Ye Jue's return lasted for four or five days and really caused a big storm.

Now he was walking in a desolate land. What was once a developed city was now a wasteland.

But it is such a place, and there are countless pairs of eyes paying close attention to it.

Ye Zhanshen was blocked again, and a blocker appeared out of nowhere and was very powerful.

Really, are you going to take action against me?

Ye Jue looked at the three acquaintances in front of him, the rocky young man, the female fairy, and the scholar. He was not afraid of the three powerful ones.

Behind them are some bases involved in the Heroic Spirit Project, but they don't know which ones they are.

There is nothing we can do about it. I hope you can stop us.

The fairy sighed.

Her body had been altered and she could not go against the will of 'above'.

I'm sorry.

The rock youth rushed forward like a cannonball.

Feel sorry.

The scholar also had no choice but to kill him.

The three fearless experts teamed up to use the most powerful combination of killing moves.

Then I'll knock you out.

Ye Jue took a step forward, picked up the treasure tree and patted it.


The three fearless heroes deliberately did not dodge and chose to resist directly. They were immediately shot down from mid-air and three deep pits were made in the ground.


The film world is quiet.

The top three who were dazzling in Antarctica at that time are no longer the opponents of Ye War God.


The people behind the top three were silent, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Isn't this normal?

Ye Jue shook his head and said.

There is a 'collider' in his body, and when it collides, his strength is infinitely close to the peak of fearlessness.

The top three are only in the early stage of fearlessness, and their physiques are estimated to be between 300 and 400 times. How could they be his opponents?

Anyone else want me to fix it?

He clenched his fists, asked the whole world, left here decisively, and returned to the east.

Of course, the record in this report still sparked heated discussions around the world.

Many ancient heroic spirits who were eager to try immediately retreated. They did not want to be knocked unconscious by Kazuki. As long as they had the slightest killing intention, it would be a direct disaster.

It seems that from now on I can only think of ways to please Ye War God. The bodhi seeds on the treasure tree are good treasures for cultivating physical fitness. It would be perfect if I could exchange a few of them.

The ancient heroic spirits sighed.

They figured out that Ye Jue's combat power was probably at the peak of the fearless level. He was simply unbeatable and far from his opponent.

I know there are people with evil intentions, and the abacus is on my head, waiting for me to settle the matter.

Ye Jue carried Baoshu and left as if strolling around, leaving behind some words that made the big bosses feel numb.

Soon after, people heard that Ye Zhanshen stepped into the mysterious mountains formed by the folding of space.

This mysterious mountain range appeared in the main space of Blue Star along with the wasteland. Like all forbidden areas of life, it is a forbidden area.

Ye Jue did not stop for the simple reason that it would take too long to avoid it.

It's better to find a way to cross over, in case there is any weird existence inside, and then act according to the situation.

Latest news 1, it has been three days since Ye Zhanshen entered the restricted area of ​​life!

Latest news 2, Ye War God came out from the other end, seriously injured, and took out a armor that he had never seen before!

Latest news 3, the demon is coming, it is a Hellboy level that surpasses the Hell Lord level, a super heavy demon!

The others were paying attention to Ye Jue, and they all had strange expressions on their faces.

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