If you have the seed, come and get it!

Ye Jue sneered.

He and this demon fought fiercely for several days. Both sides were injured and the fight was dark.

All the people were stunned.

This was the first time they saw the power of the devil, which completely subverted their three views.

Aren't all demons manipulated at will?

Yes, how can there be such a terrifying demon?

I heard that this is only the third level. We really can't stay on this planet. The sooner we escape, the better.

These humanoids were completely frightened by the powerful pure-blooded humans and the black-winged demon baron.

They want to stay away from this place of right and wrong, but they are unwilling to do so.

Because they heard the wind, the door to hell opened, and an artifact was definitely born.

However, they searched all over the Eastern and Western worlds and found no relevant records, which made them suspect that the rumors were false.


Almost there.

Ye Jue is about to return, now separated by a sea, these days,

He and Hellboy-level demons fought from the wasteland to a distant coast.

Many forests were razed to the ground, shocking all onlookers.

Human, you want to cross the sea?

The demon baron roared.

One of its arms was taken away, but it is absorbing the nearby hell matter to recover. It is expected to return to its original state in ten seconds.

I advise you to die here. There are more terrifying life forms in the sea.

It smiled coldly.

As soon as these words came out, the humans on the nearby islands immediately felt as if they were facing an enemy and were very serious. Several people actually opened their mouths to explain the matter.

Of course I know what's under the sea.

Ye Jue smiled calmly.

It’s hard to say how many mysterious mutant beasts have evolved in that vast ocean. It’s impossible to count because it’s too vast!

If you cross the sea alone, you will easily be eaten by those monsters.

Give up!

The demon baron sneered.

Suddenly, the melodious sound of a helicopter engine came from a distance, which was particularly pleasant in this bay, passing through the waves and echoing above the sea.

Soon, hundreds of cryo-helicopters and fury bombers appeared in front of them.

Almost every one has the icon of the pinnacle realm, the head of the big wolf dog.

The peak realm...are they here?

Ye Jue's spirit was refreshed, and his heart was filled with joy, sweeping away all the fatigue before, and he was full of energy.


we are coming!!


Before they even got close, there were overwhelming shouts.

They laughed freely and unscrupulously.

The woman in the front has long flowing hair, her roots are crystal clear, and her whole body is emitting a peaceful and sacred light.

She is also very beautiful, with a white and flawless face, but her eyebrows are very cold, making her look a bit strange.

Chen Ya?

Did she survive Antarctica?

Ye Jue saw and heard more familiar voices, Dong Minmin, Fatty Qian, Shen Rou, Xu Ziyue, Yang Wenchao and so on.

Breaking news, all members of the Peak Realm are heading to the open sea to meet God of War Ye!

It's so exciting, such an unforgettable scene!

The report was so fast that it spread directly to all base cities.

Ye Jue also instantly felt that he was in a good state, unprecedentedly good and extremely powerful!

President, we will help you kill the demon!

Someone on the cryocopter shouted, the voice was very excited.

Sizzle! !

Freeze rays were fired at the Demon Baron.

This is a strong homogeneous residual interactive neutron kinetic energy beam, the most advanced directional freezing energy of its time!

Immediately, the Demon Baron was frozen into a statue, and then the Furious Bombers fired dozens of deuterium bombs, each dragging thick smoke, and bombarded the Demon Baron's ice sculpture.

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