.

This devil's spirit was actually a level stronger than him, and it was able to use its defensive power so well that it was an eye-opener for him.

However, he quickly shook his head. After the world changed violently again, new demons crawled out of the ground, which would inevitably be accompanied by brutal bloodshed and killing. The strong ones who could not keep up were destined to be eliminated.

He should also plant the bodhi tree as soon as possible, wait for the fruit to mature, cultivate the vajra body, complete the third level of the spiritual body, and make it free from dust.

Pure-blooded humans, hand over the treasure tree.

The Hellboy-level demon looked cold.

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